Посмотри на рисунки в учебнике (стр. 28) и ответь.

What colour? (Какого цвета?)

What colour is the sofa? It is ________________________

What colour is the carpet? It is ________________________

What colour is the chair? It is ________________________

What colour is the armchair? It is _______________________

What colour is the bed? It is _______________________

234. Вставь артикли a, an или the , если нужно.

I can see _____ carpet. _______ carpet is green.

My granny has got _______ armchair. _______ armchair is brown.

We have got _______ many books in ______ bookcase.


flat(квартира), a flat – flats, my flat, your flat, his flat, her flat

We have got a nice flat. Do you live (живёшь) in a flat or in a house? I live in a flat.

room (комната), a room – rooms, one room, two rooms Bob has got three rooms in his flat. His dad has got a new bookcase in his room. Have you got a nice room? Yes, I have. I have got a chair but I haven’t got an armchair in my room.

lamp (лампа), one lamp – twelve lamps, a green lamp, a big lamp I have got a new lamp on my table. Her uncle has got thirteen lamps in his house. Has she got a red lamp in her room? No, she hasn’t. Liz has got a yellow lamp and a yellow carpet in her room.

a mirror (зеркало), a big mirror, a new mirror, her mirror My mother has got a nice mirror in her room. Does she like her mirror? Yes, she does.

a computer, a new computer I have got a computer in my room. Do you want to have a computer? Yes, I do. I like to play computer games. Does your father play computer games? No, he doesn’t.

a TV We have got a big TV in the room. We like TV. My aunt has got a new TV and a new sofa in her flat.

(много) (один) (много) (один)

236. Вставь are или is , вставь have или has,

The mirror _____ white. His brother ______ got a brown table.

The lamps ______ little. Dad __________ got a new TV.

The computer ______ new. The children ______ got two beds.

(много) (один)

вставь like или likes.

Her mother ____________ her new mirror.

His friends ____________ the big bookcase.

My granny ____________ her armchair.

Обведи вспомогательный глагол. Начни с него вопрос.

a) We have got a nice house.

_________________________ a nice house?

b) The table is new.

_____________________________ new?

c) Liz can see a mirror.

_____________________________ a mirror?

238. Обведи правильный вариант.

a) Do / Does Tom like apple juice?

b) Do / Does his friends read English books?

c) Do / Does the boys want to play computer games?

d) Do / Does the girl dance at school?

e) Do / Does you help your mum?

f) Do / Does her aunt eat fish soup?

239. Напиши вопрос. ( Начни с Do или Does ).

Образец. His brother runs near the house.

Does his brother runnear the house?

a) The pupils like big chairs.

_______________________________________ big chairs?

b) His teacher wants a new computer.

__________________________________ a new computer?

c) The children play in the room.

__________________________________ in the room?

d) Your dog sits on the carpet.

__________________________________ on the carpet?


[ɔ :] door , a big door, a brown door, a black door, a new door Look at the door! What colour is the door? It’s white. Tom has got two doors in his new house. Can you see the door? –No, we can’t.

[ɔ :] floorthe yellow floor, the brown floor. The carpet is on the floor. What colour is the floor? It’s grey. Where is her doll? It is on the floor. Are the books on the floor? No, they are not. The books are in the bookcase. Do you like to read?-Yes, I do. Does your friend want to read this book? – No, he doesn’t.

[w] want, we, window We have got three big windows in the classroom. What colour are the windows? They are white. Can his cat sit on the window?-Yes, it can.

Подпиши картинки.

What's this? (Что это?)

Посмотри на рисунки в учебнике (стр. 28) и ответь. - student2.ru Посмотри на рисунки в учебнике (стр. 28) и ответь. - student2.ru Посмотри на рисунки в учебнике (стр. 28) и ответь. - student2.ru

It is a ______________ It is a ______________

It is the ______________

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