Practice the following according to the models

Model 1: I know five languages. – I wish I knew five languages. If only I knew five languages.

1. I have a flat here. 2. I live near my work. 3. I have plenty of time for reading. 4. I understand it. 5. My son writes every week. 6. My house looks out on a park. 7. I can take a day off any time.

Model 2: I asked Bill. – I wish you’d asked Tom too. If only you’d asked Tom too.

1. I invited Paul. 2. I stopped Mary. 3. I rang Ann. 4. I wrote to Alex. 5. I spoke to john. 6. I warned Philip. 7. I voted for Peter.

Model 3: Take more care. – I wish you would take more care. Don’t shout at me. – I wish you wouldn’t shout at me.

1. Don’t throw rubbish on the floor. 2. Listen to me. 3. Don’t waste so much time. 4. Try to answer my questions. 5. Get up earlier. 6. Don’t be so impatient. 7. Look where you are going. 8. Speak more clearly. 9. Don’t open the windows. 10. Don’t walk so fast. 11. Write more carefully. 12. Don’t come into the room without knocking. 13. Help me to move this cupboard. 14. Keep quiet.

Add to each of the following a sentence, beginning ‘I wish …’. The words in brackets will help you to form your sentences.

1. We lost the game yesterday. (win) 2. I sat at the back of the hall, and couldn’t hear his speech very well. (every word) 3. The sea is rough, we can’t sail to the island. (calm) 4. There were no taxis, so I had to walk from the station. (find) 5. I went to bed very late last night, and I’m half asleep this morning. (so late) 6. I could only answer three of the questions at the last examination. (all of them) 7. The box was heavy, I couldn’t carry it. (help me) 8. My father gave me some good advice, but I didn’t take it. (his advice) 9. One of my friends went to London for a holiday last summer, but I couldn’t go. (with him) 10. Why didn’t you watch the cat? It ate all the fish. I’m so angry with you. (more attentive) 11. There was so much noise in the streets last night that I couldn’t sleep well. (better) 12. There was a very good film on last week, but I didn’t see it. (read the program) 13. We went for a picnic yesterday, but it rained all the time. (so hard) 14. I was lazy and wasted my time when I was at school. (harder) 15. I didn’t understand what he said yesterday (louder) 16. This house is very nice and comfortable. I’d like like to buy it, but it is very expensive. (less expensive)

Rewrite the following, using a ‘wish’ construction

1. I’m sorry I don’t live near my work. 2. I’m sorry I don’t know Finnish. 3. I’m sorry I didn’t book a seat. 4. I’m sorry I can’t drive. 5. I’d like you to keep quiet. 6. It’s pity he didn’t work harder during the term. 7. I’m sorry you didn’t see it. 8. It’s pity you are going tonight. 9. I’d like you to wait for me. 10. I’m sorry I didn’t bring a map. I’m sorry I didn’t know you are coming. 12. I’m sorry I can’t swim. 13. I’m sorry you aren’t coming with us.

Translate into English

1. Жаль, что сегодня идет дождь. Если бы погода была солнечной, мы бы смогли провести день в лесу. 2. Я не знаю, где он сейчас живет. Если бы я знал его адрес, я бы обязательно ему написал. 3. Жаль, что я уже вернул вчера в библиотеку учебник. Если бы я знал, что он тебе нужен, я бы принес его тебе. Жаль, что я не живу поблизости от института. 5. Почему вы не попросили тогда меня помочь? Я бы обязательно вам помог, если бы вы попросили меня об этом. 6. Жаль, что вы не посмотрели этот фильм. Он довольно долго демонстрировался в кинотеатрах Москвы. 7. Я люблю читать, но у меня мало свободного времени. Если бы у меня было больше времени, я бы смог больше читать. 8. Жаль, что я не смог пойти в театр с вами в прошлую субботу. Если бы я не был занят, я бы обязательно пошел.


Some people say that your schooldays are the happiest days of your life. Here are six people talking about their schooldays. But still there a lot of problems. Read a list of problems, then your extract and define the problems the person has. Tick them all in the list.

1. _______The students are corporally punished.

2. _______ Even with a degree, there’s no guarantee to work.

3. _______The students don’t see their parents enough.

4. _______Little children have to travel 4 miles every day.

5. _______The children were not taught any cookery or needlework.

6. _______There were nearly 2000 students.

7. _______It is difficult to teach children of different ages and abilities.

8. _______There is no specific job preparation in most of the schools.

9. _______The teachers didn’t seem to understand the children.

10. _______The school wasn’t co-educational.

11. _______The teachers are overpaid, and their holidays are too long.

12. _______The students sometimes choose the wrong subjects.

13. _______The students have to wear uniform.

14. _______The school has been closed.

15. _______There is no help on career choice.

16. _______The students aren’t encouraged to continue education after 16.

17. _______Most of the teachers were boring.

Practice the following according to the models - Sally Jennings works in an advertising agency.

‘I went to the local grammar school. It was an all-girls’ school, and we all had to wear uniform. That uniform! I really hated it! We had to wear white socks, white blouses, matching blue skirts and blazers, and one of those … you know … funny little hats. Ooh! And we had to wear ties, really! We didn’t mix much with children from other schools. It was a bit snobbish, I suppose. The syllabus was very academic. We never did things like cookery or needlework. I was glad at the time but I wish they’d taught us a few … a few basics. I can’t even make a decent omelette. I didn’t like games, either – a lot of girls running round a hockey field on a freezing cold January afternoon. I hated it! Oh and another thing I regret … I wish the school had been co-educational. I was terribly shy of boys for a couple of years after I left school … simply because I hadn’t met many.’

Practice the following according to the models -

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