Account of person one as a pass to the referendum

It is possible to create one account per person, not to create a bunch of documents, many accounts. It would save funds, cut bureaucracy, and simplify control over the receipt and expenditure of funds, and would simplify the process of voting. Here there is one room only per person. A person comes to a vote, enters his room, his phone receives an SMS confirmation code, and he, by entering this code, securing its input a fingerprint scan, a voice. Such a system would be reliable enough, if the operators will reliably protect the transmission of data, and the system will insure a time limit, for example no more than 1 minute to enter a code. This system will reduce document management system, tax and shadow earnings, and identification.

The Fixing of working time via the Internet

For monitoring compliance with the act, the state could introduce the fixation working time, for example via the Internet. Worked, came home, and noted in the Internet service both at the point with one number per person, I'm home. In the event of a lawsuit addressed to the employer, employees could cite as evidence the data came home after work each day. And questions about overtime and the dispute about payment was permitted would be easier. Of course, there will be attempts by honest people to tarnish the reputation of the employer, this requires accounting in organizations. Just locking system returning home from work will further protect workers from arbitrary employer.

A World without borders

And why there is no military law that if the military superiority of one side over the other, and if civilian casualties exceed 100 thousand people, the superior party is obliged to cease hostilities. This will enable the cessation of military conflicts between the power and a small country. A change of leadership should take place only by decision of a majority of the local population. Imposing the change of leadership of the country to another country need to consider aggression. That is, if only one of the leaders of one country stated that the need to change leadership in another country, then the UN must discuss measures against a country whose leaders offer such solutions. This will give the opportunity to exist in countries with those traditions and laws that they chose, not that they are imposed from the outside. And as this decision will save the lives of millions of people who suffer from outside interference. And do you need an independent, international media who could cover the event in any part of the world. But it is necessary to get rid of the boundaries of the state. Solving problems with the religion, respect, language, and destruction of weapons, humanity could move on to world without borders. Globalization has taken the first step towards a world without borders. But the political processes much in the way of establishing such a system. Politicians are actively using the difference in the views of religious, national, and General perception of the world people in their dirty games. Why I call them dirty? For only one reason. All actions of politicians within countries, and foreign policy aimed at the seizure of others, the satisfaction of a strong or agitation of its system to others. Not one political system does not seek to make people obey her happy. All politicians hide behind made-up ideals, but they do not adhere to them. That democracy, when in reality the power belongs to the rich, this is another trick that under communism, when the tip had at least some privileges, even though the system and assumed equality, a common man is defenseless. All political systems are just using people, destroying or injuring people, and none tends to make man, a simple man that works in the organization, honestly fulfilling its obligations happy. No President came to the beggar, holding out a hand, and have not figured out why in his country there are people who exist like that. None of them tried to solve it, poor, problem. This is the true face of politics. She is indifferent a simple man. She needs him just as meat that is supposed to give his life. There are many examples: Any war. For that die Soviet, Russian, Vietnamese, Korean, American, German, Japanese people during the world wars, Afghan, Korean, Vietnamese conflict? How many lives given? At least one politician has apologized to the families of the victims? At least one politician has promised to save the lives of their fellow citizens, or just people? Only abolishing the border, and choosing the path of survival in a lifeless, cold and hostile space, coming to a common religion and language, humanity will have a chance for survival and development. Otherwise, it will destroy itself, or the cosmos will destroy him, like a nuclear explosion in the anthill.

44) the Nature of security as a hoax (ejection plastic) environmental protection

The greenery in all cities and high-rise buildings. To reduce the negative human impact on the environment through deforestation and the increased use of machinery which produces carbon dioxide, which is known to recycle plants, it is possible will address to practice when people create rooftop green spaces. This practice, in my opinion should have state support and motivation. In addition to this incentive program home plant to each apartment were house plants. Then it will be possible to suspend negative impact on the environment, namely the atmosphere by human activities. What kind of fish it is possible to speak without government intervention? Or at us again trying to pin their duties? Well, who goes through the trash? Where plants for the processing of waste, disposal of hazardous waste? Why the state can not compel manufacturers to increase the volume of containers, to reduce the amount of used plastic containers? View all products as it is wrapped in plastic, polyethylene. And where it goes waste? Why abandoned glass containers? Because plastic is cheaper to manufacture, but for some reason no one picks on companies tax on its disposal. Glass containers can be a lot of time to use, and plastic? One pleases: subsequent generations will be a lot of jobs. And, paper? What kind of conservation tells us the state if it allows even paper towels, and companies have no restrictions on the amount of paper documents. At work can print documents several times. Or pulp factories were safe and the number of trees increased? But we are talking about some kind of environment. While manufacturers and organizations will not be liable, and are not interested, the ordinary people will not be able to clean up the environment. Just the action of the state is similar to the attempt to shift the fruits of their inaction on citizens, and capitalize on them. The present environmental policy might look like this: 1) use reusable containers( that was in USSR), 2) from non-biodegradable materials 3) cleaning of all gas production facilities, machinery, apparatus, 4) centralized accounting and recovery of all pertinent pollutants( motor oils, greases, tires, etc.), 5) reforestation and 6) a closed cycle of usage of water etc.

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