В таиланде в современных условиях

Научный руководитель: д-р полит. наук, проф. Батанина И.А.

Тульский государственный университет

22 мая 2014 года в Таиланде произошел бескровный военный переворот, который возглавил командующий Королевской армией Таиланда генерал Праюта Чан-Оча. В стране прекращено действие конституции, распущен сенат, введен комендантский час и цензура в СМИ, арестованы оппозиционеры, а также разогнаны лагери протестующих. Причиной переворота стал непрекращающийся уже несколько лет политический кризис и неспособность всех сторон конфликта прекратить противостояние. Почти два года в Таиланде власть брала военная элита. Влияние на власть определяется концентрацией в ее руках значительного количества средств уничтожения и людей, готовых по первому приказу их использовать, а также степени милитаризма самого общества. Задержаны сотни политиков, активистов, журналистов. Несколько задержанных, которые вышли на свободу, сделали достоверные утверждения о применении пыток. В тоже время, сотни людей, большинство из них политические диссиденты, были привлечены к судебной ответственности в военных судах. Государство официально запретило гражданам страны собираться в группы более чем по пять человек, мотивировав это политическими соображениями. С того периода в Таиланде власть перешла к военной властвующей элите. Этот переход – составная часть рецессии общества от демократии к тоталитаризму. В ходе беспорядков состоятельная элита использует народные движения и выборы для принятия выгодных ей решений. Военная элита страны очень тесно связана с королевской семьей, и это обстоятельство дает право аналитикам утверждать, что за многими действиями высокопоставленных генералов стояла воля монарха.

Таким образом, взаимодействие элитных и массовых групп в Таиланде представляет собой систему вертикальной организации, призванной обеспечить упорядочение взаимодействия различных уровней власти, основанную на подчинении низших уровней высшим. Здесь каждый из вышестоящих уровней выступает как управляющий в отношении нижестоящих, которые, в свою очередь, подчиняются вышестоящим, следствием чего стал сверхвысокий уровень конфликтности в обществе. Это напрямую влияло не только на внутреннюю и внешнюю политику, но и отношения элиты с массой и много раз приводило политиков к попытке вооруженным путем решить существующие противоречия в политической элите. Чтобы найти выход из кризиса и восстановить в Таиланде взаимоотношения элитных и массовых групп, в заключение, нужно немедленно восстановить деятельность гражданского правительства, вернуться к демократии, к соблюдению прав человека и фундаментальных свобод, таких как свобода прессы. Путь вперед для Таиланда должен подразумевать, в том числе, проведение досрочных выборов, отражающих волю народа.

Peycheva A.A.


Научный руководитель: канд. ист. наук, доцент Евгеньева Т.В.

Московский педагогический государственный университет

The common misconceptions in the contemporary world are ones such as believing that everything you see and read in the media is correct. This common misconception is used as a main tool to target the sensitive to information electorate during political campaigns and elections. In order to better target the masses, the campaign managers and political teams put to use a number of basic techniques of manipulation such as most importantly: emotion, using short and clear catchy political mottos/ themes, choosing their campaign colors wisely, making their elected to be leader in the image of a hero opposed to his rival who would be the epitome of the image of the enemy; also, uses of symbols on the campaign materials are usually carefully selected to have a deep historical meaning or be easily assimilated with a popular modern theme in order to attract more voters. Where stereotypes are still believed, the mass is reminded of them and where old folklore stories may be mentioned, it's done for the sake of votes.

It is important and crucial of a factor to create a good image for the to be elected political leader and this is most efficiently done with the use of the Internet. It is not only important to use television time and short campaign clips played in the right time to target the mass , but also to do the same in the radio, journals, newspapers by giving interviews and having a lot of media covered events for important causes. The most crucial for creating a good image outlet of them all though is considered the Internet, because there, the political candidate campaign team is able to create any kind of positive image they wish to for their candidate. By the use of tweeter, Instagram, Facebook and other social networks and by being active on them, the to be elected political leader is able to show interest, belong to causes, show "the inside world" of a politician, thus be as close as to his electorate as possible. The importance in these conversations, the comments, likes, shares, plus 1s and re-tweets, is that this feedback provides the candidate and the campaigning team with direct information from the electorate through which they can reshape his image as however they wish to in order to reach the median voter position and win the elections. These are modern day techniques of dispersing propaganda.

In the past when there was no internet, the Nazis and British used planes to disperse pamphlets over the areas they wanted to influence to their side. In modern times during conflict, this technique is used over the area by Israel above Gaza, as a means to warn the people of possible air strikes or ground invasions since the Internet is not a good channel of communication there. We all know that banal and hot nationalist propaganda, Nazi propaganda have been found to be really effective due to the damage they manage to create every time that they are re-applied. As well as, I would like to claim that Cold War anti Russian American propaganda is really effective too since even in our days you hear Americans referring to Russians as "Commies" while Russia is a democratic state. Some older techniques used for influencing or manipulating the masses, in our days, are applied in other areas of expertise and techniques from other areas are applied to politics as a methodology. It is somewhat a recycling of techniques that occurs overtime. Likewise, we can claim that marketing techniques used by washing powder companies, sock companies, glove companies and pharmaceutical companies for the sake of sales increase are recycled and used to the maximum in political campaigning to increase the number of voters. The political game then becomes a brutal Wall Street type of auction off of channel time, radio time, newspaper article page and positions, etc.

The protagonists of political campaign manipulations are not simply people working in the campaign team, but also paid or not bloggers, celebrities, famous activists, singers, writers and artists, in general, family and friends of all these people and most importantly the political nominee himself, his family and the lobbies supporting him. As an all time example of a celebrity used during elections to increase voting is P. Diddy also known as Sean Combs in the "Vote or Die" campaign in 2004. His role was to attract the mass to vote. He used an easy catchy slogan and his fame and his fellow celebrities fame to tell the people that the cost of voting will always be less than them not casting their vote at all. The concept of the cost of voting is highly important in politics, because this is the tool through which anarchists aim to sabotage votes by. By making it seem that going forth and voting is useless and wasting ones time and that to cast a vote would not change anything are some of the anarchists main rationales and statements which aim to only create more and more apathy and further and further bring displease to the percent of people who have actually voted. Professor Tatiana Evgenieva writes in her book “Technology of Social manipulation and methodological counter acting”of a 3 wave behavioral pattern during elections, it being at first a mass hyped up experience about the political atmosphere during elections, second, a displease with the elected politicians and as a third and final, this displease culminating into a rebellion of a kind. If people would collectively encourage voting and battle apathy, this wave pattern would not be so correct for most European and other countries as how it is now.
Politics is not just participating in the democratic processes; politics is also the conscious choice not to participate, but voting is a privilege, a right that ought to be used. It is your choice to pick what type of political life you would like to have and whom you would like to be influenced by. During elections, you have the right to make a choice between competing rivals or to not make a choice at all and be displeased after due to your apathy and ignorance. Manipulations of all types surround us daily, but there is nothing more dangerous than being a politically uneducated and ignorant person! Pro vote! Pro test! Pro life! Pro peace!

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