Read the words, translate them into Russian

Classical ['klæsɪk(ə)l], piano [pɪ'ænəu], Mathematics [‚mæθ(ə)'mætɪks], student ['stju:dənt], address [ə'dres], sport [spɔ:t], hobby ['hɔbɪ], Physics ['fɪzɪks].

Read the text about Helen Pavlova. Find the words from the vocabulary in the text. Look up the unknown words in the dictionary

My name is Helen. My surname is Pavlova. I’m seventeen. I study at the university. I am a first-year student of Tyumen State University. My address is 11 Profsoyusnaya Street. My phone number is three-seven-double five-nine-eight (37-55-98).

I live with my family, that is, my father, my mother and my eleven-year-old sister Masha.

My father is a programmer and my mother is a housewife. Masha is a schoolgirl. We have a dog and, like many people, a cat.

I like all kinds of sport. My favorite hobby is swimming; I go to the swimming pool three times a week.

I enjoy watching TV and I’m also fond of reading and cycling. I like listening to classical music very much. I can play the piano.

My favourite lessons are Mathematics, Physics and English.

Find the correct answer to the question

1. What is Helen’s surname?

Her surname is a. Pavlova b.Petrova c. Polyakova

2. How old is she?

Helen is a. fifteen b. seventeen c. nineteen

3. Where does she live? What’s her address?

Helen lives in a. Respublika Street b. Lenina Street c. Profsoyusnaya Street

4. What is Helen’s telephone number?

Helen’s telephone number is a. 37-55-90 b.34-55-90 c. 37-88-90

5. What does Helen’s mother do?

Her mother is a a. teacher b. accountant c.housewife

6. What does Helen’s father do?

Helen’s father is a a. engineer b.programmer c. designer

7. What is her sister’s name?

Her name is a. Masha b.Sveta c. Oksana

8. What music does Helena like?

She likes a. rock music b. popular music c. classical music

9. What is Helena’s favorite hobby?

Her hobby is a. reading b. swimming c. dancing

This is the first day at the university and students try to know each other. Read the dialogue, act it out

- Hello! My name is Simon, and what is your name?

- Hello, Simon, my name is Masha Smirnova. What is your surname?

- My surname is Sokolov. How old are you, Masha? I am seventeen years old.

- I am seventeen years old too. Where do you live?

- I live in Permyakova Street, and where do you live, Masha?

- I live in the centre of the city in Lenin Street. Do you like to listen to the music, Simon?

- Yes, I do. I like to listen to classical music, but sometimes I listen to rock music.

- Oh, that is nice! Well, the lesson starts, let’s go to the classroom.

- Let’s go.

In pairs, compose the dialogue asking each other as many questions as possible. You have 5 minutes to get ready. Act your dialogue in front of the class

Study the table


Личное местоимение Present Simple Past Simple Future Simple
I (я) am [æm] was [wɔz]   will be  
We (мы)   are [a:]     were [wɜ:]  
You (ты, вы)
They (они)
He (он) She (она) It –неодуш. (он, она, оно) is   was  

Example:He is a student. – Он (есть) студент.

They were students. – Они были студентами.

We will be students. – Мы будем студентами.

Say the same sentences about persons or subjects given

In brackets

Example: I am here (my friend, parents, Masha).

My friend is here.

Parents are here.

Masha is here.

1. I am late (he, you, they). 2. He is good at languages (you, Mary, I). I am Russian (we, Kate, he). 3. I am fond of music (my friend, my parents, you). 4. I am a first-year student (he, you, my sister). 5. We are at home (my cat, I, my brothers). 6. My father is busy (teachers, I, a boy). 7. We are proud of our University (I, she, my parents). 8. I am happy (she, you, they). 9. I am tired (my mother, you, girls). 10. She is cold (you, I, my dog).

Say what was in the past using the words given in brackets

Example: I am in Tyumen (a year ago).

I was in Tyumen a year ago.

1. My friend is fond of reading and cycling (some years ago). 2. They are pleased with their travelling (last summer). 3. Our teacher is always busy (yesterday). 4. I am good at mathematics (when I was at school). 5. The girl is afraid of darkness (when she was a child). 6. My friends are school-leavers (two years ago). 7. Her mother is a teacher (some years ago). 8. My father is a programmer (five years ago). 9. My sister is afraid of mice (when she was a little girl). 10. You are on duty today (yesterday).

Say what will be in future using the words given in brackets

Example: I am in Tyumen (in a week).

I will be in Tyumen in a week.

1. I am free (in a day or two). 2. She is a student (next year). 3. We are busy (on Monday). 4. Our dean is at his office (in ten minutes). 5. We are at home (at three o’clock). 6. Our new building is very nice (in a year). 7. She is busy (tomorrow). 8. The English students are here (next week). 9. His work is well-done (tomorrow). 10. My brother is in London (in some days).

Say it in English

1. Я – студент(-ка) первого курса. В прошлом году я был(а) школьницей (-ком). 2. Я – из маленького городка. В Тюмени я буду арендовать квартиру. 3. Мои родители – учителя. 4. Мой отец всегда очень занят. 5. Моей сестре – двенадцать лет. Она очень хорошая ученица. 6. Я увлекаюсь музыкой и спортом. Моя сестра увлекается поп-музыкой. Она не интересуется классической музыкой. 7. Мне хорошо дается математика, а моя сестра способна к языкам, но ей не дается математика. 8. Мои родители сейчас дома. Вчера их не было. 9. Я никогда не опаздываю на занятия и не буду этого делать. 10. Я собираюсь стать математиком (физиком, химиком, биологом, географом).

