The inside surface of a room that you can see when you look above you

I got a crick in my neck from painting the ceiling.

Aid – Эид

help or support:

He gets about with the aid of a walking stick.

She went to the aid of a man trapped in his car.

A woman in the street saw that he was in trouble and came to his aid.

in aid of sb/sth in order to collect money for a group of people who need it:

a concert in aid of famine relief

verbto help: Huge projects designed to aid poorer countries can sometimes do more harm than good.

What's sth in aid of?

said when you want to know the reason for something:

What's all this shouting in aid of?

no matter which way you look at it
No matter which way you look at it, that day in 2001 changed the world.

Host – хОст

someone who gives a party or has guests:

Lucy was a gracious host.

Vancouver played host to the conference (= the event happened there).

A plant or animal that another plant or animal lives on as a parasite

verbto be the host for guests or for a special event:

Which country is hosting the next Olympics?

Hospitable – хоспИтбл

friendly and welcoming to guests and visitors:

The villagers were very hospitable to/towards anyone who passed through.

Hospitality – хоспитАлити

the act of being friendly and welcoming to guests and visitors:

The local people showed me great hospitality.

set off - to start on a trip:

What time do we set off tomorrow?

Row – роу

A line of things, people, animals, etc. arranged next to each other

a row of houses/books/plants/people/horses

We had seats in the front/back row of the theatre.

the activity of making a boat move through waterusing oars (= poles with flat ends):

They've gone for a row to the island.

to cause a boat to move through water by pushing against the water with oars (= poles with flat ends):

The wind dropped, so we had to row (the boat) back home.

live up to something - to achieve what is expected, esp. high standards:

We expected a lot of her, and her performance lived up to our expectations. \ He'll have to wait and see whether it lives up to his expectations.
So will it live up to the legacy of Knights of the Old Republic or Dark Forces ? \ Chinchillas can live up to 20 years and are known for taking regular dust baths.

Traffic - трАфик

the number of vehicles moving along roads, or the amount ofaircraft, trains, or ships moving along a route:

There was heavy/a lot of traffic on the roads this morning.

We got stuck in traffic for several hours. \ Five people were injured in a traffic accident (= one involving vehicles).

illegal trade:

to cut down the traffic in drugs/the drug traffic

Police are looking for ways of curbing the traffic in guns.

the activity of data and messages passing through an online communication system or the numberof visits to a particular website:

internet traffic traffic

web/website/site traffic

We can give you advice on how to improve your site traffic and generate sales.

Verb traffickingto illegally buy or sell people, or make money from work they are forced to do, such as sex work:

It is estimated that between 700,000 and 2 million women and children are trafficked globally each year.

Beggar – бЕгар

A poor person who lives by asking others for money or food

a person, especially when you are expressing an opinion about something that they have done, or that has happened to them:

You've won again, you lucky beggar.

Those children have been running about in my rose garden again, the little beggars (= annoying people)!

Adjective beggarly small in amount and not at all generous:

The council voted to give the new project a beggarly amount of money.

like a beggar in appearance, way of life, etc.:

a poor and beggarly people

Ring – рин

a group of people who work together, often secretly in criminal activities:

a spy ring \ a drug ring

a circular piece of material often made of metal that can be heated in order to be used for cooking:

a gas ring

an electric ring

ringleader the leader of a group of people who are doing something harmful or illegal:

The ringleaders of the plot were arrested and punished.

a special area where people perform or compete:

a boxing ring

The horses trotted round the ring.

Conduct - кондАкт

to organize and direct a particular activity:

The experiments were conducted by leading scientists.

To conduct people to a place is to walk there with them:

The usher conducted us to our seats.

to direct the performance of musicians or a piece of music:

[ T ] The orchestra(Окестра) was conducted by Thomas.

to cause yourself to behave in a particular or controlled manner:

I won’t tell them how to conduct their lives.

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