Agree with the statements of your partner.


-– Each news medium may report the same news, but the words, the images and their effects on the news consumer are different.

-– Yes, you are quite right. The effects of mass media on the consumer may differ considerably.

You subscribe to quality papers, don’t you?
You prefer to read newspapers rather than watch TV. Is it true?
The editorial usually deals with the topical issue of day. Am I right?
Entertainment programmes on TV help people to relieve stress and worry of the day. Do you agree with that?
Young viewers should be protected from harmful influence of violence, crime shown on TV. What do you think of this?
Newspaper sales have been falling steadily over the last several decades. Am I right?
The market is showing some evidence of saturation. There is a feeling among readers that the papers are all the same. Are you of the same opinion?
I think scenes of violence on TV must be banned. Do you think so too?

Disagree with the statements of your partner.


– The impact of mass media on people’s opinion is negligible.

– I’m afraid you are mistaken. Mass media influence on people is stronger today than at any other time in history.

The Internet had its origin in Russia. Am I right ?
Books are often called a mirror of current events. What do you think of it?
The editorial usually deals with the minor issue of the day. Is it so?
A journalist is someone who sells newspapers, isn’t he?
A correspondent is a person who owns a TV channel. Is this right?
Educational programmes on TV are meant to entertain people after a hard day’s work. Do you think that it is general opinion?
A celebrity is someone who is not known to many people. Is this right?

Agree or disagree with the following statements. Give your arguments to support your viewpoint.


– I know you like to watch TV.

– Yes, you are right. Besides, I also like to read quality newspapers.

– No, I see you are misinformed. Watching TV is not my hobby. I think it’s a waste of time.

Television, and to some extent radio, have one or two individuals who present the news.
Television news commentators are often highly paid celebrities.
Television cannot present a strong visual image.
A listener or a viewer can go back and check what was said or find the text of the news broadcast at a public library.
Contemporary society is too complex to function only through direct communication between one individual to another.
Communication is not a necessity for survival.
Internet will substitute all other means of communication.
Only young viewers like watching serials.
Popular papers are small and quality papers are big.

Answer the questions below.


– I’m a keen reader of quality papers. And what about you?

– I like to read all sorts of papers, both quality papers and popular ones. Besides, I like to read different magazines too.

I regularly subscribe to newspapers. And what about you?
For my family members TV news is the evening network news. And what about your family members?
I often listen to radio news when I drive to work. And you?
I don’t let my younger brother watch violent films on TV. And do you do the same?
I think radio is a source of pleasure and entertainment. What do you think of it?
They say the Internet will have a dramatic impact on all aspects of our life. What’s your idea of this?

Paired practice. Read the following statements aloud. Let your partner respond by expressing thanks. Change the roles as you go. Use the patterns below.

Thank you very much; many thanks; thanks a lot; thank you for the pleasure; that’s very kind of you; you are very obliging; I’m very grateful to you.

Your article in the local newspaper is a great success with the readers.
I can help you with the broadcasting of your commercial on TV.
Your report on ecological problems has made a great impression on the editor-in-chief of a very important quality paper. He wants to publish it.
The BBC is going to invite you to work on probation. Are you pleased to accept the invitation?
Your article is accepted for publication in Readers Digest.
You have asked for an interview with the editor-in-chief of The Telegraph. He will receive you next Friday.
Your TV set has been repaired. Now you can watch the Olympic Games broadcasting.

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