The traditional desktop computer

The original IBM PC is the prototype for all desktop computers. The main box, the console, sits flat and square on the desktop. The monitor perches on top of the console, and the keyboard sits in front. Despite this historical tradition, most PCs no longer resemble the IBM desktop original.

The most popular computer configuration now is the minitower model, which is like a desktop model turned on its side (see Figure 3-2). The minitower is more versatile than the old desktop style; you can set the console right next to the keyboard and monitor (as shown in Figure 3-2), or you can set the minitower on the floor and out of view.

PC is an acronym for personal computer. This name comes from the first IBM model, the IBM PC (International Business Machines Personal Computer).

- Before the IBM PC, personal computers were called microcomputers. It was a disparaging term because other computers of the day were much larger. They were called minicomputers and mainframes. Powerful things.

- The minitower is named that way because the original on-its-side PC was dubbed the tower model. Minitowers are more compact than full-size towers, and they lack much of the internal expansion room in larger models.

- Smaller desktop models are still available. They’re usually called smallfootprint computers. The footprint in this case is the amount of space the computer occupies on your desk.

- Small-footprint computers lack expandability options. For example, if you want AGP graphics, you may not find that expansion option in a small-footprint computer case.

- Some new-model PCs have both the console and the monitor in the same box. These systems don’t yet have an official nickname.





The final computer category I describe is the most ancient, but not gone or forgotten: the mainframe, or “big iron,” that used to do all the computing work before personal computers became popular in the late 1970s — and again at the turn of the 21st century.

Though mainframe computers were once thought to be doomed relics of the past, they’re now in high demand and selling better than some home-model computers.

Of course, as with high-end workstations and file servers, you probably won’t be purchasing a mainframe to help you send e-mail or balance your checkbook.

But, it’s a category of computer, so I had to list it here. Consider the term fodder for your next cocktail party.

- Actually, it would be kind of cool to have a mainframe, although I don’t know anyone on my street whom I could impress with the thing.

- Mainframes are also known as big iron.

- Supercomputer is another classification of computer, although it’s really like a mainframe. A supercomputer is specifically designed to do many tasks quickly. To create a supercomputer, a series of desktop computers are linked together so that they operate as one unit.

(Chapter 3: Computers from A to Z)


a) Listen to Part 1 of this conversation between a shop assistant and a customer. Tick (√) the correct the correct answers to these questions:

Buying a computer

1) The customer wants a computer for:

[ ] writing

[ ] graphics

[ ] games

[ ] Internet

[ ] video

2) A multimedia computer provides:

[ ] sound

[ ] graphics

[ ] animation

[ ] telephone

[ ] video

b) Listen to Part 2 of the conversation. In column A, tick the hardware items named:

A B Device
    Multimedia computer
    Multimedia notebook

c) Listen again to the conversation. In column B, Tick the items the assistant recommends.

Portable Computers



to clip



to recognize



to refer

to be referred


reference book

to convert






free of charge

to charge

to recharge


to launch



to advise




a) chose the correct translation:

1) advice

a) заряд b) совет c) запуск d) обзор

2) charge

a) заряд b) совет c) запуск d) обзор

3) to convert

a) вырезать b) преобразовать c) относиться d) советовать

4) to clip

a) вырезать b) преобразовать c) относиться d) советовать

5) reference book

a) заряд b) обзор c) справочник d) образец

6) primary

a) обзор b) первичный c) справочный d) распознавание

7) pattern

a) заряд b) обзор c) справочник d) образец

8) recognition

a) распознавание b) заряд c) совет d) запуск

9) launch

a) заряд b) совет c) запуск d) обзор

10) survey

a) заряд b) совет c) запуск d) обзор

b) Match the words with their meanings:

1. to recognize 2. to convert 3. to launch 4. to advise 5. to refer 6. to recharge 7. template 8. similar 9. feature 10. primary a) ссылаться b) запустить c) зарядить d) подобный e) первичный f) преобразовать g) шаблон h) черта i) распознать j) советовать

с) Match the words with their definitions:

1) clipboard 2) feature 3) template   4) transmission 5) pixel 6) reference   7) conversion   8) rechargeable   9) advisable   10) similar a) the smallest single point on a visual display screen b) wise, sensible, recommended c) a file or memory area where computer data is kept for a short time while the user cuts or copies sth from an open document d) something important, interesting or typical of a place or thing e) like, of the same sort f) a data item that contains information such as an address or index which shows where another data item may be found g) a change, especially from one system to another, or from one form to another h) the action of sending sth out from one person, machine or thing to another i) that is able to be filled with electricity each time the electricity it contains is used j) a plan of sth that is used as a model for producing other similar examples


a) Before reading the text, match the words with their definitions:

a clipboard b stylus c screen d grid e voltage f pixel g template l surface on which pictures or data are shown 2 electrical force 3 pattern used as a guide for creating letters 4 individual dot on a computer screen 5 network of lines crossing at right angles 6 pointed implement for drawing or writing 7 portable board with a clip at the top for holding papers

b) Read the text and try to explain the heading:

Наши рекомендации