How should the application forms be filled out?

When you apply for a job, you are usually asked to send an application form as well as your resume (CV) and a cover letter (application letter). Companies like to have standardized forms containing information about candidates. This makes comparison simpler and also makes it easier for a company to have candidates for an interview. It is very important that you fill out all your abilities and skills in the spaces provided. Writing a resume one shouldn’t forget:

a. always give your age and marital status.

b. provide a current address and phone number.

c. always use your friends as references.

d. list all your employment experience.

e. always include copies of personal references.

f. use a reliable, non-gimmicky e-mail address.

Remember, your resume is an employer’s first impression of you, so it is very important that you fill in the form accurately. Read the form very carefully and answer each question honestly and accurately. Show employers that you are able to follow instructions. Answer all questions as precisely and concisely as you can. Do not leave any sections blank. If a question does not refer to you, simply write “not applicable”. Proof read your application before you turn it in.

Задание7. Прочитайте резюме. Расскажите об основных фактах биографии соискателя.


Date of birth 7 August 1972

Nationality British

Address 62 Hanover Street

Edinburgh EH2 5LM


Telephone 031 499 0237

1992 to present:Scottish Wildlife Trust.Department of Public Relations.Responsible for writing articles on all aspects of the trusts activities an ensuring their redistribution to the press.Editor of Trust’s monthly journal. In charge of relations with European environmental agencies.

Summers of 1990 and 1991:Three-month training period with the Glasgow Herald. Assistant to the sports editor.

Summer of 1989:Sales assistant in the record department of Harris Store Ltd., Edinburgh

1991 -1992: London Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Diploma in Public Relations University of London BA (Honours) in Journalism and Media Studies (class II) Fettes College, Edinburgh A-levels in German(A), English (B), History(B) and Geography(C)

Sports: Cross-country skiing, rock-climbing and swimming. Secretary of the local branch of ‘Action’, an association organizing summer camps for disabled children.Grade 3 ski instructor.

Driver’s license.

IBM PC user.

Fluent German and good working knowledge of French.

Geoffry Williams, Dill Denholm,

Professor of Journalism, Sports Editor,

University of London Glasgow Herald.

Задание8. Какиеизперечисленныхнижепунктовявляютсяобязательнымидлярезюме?Приответеиспользуйтевыражения:Your resume should be … Make sure …. You should …. You don’t have to …address … You have to … It is advisable to … Youshouldn’t …. Weadvise…

Задание 9. Является ли последовательность пунктов резюме правильной. Если нет, внесите необходимые изменения.

1. Include a brief outline of your hobbies and interests.

2. Provide the names of three references who can be contacted by a prospective employer.

3. Include your name, and current address, e-mail address, and telephone number(s).

4. Outline your educational history starting with your most recent studies.

5. Include other training and courses that you have taken.

6. List your work experience starting with your most recent employment.

Задание 10. Прочитайте резюме и дополните егодеталями собственной биографии, внеся необходимые изменения.

  MonikaVazHermanstrasse 16 Koln, 50850 Germany Tel.0049 221 5036887 e-mail: mvas@ Objective: seeking a position of responsibility in the field of Direct/Internet Marketing Employment History 2004 to date: _______________ Phoenix Media, Hamburg, Germany. Planned and developed direct mail campaigns for major clients in the retail sector. Advised on internet marketing strategies. Conducted in-depth ______________. Organized company participation at various media and direct mail events and _________ of Phoenix products and services. 2003 – 2004 : Assistant Sales Manager. MSV – Business Services. Amsterdam, Netherlands. Responsible for finding new clients, managing key accounts and ________. Qualifications 2000 – 2003: Graduated from the University of Vienna with an Honours Degree in Sales Management. Main course components: sales and marketing, accounting, European business law, media studies, economics, and information technology. Options: _______ and ___________. Awarded high school leaving certificate from Vienna Schule, majoring in economics. Other Skills Computers: Experience in programming in ____________. Flash and Dreamweaver, MS Office, SAP Languages: Mother tongue German. Fluent French and English, _________in Italian. Personal interests Sports: _______ and snowboarding. Hobbies: music (jazz piano) and theatre (member of an amateur theatre group) References 1. Professor JudginDrexer, University of Vienna. 2. Norman Achillas, President of the European Marketing Foundation.

Задание 11. Прочитайте объявление о приглашении на работу в большую финансовую компанию. Прочитав два резюме, скажите, кто претендентов является наиболее подходящим кандидатом.

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