Раскрась питомцев Кевина в нужные цвета.

2) True (+) or False(-):

1. Kevin is a boy from America. ____ 2. He is fifteen. _____ 3. Kevin has got four pets. ____ 4. Jimmy is a little grey puppy. _____ 5. It has got big ears. _____ 6. Jimmy can’t climb a tree. _____ 7. Pit can run. _____ 8. It has got short ears. ____ Раскрась питомцев Кевина в нужные цвета. - student2.ru Раскрась питомцев Кевина в нужные цвета. - student2.ru

3) Ответь на вопросы.

1. Is Kevin 13? ________________________________

2. Is Kevin from Africa?__________________________

3. Has Kevin got two pets? ________________________

4. Has Jimmy got red eyes? ________________________

5. Is Pit black? __________________________________

6. Can Jimmy hide? ______________________________

7. Can Pit run? __________________________________

8. Are his pets nice? ______________________________

163. Вставь am / is / are.

His puppy _______nice. They ___­­­­_______ from America.

You _________ pupils. His budgies___________ big.

I ________ your friend. Her goldfish _______ yellow.

Her frogs _______ green. My dog and cat ________ white.

164. Вставь have / has.

A cat ______ got green eyes. You __________ got a puppy.

Rabbits _______ got long ears. Frogs _________ got big eyes.

Tom _______ got fair hair. My cat _______ got a pink nose.

Tom and I _______ got a pet. Her dogs _______ got short hair.

Обведи вспомогательный глагол. Поставь вопрос.

a) You have got a cat. _________________________________

b) Her dog is red. _____________________________________

c) A frog can swim. ___________________________________

d) Linda has got a rat. _________________________________

e) His parrots are blue. _________________________________

f) My hamster can hide. ________________________________


10 fourteen 11 twelve 12 ten 13 eleven 14 thirteen 15 seventeen 16 sixteen 17 nineteen 18 fifteen 19 eighteen

Напиши другу открытку к Новому году.

Dear_______________________ (имя друга) !

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Yours _______________ (твоё имя).


Santa Claus: What’s your name? Liz: My name is Liz. Santa Claus: How old are you? Liz: I am twelve. Santa Claus: Where are you from? Liz: I am from Britain. Santa Claus: Can you dance? Liz: Yes, I can. Santa Claus: Can you sing? Liz: No, I can’t. Santa Claus: Have you got a pet? Liz: No, I haven’t. Santa Claus: What pet do you want? Liz: I want a yellow ____________________________   Раскрась питомцев Кевина в нужные цвета. - student2.ru Santa Claus: What’s your name? Mike: My name is Mike Santa Claus: How old are you? Mike: I am eleven. Santa Claus: Where are you from? Mike: I am from America. Santa Claus: Can you dance? Mike: No, I can’t. But I can sing. Santa Claus: Have you got a goldfish? Mike: No, I haven’t. I have got two _______________. They are little. They are brown and green. Раскрась питомцев Кевина в нужные цвета. - student2.ru Santa Claus: Can snakes climb? Mike: Yes, they can.

169. Answer the questions(Ответь на вопросы):

1. Is Mike from America? _____________________________

2. Is he 12? ______________________________________

3. Can Mike sing? ____________________________________

4. Can he dance? _____________________________________

5. Has Mike got two snakes? ____________________________

6. Are the snakes little? ________________________________

7. Can they climb?____________________________________

Составь предложения из слов и напиши их в тетради.

1) got, My, has, brother, a goldfish.

2) is, His, Africa, from, budgie

3) can, and, sing, Parrots, fly

4) haven’t, big, Snakes, got, ears

5)can’t, horse, A, hide

6) and, Her, brown, guinea-pigs, are, white


1) У меня есть котёнок. _______________________________

2) Он маленький. ____________________________________

3) Мой котёнок умеет бегать.


4) У Лизы есть две крысы. ___________________________________________________

5) Её крысы серые. ___________________________________

6) Крысы умеют прятаться.____________________________

Прочитай и раскрась.

15 11 19 17 12

16 10 13 14 18

ten is red fifteen is purple

eleven is green sixteen is grey

twelve is blue seventeen is orange

thirteen is brown eighteen is black

fourteen is yellow nineteen is pink

UNIT 5. Food.

173. Read. (Прочитай).

[i:] green, three, coffee [u:] blue, juice

[i:] read, teacher, eat(есть), tea [i] pink, milk, drink (пить)

! [e] bread ! [æ] cat, jam, apple (яблоко)

[Λ] puppy, funny, hungry(голодный)

[j] yellow, yoghurt, yummy(вкусно),yuck (невкусно)

[ɔ] what (что? какой?), want (хотеть) water (вода)

I like jam and white bread. It’s yummy! I am hungry.

My mother likes pizza. Pizza is yummy. My dog is hungry.

Children drink milk and tea. His kittens like milk.

This girl drinks juice. Her parrot likes water.

Sam eats one apple. They want to eat.

We eat two apples. Nan wants to drink.

Закончи предложения.

I like to eat __________________________________________

My friend likes to eat __________________________________

I like to drink ________________________________________

My mother likes to drink _______________________________

175. Соединисоответствующимицветными карандашами.

brown milk

white bread

green juice

black coffee

yellow tea

red water

blue jam

Present Simple. Настоящее простое время.

I like to play. He likes to play. We like to play. She likesto play. You like to play. It likesto play. They like to play.


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