Read the dictionary definitions of “media” and “medium” given below.

A media 1.The media are television, radio, and newspapers/magazines regarded as a group. The media entertain or spread news and information to a large number of people. E.G. The news media are interested only in bad news ... The media is biased ... Figures have been boosted by pre-sales publicity in the media ... The policy shift was an apparent response to heavy media coverage ... 1.2 Media is a plural of medium.

B medium A medium is 2.1 a way or means of expressing your ideas or of communicating with people. E.G. I went to secondary school in a country where English is not the medium of instruction ... He would prefer to be remembered for his talents in media other than photography. 2.2a substance or material which is used for a particular purpose or in order to produce a particular effect. E.G. Air is a medium for sound ... I think watercolour is an extremely difficult medium to work with.

In English, a distinction is made between the first and second senses of the term media by the use of a definite article. People talk about the media when they are referring to newspapers, magazines, television and radio, but media when they are using the word as the plural of 'medium'.

2. Now look at the following list. In your groups, decide which you would include under media and which under the media and why.

a books h cinema o acting
b speech i clothes p magazines
c telephones j hair q interior decoration
d dancing k stone r radio
e gardens l television s CDs
f newspapers m gestures t photographs
g video n records u audio tapes

3. Make up English-Russian pairs of the words and word-combinations equivalent in meaning:

advantage a кругозор (точка зрения)
advertisement b воздействие
chore [tSO:] c преимущество
domestic news items d реклама
entertainment e касаться
impact f актуальный (животрепещущий) вопрос
outlook g работа по дому
overhead costs h привлекать внимание (кого-либо) к чему-либо
reasonable i местные новостные сообщения
rushed j приложение (к периодическому изданию)
supplement k накладные расходы
to broaden l влиять
to do harm m благоразумный
to draw smb’s attention to smth. n насилие
to influence o расширять
to share p развлечение
to touch upon (on) q причинять вред
topical issue r на скорую руку
violence s (по)делить(ся).

Match the definitions below with the words in the list.

celebrity a view held as probable
circulation b belonging to the present time; of the present day
commercial c to pay regularly in order to receive a magazine, newspaper, etc.
coverage d a part of a newspaper (supposed to be written by the editor) giving an opinion on some question of day (rather than news)
current e periodical publication with articles on current events, new books, art, etc.
documentary f to express; give an idea of
editor g the way in which a particular piece of news or event is reported
editorial h an advertisement on television or radio
event i the title of a newspaper report printed in large letters
headline j a continuing story about a group of people that is regularly on television
opinion k the number of copies a newspaper sells each day
periodical l a film that gives facts and information about a subject
reflect m a well-known person on television, film or in the press
review n a magazine about one topic, that appears once a month, three times a year, etc.
soap o the person who decides what goes in a newspaper or magazine
subscribe p thing that happens (usu. important)

Complete the collocates below by matching a noun from A with a noun from B. Some can combine with more than one noun.


television channel, report, commentator, programme…

A action light B affairs programmer
  cable live   break recorder
  celebrity nature   broadcast replay
  chat news   channel report
  children’s press   commentator show
  commercial radio   conference station
  current soap   entertainment television
  digital sports   guest viewer
  educational television   listener  
  game video   opera  

Underline the correct word A, B, C or D to fill the gaps.

The Info-Revolution

We have all seen an enormous increase in the role of the mass 1__ in people’s lives. First of all the growth of the 2__ of both serious and 3__ newspapers, has been tremendous. Public 4__ is influenced by powerful 5__ who not only own our newspapers which often have a 6__ of millions, but who also own television and radio 7__ in many different countries. The huge quantity of 8__ that people have to deal with has rocketed with the advent of satellite and cable television. At the same time, more and more people have 9__ to 10__ computers. Information available at home via Internet is infinite.

A messages B medium C mediums D media
2. A printing B press C interest D information
A cheap B people C popular D public
A opinion B health C views D services
A managers B writers C celebrities D editors
A profit B readers C circulation D popularity
A networks B users C sets D ports
A correspondence B details C information D reporters
A control B ownership C contact D access
A electronic B personal C large D Rom

7. Give all possible derivatives of the following words:

effect, to cover, regular, to inform, to publish, to comment, to subscribe, science, to educate, to know, to differ, art, advantage, to violate, crime, convenient, to compose, to connect, possible, broad.



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