Ex. 6 Translate into English using the verb may

1. Может быть, ей и не нравился новый учитель, но она его нисколько не боялась. 2. Можете зайти к нам после семи, если хотите. 3. Ты могла бы по крайней мере посоветоваться с сестрой! 4. Может быть, на вас никто и внимания не обратит. 5. Оливер спросил, можно ли ему получить еще тарелку каши. 6. Больному стало лучше. Вы можете навестить его завтра. 7. Тебе можно быть посерьезнее. Ты уже почти взрослый. 8. Где же мой паспорт? – Возможно, ты забыл его дома. 9. Спроси их, можно ли нам тоже пойти с ними в поход. 10. Возможно, его не было на лекции. – Но он говорит, что он там был. 11. Она не была англичанкой, но ее можно было принять за нее. 12. Возможно, летом меня не будет в городе. 13. Он стоял довольно далеко от них и, возможно, не слышал их слов. 14. Как бы надолго ты ни уехал, я буду ждать тебя. 15. Ты мог бы купить мне эту книгу! Ты знал, что она мне очень нужна.

Read the text and do the exercises that follow it. A Purse Full of Pounds

Jack is on his way to the sports centre to meet some friends. He's feeling miserable because he hasn't got any money. It's his girlfriend's birthday next week. He may not be able to buy her a present and she could be very disappointed. She might even refuse to go out with him! He could ask a friend to lend him a few pounds, but he already owes money to all his friends.

When he arrives at the sports centre, he sees something pink near the entrance. It's a purse and it's full of money; Fifty pounds! Who could it belong to?

"A pink purse can't belong to a boy. It must belongJo a girl at the centre", Jack thinks.

Jack doesn't know what to do. He could pay his debts with the money and he could buy Debbie a present. There's no one in the street, but someone might be watching him.


a) Say the following sentences using may. Model: Perhaps the purse belongs to a girl at the centre. The purse may belong to a girl at the centre.

1. Perhaps the owner is looking for a purse. 2. Perhaps Jack knows the girl. 3. Perhaps someone will be watching Jack. 4. Perhaps he won't tell anyone about the purse. 5. Perhaps he won't try to find the owner. 6. Perhaps he will put the purse back where it was. 7. Perhaps he will find the owner. 8. Perhaps Jack will get a reward for finding the purse.

b) Retell the story as the story-teller, then as Jack.

c) What might you do if you found a purse full of money.

Must and its equivalents

A journey of a Thousand miles must begin with a single step

We haven’t got the money, So we have got to think.


  present past future
must have to be to must have/has to am/is/are to -------------- had to was/were to ------------- will have to … ------

Meanings - MUST

  1. Obligation, necessity
It’s 10 o’clock, you must go.  
  1. A command
You must leave the room at once.  
  1. Prohibition
You mustn’t speak while writing.  
  1. Probability or supposition
She must be waiting for us.  

Meanings – HAVE TO

  1. Obligation, necessity arising out of circumstances
I have to get up at 6 every day. My working day begins at 8. приходится, вынужден  

Meanings – BE TO

  1. An agreement or arrangement
We were to meet at the theatre at 9.  
  1. A strict order/ prohibition
You are not to get your feet wet. (не смей!)  
  1. Something thought as unavoidable
He went about thinking of his life and what was to become of him.  

Ex. 1 Comment on the meaning of the verb must. Translate the sentences into Russian

1. I suppose one must be serious sometimes. 2. It must be seven. 3. Harry, you are horrible! You mustn’t say these dreadful things. 4. Nothing must be done in a hurry. 5. You and I are friends, Basil, and we must always remain so. 6. I’ve always thought he must be quite clever in his way. 7. Surely it must have been O’ Murphy’s doing. 8. I must be getting sentimental. 9. But surely you agree with me that the other woman must have gone to the wrong flat. That is the only possible solution. 10. ‘I’m afraid I must be going, Basil,’ he murmured. 11. It was in that tone that he must have spoken to his children when they were tiresome. 12. She must have watched him hide the books in the garden and brought them back in. 13. You mustn’t say that, you mustn’t think that. 14. He looked sixty, but I knew he must be much less than that. 15. She must be found and brought back here at once. 16. Her life must have been very unhappy. 17. You must be in love. 18. ‘You mustn’t talk so much,’ the doctor said. 19. She must have been a very stupid woman, or else very inexperienced. 20. You must be telling another lie.

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