Ex.4 Ask questions about information in italics.

1. The cake was made with dried fruit. 2. Penicillin was discovered by Alexander Fleming in 1928. 3. My parents’ fence was blown in the storm. 4. Computer Science, Linguistics and Psychology were included in the curriculum. 5. The garage is being built at the moment. 6. I was hit by an old tramp. 7. We have been sent the wrong tickets. 8. Amy hasn’t been invited to the party because nobody likes her. 9. A lot of interesting subjects are taught at school. 10. Only a few photos were taken when we were on holiday in Greece.

Ex. 5 Write the correct tag to these sentences

1. The house is being painted at the moment, ___? 2. The 9.15 train hadn’t been cancelled, ___? 3. These letters aren’t going to be sent tomorrow morning,___? 4. Millions of trees are destroyed by pollution, ___? 5. The 1990 World Cup for soccer wasn’t played in Russia, ___? 6. My car will be towed to the garage on Monday, ___? 7. The company hasn’t been sold, ___? 8. The traffic lights were being repaired yesterday, ___? 9. Something must be done to stop the terrorists, ___?

Verbs with two objects in the passive

Some verbs can have two objects, e.g. ask, give, offer, pay, promise, send, show, teach, tell

Someone sent me a telegram. – I was sent a telegram. A telegram was sent to me.

Ex.6 Rewrite these sentences in the passive.

1. They gave me three hours to make my decision. 2. They send us a lot of interesting books every year. 3. They will pay him his salary every month. 4. Has anyone shown you the new machine? 5. Someone lent Ted the money. 6. The hotel staff showed us our room.

Verbs with prepositions in the passive

1. We use by + doer of the action when it is important to say who or what does, did or will do the action. Mary was arrested by the police.

2. We use with + instrument or material. I was hit with an umbrella.

Ex. 7 Complete the sentences with by or with

1. He was brought up ___his aunt. 2. The cake was made ___dried fruit. 3. The garage was painted ___ a new kind of paint. 4. The safe was blown open ___ the robbers. 5. He was killed ___ a falling stone. 6. Her kindness was appreciated ___ everyone. 7. The room was filled ___ the scent of roses.


· He is often laughed at.

· He was much spoken about.

Read the situation and write a sentence. Use the words in brackets.

Model: He seldom keeps his promise. (he/can/rely on) He can’t be relied on.

1. The child is very ill. (the doctor/send for) 2. The old car is in excellent condition. (it/look after/well) 3. He was speaking for two hours. (he/listen to/in silence) 4. She is going into hospital tomorrow. (she/ take good care of) 5. This little boy is always dirty. (he/ look after/ properly) 6. She is always breaking things in the kitchen. (she/speak to/about her carelessness) 7. He’s a sensible man. (his advice/listen to/carefully) 8. The dentist said her teeth were very bad. (they/take care of) 9. He never broke a promise in his life. (he/can/rely on) 10. Shakespeare was born more than 400 years ago. (he/look upon/as the greatest of English poets)

a) Put the verbs in brackets in the correct passive form. Re­tell the passage, use passive.

b) Speak about your University or Department using pas­sive structures.

A College Tour

"I'm glad you've all come to visit our college. I hope that many of you will enter it next year. First, let's visit some of our classrooms. In this room, students (teach) are being taughtFrench. Here at Greenville College, we believe that all students should (teach)......to speak a foreign language.

The students in the next room are studying history. History classes are usually very lively, but today the students (give) ... ... an examination. This room is a science classroom. You can stay for a while and listen. I'm sure many interesting ideas (discuss)......right now. In a little while, we are going to see the cafeteria where all the school food (prepare).......We believe that young people should (feed)......good food. That's why we've planted the vegetable garden you see next to the cafeteria. The vegetables that our students are eating today (grow)......in our garden. The next stop on the tour will be the college hospital. It (build)......last year and is the school's most modern build­ing. Patients at the college hospital (take)......care of by ex­cellent nurses and doctors who (train)......at the best universi­ties. Students from Greenville College are well prepared for life. Many of our former students (hire).......by fine companies where they (give)......important jobs. We hope you've enjoyed your tour of Greenville College."


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