Finding solutions: Thomas Alva Edison

Thomas Edison was a great inventor. He thought that every technological problem had a solution. Edison developed more than 1,093 inventions. They included the electric light bulb, the typewriter and an early movie camera. Sometimes he did thousands of experiments to get an invention right. He worked on some ideas for many years to improve the product. Edison thought that his failures were important because he and his scientists learned from each one. 'I failed my way to success,' he said.

Important dates

1847Edison was born in Ohio in the USA. At school, his teachers thought that he wasn't clever so his mother educated him at home.

1871Married Mary Stilwell.

1878 He created the Edison Electric Light

Company. Later it became the General Electric Company. 1887 He built an invention factory in Menlo Park, near New York City. It was the world's first research laboratory. A team of scientists helped Edison develop his inventions.

1931 Died in New Jersey, USA.

Задание 9. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту “Finding solutions: Thomas Alva Edison”:

1Where was Edison born?

2 Did all Edison's inventions succeed the first time?

3 Who helped him develop his inventions?

Задание 10. Составьте вопросительные предложения в Past Simple и ответьте на них:

1Edison's teachers / think he was clever?

2 Edison / develop / 1,303 inventions?

3 Why / Edison / think / failures / be / important?

4 Who / he / marry?

5 When / Edison / create / Edison Electric Light Company?

6 What / Edison Electric Light Company / become?

7 Where / he / build / his research laboratory?

8 When / he / die?

Задание 11. Заполните пропуски, используя глаголы в скобках или краткие ответы в Past Simple:

A Thank you for helping with our market research. Here is the first question. What electrical products __________(you / buy) last year?

В I __________(buy) a digital radio and a computer.

A What__________(you / do) with your old electrical products?

В Well, I__________(offer) the computer to my friend, but he __________(not want) it.

A So, __________(you / take) the computer somewhere to recycle it?

В No, I ___________. I ___________(not have) time.

A __________(you have) the address of a company that recycles computers?

В Yes, I __________, but it__________(be) 40 kilometres from my town.

A OK. Well, we __________(build) a new recycling factory in your town last month.

В Great!

Задание 12. Из выделенных курсивом слов выберите подходящее по смыслу:

1 Hugh Oxley is a manager / professor at the university / company in Dundee. He teaches communications to MBA students.

2 We built a new laboratory / office for our Research and Development department. Our students / scientists do experiments and test new products there.

3 The machine isn't working - take it to the electronics room / workshop. The researcher / technician can fix it.

Задание 13. Заполните пропуски, используя данные ниже слова:

In, off, fix, wrong, work

1There's something __________with the printer.

2 It doesn't__________ .

3 He plugged __________ the photocopier.

4 Did you turn __________ the computer?

5 Can you __________it?

Литература: [1, 5].

Практическое занятие № 9



Теоретическая часть

Данный лексический материал предназначен для знакомства и овладения специальными терминами, активному использованию предлагаемых слов и словосочетаний, подготовки к чтению, переводу и обсуждению текстов официально-делового стиля.

describe описывать

description описание

feature характеристика

packaging упаковка

package упаковка

product продукт

product description описание продукта

production производство

produce производить

shape форма

size размер

useful полезный

weight масса

weigh весить


Задание 1. Прочитайте и переведите текст:


Toy manufacturers make adults feel young again

Two things are often true about toy production. First, toys are usually made cheaply in low-cost economies. And secondly, toy manufacturers generally need a large population of children to sell their products to. Japan is big, expensive and rich. It also has a low population of children. So, do toys sell badly in the Japanese market?

The surprising answer is no. In fact, 1 ________. One reason that the market is and the toys a success is that 2________are well designed. Another reason is that many manufacturers now market toys to adults as well as children.

Toy makers happily design more and more new toys for adults. Some of the toys are very expensive. There is a walking robot toy that is popular with middle-aged men. It has a 100-page instruction manual and costs ¥126,000 ($1,105). And there is a talking boy doll that is popular with women over 40. Not all the toys use modern technology. 3________ that are also popular. One example is a baseball game with small plastic players.

Why are toys so popular with adults? One reason is that modern employees work hard. 4________. These toys help people to relax and play. Some of the products now sell well in other countries, too. 5______. Toys for adults could soon be in a toyshop near you.

