Tips for the job interview preparation

advisory advisable advertised advent advantage (2) advice adversary add advanced

With the rate of unemployment ever increasing it seems wise to follow some (1) ___concerning job interviews. Those seeking job opportunities should check the (2) ___ pages of newspaper for jobs on a regular basis. They should also ask their friends and family about vacant positions since about 60 per cent of vacancies never get (3) ___ in newspapers. They can also contact state or municipal (4) ___agencies dealing with employment.

The (5) ___of computers produced many jobs suitable for people with impaired mobility and other health problems, or mothers having young children. For them, working from home may be a great (6) ___.

Your ability to use the computer on an (7) ___level may definitely be regarded as an (8) ___. It is also (9) ___to be honest about your range of qualifications and skills – neither to exaggerate nor to underestimate them. Do not regard the interviewer as your (10) ___:actually he is as willing as you are that you perform well in the interview.


1.advice2.add3.advertised4.advisory5.advent6.advantage 7.advance 8.advanced 9.advisable10.adversary

8.Образуйте соответствующее однокоренное слово.


Work has become a more important personalidentify (1) tag supplanting the three tradition (2) indicators of our unique (3):faith, blood and place of origin. As geographical roots have weak (4), religious affiliations have diminished and the extend (5)family has dispersed, how we spend our labor (6) hours has become a more importantwindow into our souls.

This trend reflects and strong (7) a desire for work which brings personal fulfill (8), for work we are proud of. If work brings not just come (9)but identity, then the choose (10) of job becomes critical. But the new salience of work has come with a price: more people feel secure (11); the need to keep pace with change is tiring and stress (12); white-collar workers are putting in longer hours – with potentially damage (13) consequences for their children.

Once we admit the center (14)of work to our lives, it might be harder to deny the negative effects of losing the job or facing temporary employ (15). But love for the job is not something expressed open (16). We tend to moan and complaint (17) about our job, especially to our colleagues.


1. identity 2. traditional 3. uniqueness 4. weakened 5. extended

6. laboring 7. strengthens 8. fulfillment/s 9. income 10. choice 11. insecure 12.stressful 13. damaging 14. centrality 15. unemployment 16. openly

17. complain

15.Соотнесите названия профессий из первой колонки с их определениями во второй.


In many cases it is not the job that counts nowadays but its impressive description. Try to guess the modern names for conventional jobs:

1.Cleaner a)Chief Imagination Officer
2.Telephonist b)Voice Data Executive
3.Tea Lady c)Environment Technician
4.Creative Assistant d)Catering Assistant
5.Filing Clerk e)Office Logistics Coordinator
6.Photocopying Clerk f)Data Storage Specialist
7.Post-room worker g)Reprographic Engineer
8.Typist h)Digital Data Executive


1.c2.b3.d4.a5.f 6.g7.e8.h



11.Образуйте соответствующее однокоренное слово.


Tips for the job interview preparation - How many fame (1) caramel-colored soft drinks can you think of? Probably no more than five. There have been practice (2) no innovative products in the last few decades. Why then do manufacturers annual (3) spend millions of pounds on promote (4) of their products? Surely, their custom (5) would still buy them without the commercials. In fact, due to the lack of compete (6) advertising campaign focuses on the maintain (7) of the products’ popularity rather than their promotion. The produce (8) are quite satisfied with their share of the market, and their only aim is to prevent its reduce (9) rather than interference of compete (10).

Commercials help to keep a product fashion (11), and this courage (12) people to buy it. If act (13) in commercials are not wearing the late (14)fashion, young people may think that the product is no long (15)“cool” and may make a decide (16) not to buy it. Advertisementsdoubt (17) have a power (18) effect on what people purchase, and it is a persuade (19) way to convey a message about the product in order to fresh (20) public’s interest in it.



6.competition 7.maintenance8.producers9.reduction10.competitors



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