Test each other: Look at the words and word combinations below. With your partner, try to recall the context they were used in.

· space stations · semiconductors · an electrical furnace · pure chips · fiber-optic cables · a complex blend · impurities · bubbles  

25 Complete the Table (column “Application on Earth”) using the information from the text “Creating Materials in a Weightless Environment“

Conditions on board the spaceship/equipment on board the space ship Objects of study (materials/products) Made of/composed of Application on Earth
weightlessness (gravity) new alloys protein crystals -    
  silicon crystals -  
electrical furnace in a weightless environment perfect crystals gallium arsenide and zinc oxide    
weightlessness fiber-optic cable a complex blend of zirconium, barium, lanthanum, aluminum, and sodium    
microgravity environment impurities in materials (bubbles) -  

Test each other: Look at the words and word combinations below. With your partner, try to recall the context they were used in. - student2.ru 26. Summarize the information on materials research in space using the following plan.

1. The effects of weightlessness on various materials

2. The role of space stations in the production of new materials and products

3. The results of the experiments performed on board the space station

Test each other: Look at the words and word combinations below. With your partner, try to recall the context they were used in. - student2.ru 27. Translate into English using modal verbs can, must, need, may or their equivalents if possible.

1. Изменение физических свойств материалов можно изучать на борту космической станции.

2. В результате экспериментов в условиях невесомости ученые должны найти способы устранения примесей в материалах

3. Космонавтам не нужно доставлять громоздкие (bulky) конструкции с Земли, так как их следует изготавливать на борту станции.

4. Компания “ Made in Space” смогла создать технологию 3Д печати, которая может быть использована для замены поврежденных деталей непосредственно на МКС.

5. Иногда космонавты вынуждены изготовлять деталь вне МКС в вакууме космоса.

6. Новая технология позволила производить инструменты на борту, что необходимо для длительных (long term) космических полетов.

7. Несмотря на то, что А.Энштейн смог предсказать (predict) гравитационные волны столетие назад, их существование было доказано совсем недавно.

Homework after Lesson 2

1) Ex. 26

2) Ex. 27

Lesson 3

Grammar (See Grammar Reference to the Module)

Part 2. Modal verbs expressing possibility and certainty.

28 Test each other: Look at the words and word combinations below. With your partner, try to recall the context they were used in. - student2.ru [5] (file 3) Listen to the explanation of how to use modals of possibility and certainty. Complete the sentences.(1:37 min)

Modal verbs (called modals for short) are _________(1) verbs that express a speaker’s attitude and the strength of that attitude. There are about __________(2) modals in English.

A person who is 100% sure uses the verb beas in "I ______(3) sick." If they are mostly sure, say 95%, they will use the modal _______(4), as in "I ______(5)be sick." When speakers are about 50% sure, they will use the modals may, might, or could; as in "I __________(6) be sick. I _____________(7) be sick. I _______________(8)be sick."

What modal verbs will you use to express your certainty of 95%, 50%?

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