Задание 2. Заполните пропуски в тексте “Playtime” следующими фразами и предложениями:

a Some manufacturers now produce simple toys and games

b They want to come home and forget the office

с Japan uses modern technology

dThe top-selling toys in the USA and Europe are often Japanese

e Japan has a successful toy industry

Задание 3. Перечитайте текст и ответьте на вопросы:

1What is surprising about Japan's success in the toy market?

2 How old are the men that buy robots?

3 Is the walking robot a simple toy? Give reasons for your answer.

4 What toy is popular with women?

5 What do the toys help people to do?

Задание 4. Заполните пропуски данными ниже глаголами и назовите предметы, о которых идет речь:

clean travel play listen

1 People used it to _____video cassettes.

2 I use mine to _____ to music when I go jogging.

3 You use it to _____ the floor.

4 It was a new way to_____ in cities.

Задание 5. Найдите антонимичные пары:

1unreliable reliable___ 6 cheap__________

2 large__________ 7 unattractive_________

3 heavy__________ 8 fast_________

4 unpopular__________ 9 boring__________

5 short__________ 10bad__________

a good f popular

b slow g expensive

с interesting h reliable

d small i light

e attractive j long

Задание 6. Заполните пропуски прилагательными из задания 5:

1 The test group all like Revelation. Revelation is popular.

2 But they think it costs a lot of money. It's________.

3 65 per cent said that the bottle looks good. The bottle is ________.

4 But 35 per cent said it didn't look interesting. It looks________.

5 The packaging isn't light. The packaging is________.

6 This product does what yои expect it to do. It's a________product.

Задание 7. Заполните пропуски данными ниже прилагательными и существительными:

Boring, new, bag, large, job, heavy, expensive, meeting, apartment, perfume

1 A Do you still work for ICI?

В No, I have a ________ with General Motors now.

2 A Did Gina buy that small house in Turin?

В No, she bought a____ ____in Rome.

3 A Can I help you? That____ looks really____.

В No, it's fine, thanks. I can carry it.

4 A Is this an____ ____?

В Yes, it cost $140, but it smells great.

5 A Was the product presentation interesting?

В Yes, it was, but then we had a____ ____for two hours.

Задание 8. Заполните пропуски в тексте, заменяя данные в скобках прилагательные на соответствующие наречия:

Toy storage box

Product information

You can make the toy storage box _____________ (quick) and _____________ (easy). It is _____________ (attractive) designed in wood and plastic and is very _____________ (good) made. Read the instructions _____________ (careful). Do not place the box near heat as this may _____________ (bad) damage the product.

Задание 9. Из выделенных курсивом слов выберите подходящее по смыслу:

1We can manufacture the product in two months - it is very еаsy / easily to make.

2 This machine works efficient / efficiently.

3 Is the computer system simple / simply to operate?

4 Do you think that the product is too expensive / expensively?

5 It's beautiful / beautifully made, but what do you use it for?

6 This product description is unreliable / unreliably.

7 The new model sold good / well in Bulgaria.

8 I spoke slow / slowly in the product presentation. It helped my nerves.

Задание 10. Составьте предложения:

1 a / It / design / modern / is

2 a / it / reliable / Is / product ?

3 style / unpopular / This / is

4 laptop / His / heavy / is

5 boring / Was / conference / the ?

6 good / Their / catalogue / is

Задание 11. Из выделенных курсивом слов выберите подходящее по смыслу:

1 This catalogue has some interesting / interestingly products.

2 Aya is doing good / well in her job.

3 We want to manufacture cheap / cheaply and then sell the products for a profit.

4 He runs a successful / successfully company.

5 The workers aren't happy / happily with the directors.

6 My investments did had / badly this month.

Задание 12. Из выделенных курсивом слов выберите подходящее по смыслу:

Bill Bowerman was / were a teacher and sports trainer at the University of Oregon. He met / meeted and trained a student called Phil Knight, and in / on 1964 they started a sports company together. The company's name was / were Blue Ribbon Sports (BRS). The company introduces / introduced a new / newly style of trainer and they called / call it 'Nike'. The designers not wanted / didn't want the new trainer to be heavy; they wanted it to be lightly / light, to help athletes run fast / fastly. The product was successful and the company expanded quick / quickly. The company changed / change its name to Nike in 1978. Then, at / in the 1990s, Nike opened a hugely / huge retail outlet called NikeTown. Later, it sold / sell its products on the internet. Today, Nike's logo is famous / famously all over the world.

