В: Кто для вас авторитет в мире бизнеса?
о: Уоррен Баффет, к примеру, известный инвестор. Когда мы выходили на IPO, мы написали такое же письмо, какие он пишет своим акционерам. Стив Джобс (один из основателей Apple). Много таких людей, в общем.
в: Недавно Microsoft чуть было не купил поисковик Yahoo! Появился бы новый гигант. Как вы к этому относитесь?
о: А что, правда, чуть не купил? (Смеется.) Конечно, мы следили за этим процессом. Интернет стал великим, потому что он открыт для всех. Чем больше ресурсов, тем лучше. Поэтому было бы, конечно, плохо, если бы Microsoft купил этот поисковик.
Read text for Unit 6 from appendix 1 and analyze the perspective of career of engineer
Job hunting
Study the diagram of ways of finding a job and discuss it in pairs or in small groups
Answer the questions
1. What other ways of getting a job can you name? Add at least one more way.
2. What are advantages and disadvantages of each way?
3. What way would you choose if you needed to find a job? Why? Explain your point of view.
4. What way is the most difficult to follow?
2) Listen to the tips of successful job interview
Listen to the tape once again and fill in the gaps
Tips for successful job search | |
Tips | Definition |
Always Begin With Self-Assessment | |
Research The Job Market | |
Choosing a Career Field | |
Improve Your Job Search Skills | |
Job Search Campaign |
Discuss the following questions in pairs or in small groups
1. Have you ever tried to use some of the methods given above?
2. What tips do you find useful for your future job hunting?
3. What tips do you think are appropriate for your speciality? Why do you think so? Prove your point of view.
4. Do you know any other useful tips for finding a job?
5. Do you know any examples a person shouldn’t follow in the process of job hunting?
CV (Curriculum Vitae)
Study the following information about ways of writing
Curriculum Vitae: an outline of a person's educational and professional history, usually prepared for job applications. Another name for a CV is a résumé. A CV should include:
Personal details
Normally these would be your name, address, date of birth (although with age discrimination laws now in force this isn't essential), telephone number and email.
Education and qualifications
Your degree subject and university. Mention grades unless poor!
Work experience
- Use action words such as developed, planned and organised.
- Even work in a shop, bar or restaurant will involve working in a team, providing a quality service to customers, and dealing tactfully with complaints. Don't mention the routine, non-people tasks (cleaning the tables) unless you are applying for a casual summer job in a restaurant or similar.
- Try to relate the skills to the job. A finance job will involve numeracy, analytical and problem solving skills so focus on these whereas for a marketing role you would place a bit more emphasis on persuading and negotiating skills.
Interests and achievements
- Keep this section short and to the point. As you grow older, your employment record will take precedence and interests will typically diminish greatly in length and importance.
- Bullets can be used to separate interests into different types: sporting, creative etc.
- Don't use the old boring cliches here: "socialising with friends".
- Don't put many passive, solitary hobbies (reading, watching TV, stamp collecting) or you may be perceived as lacking people skills. If you do put these, than say what you read or watch: "I particularly enjoy Dickens, for the vivid insights you get into life in Victorian times".
- Show a range of interests to avoid coming across as narrow: if everything centres around sport they may wonder if you could hold a conversation with a client who wasn't interested in sport.
- Hobbies that are a little out of the ordinary can help you to stand out from the crowd: skydiving or mountaineering can show a sense of wanting to stretch yourself and an ability to rely on yourself in demanding situations
- Any interests relevant to the job are worth mentioning: current affairs if you wish to be a journalist; a fantasy share portfolio such as Bullbearings if you want to work in finance.
- Any evidence of leadership is important to mention: captain or coach of a sports team, course representative, chair of a student society, scout leader
- Anything showing evidence of employability skills such as teamworking, organising, planning, persuading, negotiating etc.
The usual ones to mention are languages (good conversational French, basic Spanish), computing (e.g. "good working knowledge of MS Access and Excel, plus basic web page design skills" and driving ("full current clean driving licence").
Normally two referees are sufficient: one academic (perhaps your tutor or project supervisor) and one of an employer.
2) Imagine you have seen a job advertisement and really want to apply for this job. Prepare your CV, use appendix 7 for sample of CV.
3)Study the site of the American government http://www.usa.gov to get familiarized with its structure and alphabetical index. Get some information about the Administration for native Americans on http://www.acf.hhs.gov/programs/ana/about/about.html#icnaa.