Ask questions to get information. Use the words in brackets

Example: There are (were) many churches in this town (your town).

Are –

there many churches in your town?

Were –

A: 1. There are (were) a lot of bridges over the Thames (the Tura). 2. There are (were) a lot of monuments in Tobolsk (in your town). 3. There is (was) a computer class on the ground floor (a dean’s office). 4. There are (were) fifteen departments at our University (at our Institute). 5. There are (were) a lot of English-Russian dictionaries in our library (in the reading-hall).

Example: There will be a lecture on Mathematical analysis.

Will there be a lecture on Mathematical analysis?

B: 1. There will be five exams this spring (next term). 2. There will be many dictionaries in our library (our reading-hall). 3. There will be many students at the lecture (at the seminar). 4. There will be a seminar next week (in a week). 5. There will be a meeting in this room (in the hall).

Disagree with the following statements

Example: There will be a lecture on Theoretical Mechanics.

There will not be a lecture on Theoretical Mechanics or

There will be no lecture on Theoretical Mechanics.

1. There is a text on this page. 2. There is a secretary at the dean’s office. 3. There were English classes yesterday. 4. There were some students at the conference. 5. There will be some mistakes in my test. 6. There will be a church in this street. 7. There will be many exams next summer.

Translate into English

1. В нашем городе много красивых и новых зданий. 2. В центре города находится новая библиотека. 3. В нашем университете пятнадцать факультетов. 4. В нашем институте учится около 1300 студентов. 5. В нашем доме было много старой мебели, но в следующем году будет два новых дивана и четыре кресла. 6. Рядом с нашим домом скоро будет новый микрорайон. 7. В нашей новой кухне будет холодильник, кухонная стенка и стол. 8. Вчера на лекции было много студентов. 9. Весной у нас будет пять зачетов и три экзамена. 10. В нашем университете больше пятидесяти специальностей. 11. На втором этаже висит расписание занятий. 12. В библиотеке много книг, журналов и словарей. 13. В моем тесте по английскому языку было допущено десять ошибок.



Study the scheme, read the sentences, translate them into Russian

Example: It is ten to twelve. – Без десяти двенадцать.

It’s seven fifteen. – Семь часов, пятнадцать минут.

It’s eleven sharp. – Ровно одиннадцать.

Ask questions to get information. Use the words in brackets -

1. It’s a quarter to twelve. 2. It’s twenty minutes to twelve. 3. It’s half past eleven. 4. It’s a quarter past twelve. 5. It’s ten sharp. 6. It’s three o’clock. 7. It’s half past eight. 8. It’s three fifteen. 9. It’s two thirty. 10. It’s ten past eleven.

Tell in English

A) 8.05; 8.10; 8.15; 9.20; 9.25; 9.30; 10.00; 10.35; 10.40; 10.45.

B) 1. Без двадцати двенадцать. 2. Без четверти три. 3. Половина пятого. 4. Четверть седьмого. 5. Десять минут второго. 6. Ровно двенадцать часов. 7. Без четверти девять. 8. Семь часов тридцать пять минут. 9. Одиннадцать часов сорок восемь минут. 10. Половина четвертого.

a.m. (ante meridiem) – до полудня; e.g.: 10 a.m. – Десять часов утра. p.m. (post meridiem) – после полудня; e.g.: 6 p.m. – Шесть часов вечера. midday - двенадцать часов дня, полдень. midnight - двенадцать часов ночи, полночь.

Study the time-table. Make a time-table for your working day

½   I wake up at 7 o’clock every morning.
¾   My lessons begin at 8 o’clock in the morning.
¿ I am at the lesson at 9 a.m.
·   I have lunch at the university canteen.
¸   I go to the library at 2 p.m.
¹   My lessons are over. I am free. I go home at 3 o’clock.
º   I do my homework at 4 p.m.
½   I have dinner with my family.
¾   I meet my friends.
À   I go to bed.

Ask your partner about his/her working day

Example: - What time do you usually wake up?

- Usually I wake up at 6 a.m.

- When do you usually have breakfast?

- ……

Match English and Russian words

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Пятница Суббота Понедельник Четверг Воскресенье Среда Вторник

Answer the questions as in the example

1. When is your birthday this year?

2. What is your lucky day of the week?

3. What is the hardest day for you?

4. What day of the week do you like?

Example: This year my birthday is on Wednesday. My lucky day of the week is Thursday. The hardest day of the week for me is Monday. I like Friday.

My Day

Study the vocabulary. Read the words aloud


usually ['ju:ʒ(ə)lɪ] – обычно

sometimes ['sʌmtaɪmz] – иногда

enough [ɪ'nʌf] – достаточно

shower ['ʃəuə] – душ

always ['ɔ:lweɪz] – всегда

only ['əunlɪ] – только

never ['nevə] – никогда

cloakroom ['kləukrum] – гардероб

as a rule [æz ə ru:l] – как правило

canteen [kæn'ti:n] – столовая

twice [twaɪs] – дважды

team [ti:m] – команда

gymnasium [ʤɪm'neɪzɪəm] / gym [ʤɪm] – спортзал

to go round – бродить, гулять

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