Задание 13. Заполните пропуски, используя одно из данных ниже слов a-c:

I bought a _________car at the weekend. It's a Cherokee Jeep. It was very _________ - it cost more than £30,000. My last car was small, but the Jeep is _________. I also bought a new table for my apartment. It's _________of glass. It was difficult to get it into the apartment because it's very _________ also a very unusual _________ - it's triangular.

1 a new b newly с light

2 a expensively b expensive с cheaply

3 a tiny b metal с huge

4 a make b made с makes

5 a heavy b light с small

6 a size b material с shape

Задание 14. Составьте вопросительные предложения:

1it / What / is ?

2 for / What's / it ?

3 made / What's / of / it ?

4 big / How / it / is ?

5 shape / is / it / What ?

6 heavy / is / How / it ?

7 it / features / any / have / special / Does ?

Соотнесите вопросы 1-7 с ответами a-g:

a It's digital and it has a clock on it.

b Plastic.

с It's 20cm long and 18cm wide.

d Rectangular.

eIt's a radio.

f Listening to music.

g Two kilos.

Литература: [1, 5].

Практическое занятие № 10



Теоретическая часть

Данный лексический материал предназначен для знакомства и овладения специальными терминами, активному использованию предлагаемых слов и словосочетаний, подготовки к чтению, переводу и обсуждению текстов официально-делового стиля.

architect архитектор

competitor конкурент

compete конкурировать

competition конкуренция

competitive конкурентоспособный

marketing маркетинг

market рынок

opportunity возможность

range линейка (продуктов)

strength сильная сторона

strong сильный

threat угроза

weakness слабая сторона

weak слабый


Задание 1. Прочитайте и переведите текст:

The shy architect

How Ratan Tata is changing India's biggest company

Ratan Tata trained to be an architect. Then he worked for the family firm, the Tata Group - one of the biggest companies in India. It has companies in many different sectors, including the car industry and the steel industry. The company's latest project is producing a car that costs under $3,000.

Mr Tata does not drink or smoke and he does not like publicity. He became chairperson in 1991. At that time, Tata was a difficult organisation to manage. There were more than 300 different companies in the group and some were old-fashioned. Today, there are only 96 companies and the group is more modern.

In the past, it was difficult for Tata to trade outside India because of competition from other countries. Now it exports internationally. The Tata Group is also buying companies in different countries. At the moment, one of the companies in the group, Tata Steel, is trying to buy Corus, a European steel company. But it has a competitor CSN, a Brazilian company, also wants to buy Corus.

Ratan Tata is making changes to the company. Many of these changes help make the group more competitive. But he isn't changing all the group's traditions. For example, the Tata Group still tries to help its workers - the children of Tata's steelworkers first started to have free education in 1917. Two thirds of the Tata Group is owned by charitable foundations, and today they are still helping people in India. Investors sometimes ask: 'Is Tata doing the right thing? Is charity good for business?' But Mr Tata thinks it is possible to help people and be competitive at the same time.

Задание 2. Определите, какое из следующих предложений передает основную идею текста “The shy architect”:

a A successful chairman is only interested in profit.

b A company can be competitive and help people.

с A group with a lot of companies is easy to manage.

Задание 3. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту “The shy architect”:

1 Which two sectors does the Tata Group have companies in?

2 How much does Tata's new car cost?

3 What doesn't Ratan Tata do?

4 What doesn't he like?

5 When did he become chairperson?

6 When did Tata first give free education to employees' children?

7 How much of the group is owned by charitable foundations?

8 Who asks if helping people is good for business?

Задание 4. Из выделенных курсивом слов выберите подходящее по смыслу:

1Shell and Esso are competition / competitors in the oil market.

2 Did they publicise / publicity the launch date of their new product range?

3 Giles is working as a trade / trader on the Japanese stock market.

4 We lost a lot of money - it was a bad investment / investor.

5 Westfern run training / trainer courses for financial organisations.

6 How long did you work as a management / manager at Dell?

7 Do Lancome export / exporter to Taiwan?

Задание 5. Заполните пропуски данными ниже словами, используя их до или после слова market:

Asian, leader, share, research, luxury, place, budget, domestic

market ______________market

market_______ _______market

market_______ _______market

market_______ _______market

Соотнесите данные выше словосочетания со следующими определениями:

