Foundation, designer, production, elevator, equipment, formation.

Задание II

А. Подберите синонимы к словам, обозначенным цифрам

1. construction

2. house

3. design

4. branch

5. appear

6. profession

7. separate themselves from …

8. foundation

9. to apply

10. modern

a) building

b) project

c) cottage

d) come into use

e) field

f) occupation

g) basis

h) branch off

i) present-day

j) to use

k) palace

l) structure

Б. Подберите эквиваленты к словосочетаниям, обозначенным цифрами:

1. various a) разделять, делить

2. divide b) появляться

3. appear c) разный, различный

4. key figure d) ключевая фигура

5. communication e) общение

В. Отнесите термины со следующими выражениями:

Nuclear engineering, engineering, civil engineering, military engineering, mechanical engineering.

1. … is a science which deals with design, construction and operation of structures, machines, engines, devices used in industry and everyday life.

2. We call … … the art of building houses, palaces, temples and other structures.

3. … … includes the building of fortifications and military devices.

4. … … deals with the design and construction of steam engines, turbines, air-conditioning, and refrigeration devices.

5. … … is based on atomic physics.

Задание III

А. Найдите в тексте прилагательные в различных степенях сравнения и определите степень.

Б. Найдите в тексте предложения, в которых использованы модальные глаголы или их эквиваленты.

В. Найдите основу каждого простого предложения (подлежащее и сказуемое) в первом предложении текста. Определите время, вид и залог сказуемых.

Задание IV

А. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на различное значение выделенных слов:

1. An electric currentcan be alternative or direct.

2. The currentin mountain rivers is very strong.

3. If you read newspapers regularly, you will know all currentevents.

4. We must provideall necessary conditions for the experiment.

5. Old people must be providedfor by the state.

6. Students get grants providedthey are full-time students.

Б. Завершите предложение в соответствии с содержанием текста

Electrical engineering is divided into ……… .

В. Выберите предложение, смысл которого не противоречит содержанию текста.

1. The word “engineering” has many meanings.

2. There are some Russian equivalents of the term “engineering”.

3. The art of building was known hundreds years ago.

4. There wasn’t any other branch of engineering besides civil engineering at the times of the Roman Empire.

5. The profession of civil engineer deals with many branches of national economy and science.

6. Electrical engineering is older than mechanical engineering.

Задание V

Выполните письменный перевод текста.

Unit 3

Подберите русские эквиваленты следующим словам и словосочетаниям, содержащим интернациональные корни:

Form, electron, classical, transformation, transistor, industrial, physical, technology, electricity, control, design, radio, radar, period, experiments, transistor.

Прочитайте текст. Пользуясь словарем, определите значение незнакомых слов и выпишите их в тетрадь.


Electronics is the science of electronic phenomena, devices and systems. It describes and applies the flow of electrons emitted from solids or liquids passing through vacuum, gases or semiconductors. Electronics as a science studies the properties of electrons, the laws of their motion, and the laws of the transformation of various kinds of energy through the media of electrons. The basic elements in electronics are the electron tube and the transistor.

While physical electronics is the science of electronic processes, industrial electronics deals with the technology of design, construction and application of electronic devices. The industrial applications of electronics include control gauging, counting and measuring, speed regulations, and many others.

The invention of electronic device is known to have become a new important phase in the development of electrical engineering. It considerably enlarges the application of electrical energy for various industrial purposes. The invention of the vacuum tube made radio broadcasting possible and later on — telecasting. The researches in the field of electronics gave us radar devices, computers, tape recorders, betatron and a lot of medical tools. Semiconductor devices which have replaced electron tubes reduce the size of instruments.

A great advance in electronics is considered to be connected with the appearance of the transistor. The use of the transistor is likely to be the first step in miniaturization of electronic devices and has increased the range of their application. The introduction of the transistor in 1948 is supposed to be the beginning of the evolution of microelectronics which led in the late 1970s to the development of large-scale integrated (LSI) circuits. Now hundreds of circuits can be packed on to one square inch and there seems to be no limit to it. The technology of so-called molecular epitaxy is the best proof of this suggestion.

Electronics is evident to have made a great contribution to automation. It has extended the range of automatic control in large-scale industrial operations and made the processing of information rapid. Electronic computers have provided the basis for the construction of automatic lines, automated units, shops and whole plants, tools with programmed control, robots and manipulators.

The steering of big ships, jet planes, and interplanetary rockets is controlled by electronic devices. Radio-electronic systems ensure reliable communication with space stations at distances amounting to scores of millions of kilometers. Hundreds of electronic devices perform various tasks on board every satellite and spaceship. Electronics has penetrated into all the spheres of human activity from household appliances to artificial intelligence and search of outer space civilizations.

Such advantages of electronic devices as microscopic size, high speed, low cost and reliability are likely to have no competitor. No wonder electronic technology is the most dynamic technology of the present industrial age. Electronics is sure to make still greater progress in the nearest future and help humanity gain new victories in science and engineering.

Запомните необходимый минимум профессиональной лексики:

emit испускать, выделять

motion движение

electron tube электронная лампа

measure измерять

radio broadcasting радио передача

to penetrate проникать

artificial intelligence искусственный интеллект

electrical engineering электротехника

electronic techniques прикладная электроника

integration circuit интегральная схема

large-scale integrated circuit(LSI) большая интегральная схема

vacuum tube вакуумная лампа

household appliances бытовые приборы

Задание I

А. Определите

а) какой частью речи являются следующие слова:

Transformation, construction, invention, miniaturization, application, integration, automation, operation, information, communication, connection, compression

б) переведите приведенные выше слова, учитывая значение их суффиксов/префиксов.

Задание II

А. Подберите эквивалент к словам, обозначенным цифрами.

1. Science а. устройство, прибор

2. Various b. диапазон

3. Purpose с. обеспечивать

4. Device d. наука

5. Range e. проникать

6. Contribution f. разнообразный

7. Provide g. стоить, стоимость

8. Penetrate h. победа

9. Cost i. цель

10. Victory j. вклад

Б. Подберите эквиваленты к словосочетаниям, обозначенным цифрами:

1. electronical technology a. поток электронов

2. the flow of electrons b. сквозь вакуум

3. a square inch с.электронная техника

4. through a vacuum d. квадратный дюйм

В. Заполните пропуски, используя предложенные слова:

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