Study the table

Вопросительная и отрицательная форма предложений с TO BE

+ ?
Present Simple S + am / is (isn’t) / are not (aren’t) Am / is / are + S
Past Simple S + was / were not (weren’t) Was / were + S
Future Simple S + will not be (won’t) Will + S + be

Example: She is not a doctor. – Она не доктор.

Is she a reporter? – Она журналист?

It won’t be difficult. – Это не будет сложным.

Will it be interesting? – Это будет интересно?

13. Fill in the gaps using Present, Past and Future Indefinite of the verb to be in the negative or interrogative forms

1. My sister … … at home tomorrow because she will be at her friends’. 2. … you … at school next week? 3. … your father at work yesterday? 4. My brother … ill last week but now he … … ill. 5. Where … your mother now? – She is in the kitchen. 6. Where … you yesterday? – I was at the cinema. 7. Where … your books now? – They are in my bag. 8. … he … in Tyumen the day after tomorrow? 9. What … your surname? 10. How old … you, Masha? - I am seventeen years old.

14. Translate from Russian into English using the verb to be in Present, Past and Future Indefinite in the negative or interrogative forms

1. Ты будешь дома завтра? 2. Она была вчера в Университете? 3. Моя мама вчера не была на работе. 4. Мне не нравится езда на велосипеде. 5. Сколько тебе лет, Вася? 6. Как твоя фамилия, мальчик? 7. Ваш преподаватель иностранного языка дружелюбный и великодушный? 8. Я уже не студент первого курса. 9. Меня не будет завтра на занятиях. 10. Нашего декана завтра не будет в офисе.

Study the table


Местоимение Present Simple Past Simple Future Simple
I (я) We (мы) You (ты, вы) They (они) have (not) / (haven’t)     had (not) / (hadn’t)     will (not) have (won’t have)
He (он) She (она) It (он, она, оно) has (not) / (hasn’t)

Example:I have a brother. – У меня есть брат.

I haven’t a cat. – У меня нет кошки.

She has blue eyes. – У нее голубые глаза.

He has not a book. – У него нет книги.

16. Use to have (have got) in the Present Indefinite in the negative or affirmative forms

1. They like animals. They … … three dogs and two cats. 2. They … … a very nice flat in Tyumen because they live in Surgut. 3. His mother is a housewife and she … a lot of work to do about the house. 4. Sarah … … a car. She goes everywhere by bicycle. 5. I can’t open the door. I … … a key. 6. Quick! Hurry! We … … much time. 7. I’m not going to work today. I … … a bad cold. 8. «What’s wrong?» «I … … something in my eye». 9. Julia wants to go on holiday but she … … any money. 10. Ben doesn’t read much. He … … many books at home.

17. Use to have (have got) in the Past Indefinite in the negative or affirmative forms

1. Yesterday we … … an English lesson because our teacher was ill. 2. They … … a test on Physics last week. 3. Alice went to the dentist because she … … a toothache. 4. I … a dog and a cat in my childhood. 5. It was a nice house but it … … a garden. 6. I … a lot of money last month. 7. I … a lot of free time last summer. 8. Charles wasn’t happy. He … a lot of problems. 9. We … modern computers in our classroom at Tyumen State University. 10. Julia wanted to go to the concert but she … … a ticket. 11. I ... many swimming trainings last year.

18. Use to have (have got) in the Future Indefinite in the negative or affirmative forms

1. His father … a farm in the North of England because he is a rich man. 2. I … a lot of problems with my exams if I study properly. 3. Next year I … many friends at the university. 4. Tomorrow my family … a lot of work to do about the house. 5. My modern flat … a kitchen, a sitting room, two bedrooms, a bathroom and a balcony. 6. I … my free time on Sunday because I’m going to visit my relatives. 7. My mother … breakfast at six o’clock tomorrow. 8. My brother … a shower after me in 15 minutes. 9. I … a new TV-set only next year. 10. My friends and I … a cup of tea in the evening. 11. The students of TSU ... practical classes because the professor is on the scientific conference. 12. I ... a lot of home work in English tomorrow.

Study the table

Вопросительные предложения с глаголом TO HAVE / HAVE GOT

Present Simple Have S (I, we, they, you) got? Has S (he, she,it) got …? Do S have…? Does S (he,she,it) have ?
Past Simple HadS got… ? Did S have… ?
Future Simple ______ Will S have…?

Example: Haveyou gotany questions? / Do you have any questions? – У вас есть какие-либо вопросы?

Hadshe gotthe keys? / Didshe havethe keys? – У нее были ключи?

Will you have time tomorrow? – У вас будет завтра время?

20. Use to have (have got) in the interrogative form

Example: Have you got any brothers or sisters?

Do you have any brothers or sisters?

1. … she … a family of her own? 2. How many children … your parents …? 3. … students of our groups … many English classes a week? 4. … our teacher … much paper on the desk? 5. … your friend … many good books at home? 6. … Tyumen … any historical places? 7. … your boy-friend … an English-Russian dictionary? 8. … he … many relatives in this town? 9. … we … a math lesson in the time-table? 10. … our University … any computer classrooms for students?


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