1 _______________ the area where products are cheap to make and buy

2 _______________ people and activities involved in buying and selling a

particular product

3 _______________ how much of the market buys a company's products

or services

4 _______________ surveys to find out what customers think about a


5 _______________ the area where products are expensive to make and


6 _______________ customers in, for example, Japan, Thailand and China

7 _______________ the product or service that most people buy

8 _______________ the market in a company's own country

Задание 6. Подчеркните правильный вариант:

1 Iwork/ am working for Corns plc. I started here seven years ago.

2 What do you do / are yои doing at the moment?

3 I organise / am organising a project in Rotterdam this month.

4 What time do they have / are they having breakfast in the morning?

5 Martina finishes / is finishing a report at the moment.

6 How do you usually travel / are travelling to work?

7 I'm driving / drive at the moment, but usually I'm taking / take the train.

8 Are they send / sending the report now?

Задание 7. Исправьте ошибки в следующих предложениях:

1What did you doing at the moment?

2 He be organising a project in Jakarta.

3 We not giving the presentation now - we're having coffee.

4 Is they sending the documents today?

5 Valerie is finish the memo now.

6 Jason is don't working today because he's on holiday.

Литература: [1, 5].

Практическое занятие № 11



Теоретическая часть

Данный лексический материал предназначен для знакомства и овладения специальными терминами, активному использованию предлагаемых слов и словосочетаний, подготовки к чтению, переводу и обсуждению текстов официально-делового стиля.

abroad за рубежом

average средний

climate климат

culture культура

emigrate эмигрировать

emigration эмиграция

healthcare здравоохранение

location расположение

locate располагаться

quality of life качество жизни

temperature температура


Задание 1. Прочитайте и переведите текст:

Over there

Why British people are moving to other countries

More and more Britons are living inother countries. A recent report said that almost 200,000 Britons left the country last year with no plans to return. A British person emigrates every three minutes, and 5.5m British people now live abroad.

Many younger people leave - a lot of students go abroad to study. Older people are usually retired and want a warmer climate to live in. Two thirds of the people that emigrate are workers. Some are managers and others do manual or administrative jobs. Australia is the favourite country for English people to emigrate to. Spain and the USA are also popular.

Why do people leave? Many want to find a better job. A quarter of people say that they want to leave Britain because the cost of living is high. Homeowners with expensive houses can buy a bigger place abroad; young people want to move because houses in other countries are cheaper than in Britain. Research suggests that the quality of life in Britain is worse than in some other countries. But most people leave for positive reasons: many think that living in another country is more interesting -they leave because they want to have a happier life.

It is becoming more difficult for British people to emigrate to countries outside the European Union. Most countries want professional or skilled workers, for example, builders, engineers and doctors. But other skills are also popular in some countries - Australia, for example, needs hairdressers.

Задание 2. Выберите правильный вариант a-c, чтобы закончить предложение:

The writer thinks most British people move to other countries because they

a don't like Britain

bspeak a lot of languages

с want a new life.

Задание 3. Впишите номер абзаца 1-4, содержащего следующую информацию:

a where the British go paragraph __

bthe reasons why people want to leave Britain paragraph __

с how many people leave paragraph __

d popular skills and jobs in other countries paragraph__

Задание 4. Из выделенных курсивом слов выберите подходящее по смыслу:

Working abroad

The more /most important thing to do before working in another country is to think about these things:

■ Do you want a better / best job or a more / most interesting life?

■ It is easier/ easiest to live in another country when you speak the language. Start lessons before you leave.

■ What is the most expensive / cheapest way to arrange the move? What is the nicer / nicest area to live in?

■ Could the move make your quality of life worse/ worst than it is now? The more / most beautiful location in the world is no fun when you are working 60 hours a week.

Задание 5. Заполните пропуски данными ниже словами:

Professional, retired, managerial, skilled, administrative, voluntary, manual

1 Someone who is over 65 and no longer works is __________ .

2 __________workers do a lot of paperwork, usually in an office.

3 Lawyers and doctors are__________people.

4 A person in charge of other employees has a__________position.

5 __________workers do physical jobs, for example, on farms or in factories.

6 People who do__________work don't receive any pay.

7 A__________worker has special training or knowledge to do a job.

Задание 6. Поставьте данные ниже прилагательные в сравнительную степень и найдите антонимичные пары:

Big, warm, cheap, popular, low, easy, interesting

1 cooler __________

2 more boring__________

3 more difficult__________

4 smaller__________

5 higher__________

6 more expensive__________

7 more unpopular__________

Задание 7. Заполните пропуски, используя прилагательные из задания 6:

1 In terms of size, Ireland is__________ __________Spain.

2 Ireland had a___________pay increase___________Australia in 2007

3 Canada is___________ in summer___________the USA.

4 Spain is___________with British people___________the USA.

5 Spain is___________ in summer___________Canada.

6 In terms of size, the USA is __________ __________Australia.

7 Canada had a___________ pay increase___________Spain in 2007.

8 The temperature in summer in Ireland is__________ __________ in Spain.

Задание 8. Заполните пропуски, используя сравнительную или превосходную степень прилагательных:

1London is_____________(warm) in summer than in spring.

2 The Majestic is the_____________(expensive) hotel in town.

3 What is the_____________(good) way to get to the airport?

4 Is the quality of life here_____________ (bad) than in other countries?

5 It's_____________(important) to drive safely than to arrive on time.

6 He's the_____________(popular) manager in the department.

7 The staff are_____________(happy) in their new office than they were in the old building.

8 Cairo was the_____________(interesting) city that we visited.

Литература: [1, 5].

Практическое занятие № 12



Теоретическая часть

Данный лексический материал предназначен для знакомства и овладения специальными терминами, активному использованию предлагаемых слов и словосочетаний, подготовки к чтению, переводу и обсуждению текстов официально-делового стиля.

apply подавать заявку

application form бланк заявки

career карьера

conditions условия

curriculum vitae (CV) резюме

employment agency кадровое агентство

pa (per annum) ежегодно

pension пенсия

promotion повышение в должности

promote повышать в должности

retired пенсионер

retire выходить на пенсию

salary зарплата


Задание 1. Прочитайте и переведите текст:

The world of work

Work has changed around the world

Manpower has been a successful employment agency for about 60 years. It has supplied temporary employees to companies since 1948. That's when the first office opened in Milwaukee, in the USA. Two lawyers started the company when they were unable to find temporary help with a project. Today, it is a global company with offices all around the world.

Employment agencies supply companies with different types of workers. These include professional and administrative workers in offices, and manual workers in factories and on building sites. Temporary workers (also called 'temps') now make up between one and three per cent of the total workforce in most countries. Multinational companies have employed temps for a long time. Now smaller companies also use temporary workers.

Have careers changed very much since the 1990s? A decade ago, people expected to work for the same company until they retired. Today, nobody expects a job for life any more. People move from job to job, working in different companies or in different departments. Training is important because it improves workers' skills. This can help employees to find better jobs or get a promotion.

In some jobs there aren't enough skilled workers. Some companies want retired people with skills to return to work. Japan, Australia and Italy have started to employ older workers. Companies need organisations like Manpower to arrange training for older employees, for example to use computers or to work with a younger boss.

Задание 2. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту “The world of work”:

1 When did Manpower start?

2 What do employment agencies do?

3 What is another word for 'temporary workers'?

4 What did people expect in their career ten years ago?

5 What can help a worker who wants to improve their career opportunities?

6 What have Japan, Australia and Italy started to do?

Задание 3. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

1 Have you ever worked for an employment agency?

2 What temporary jobs have you done?

3 Is it a good idea for retired people to return to work? Why? / Why not?

Задание 4. Соотнесите термины 1-8 с описаниями a-h:
1 full-time worker a has a job for a long period of time
2 temporary worker b workers choose when they work
3 permanent worker с works a few days / hours a week
4 part-time worker d a better job in the same company
5 freelance worker e has a job for a short period of time
6 pension f works for self not for a company
7 promotion 8 flexible hours g usually works 35-40 hours a week h money when you stop work

Задание 5. Определите последовательность шагов при поиске работы 1-6.

___ a Phone or email the company and ask for an application form.

___ b Go for a job interview.

___ с Read a job advertisement on a website or in a newspaper.

___ d Start work.

___ e Apply for the job - send the application form and a CV to the company.

___ f Receive and accept a job offer.

Задание 6. Используя информацию из объявления (1) и резюме (2), заполните пропуски в следующем отрывке из письма:

I saw your job advertisement in _________________magazine and I am interested in the position of ________________manager at_________________.

I went to Warwick University and did a degree in _________________. Then I studied for an _________________in 2005 at INSEAD.

I have worked as a _________________for a transport company and I now work in a customer services department where I manage an _________________. I can speak German, French and _________________. I have lived in Europe and I am happy to travel in my job.


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