Ancestral Heritage (Russian and Tatar)

Speaking about modern Russian intolerance, you can only ask a question, and it really is a Russian saying? Because all the intolerance comes from the West, and offended sitting there. And, for the Russian people's characteristic wisdom, willpower, loyalty to traditions and respect for older generations. Re-enable logic. Do You think that After 300 years, we can say, the authorities Tatar-Mongols, just took it, and became suddenly gained strength Russian? Or maybe You think that they were so scared they immediately all ran away and hid? If not, here's another question: Why the Tatar-Mongols, having failed, had not started a guerrilla war? And that today's generation is offended sitting? I like nerds that sit at home on the computer and so vilify other people that want to ask, but what are you sitting? Make at least something. Your ancestors created this country lived together with so many people, and you are poor and miserable sitting and crying: here come in large numbers. So it is necessary as that to solve the problem, and not to cry. That's just the modern generation has forgotten how to think, and the story they do not know. But then so many centuries Russia lived multiethnic and multi religious country? All who desire the separation of the Nations and religions just spit on the works of their ancestors.

The gap from the East (cinema etc.)

Why is our hatred of all things Soviet is so strong that we managed to bury one of the best if not the best animation Studio. Even other countries have recognized the quality of Soviet animation. And our cinema has turned into bollywood Russian, while dropping content even below the bollywood series. Here is our emblem symbolizes that we like looking at the West and the East. But in fact, we look both heads to the West, ignoring the East. Meanwhile, East Asia is actively developing. Take their TV series (drama), which according to the storyline several times better than the products of Russian cinema. And Russian TV ignores Eastern neighbors. The impression that we are the only Western country. But we want to be friends with them, or rather to pretend, and only in trouble to remember their existence. Of the series, I would recommend the Japanese drama dragon zakura that can be shown in the may holidays to encourage students to prepare for exams, and drama Pinocchio to remind the media about their professional responsibilities. In addition to filmmaking we lag behind and in the flexibility of the industry, and even the speed of railway transport, not to mention the economy. The only thing Russia has is a weapon, but it is not able to lift the economy.

Our self-deception, complacency and greatness

Modern Russia is so strong in reality that you wonder how did the state still exists. As we can proudly celebrate the day of victory, space, literature and other dates, if we are all destroyed. We celebrate the day of victory over fascism, but politicians and TV promote of a wall in the Caucasus, the expulsion of the Jews, and representatives of Asian countries, and nationalists the courts justify, in broad daylight killing of foreign citizens and also allow the passages of the column of nationalists. And in space, so even missiles have forgotten how to run without incident, and on foreign stations visit. And about literature, so all prohibited authors, students don't even know many of the works, but we like to fool ourselves that defeated fascism, first flew into space, are home to the world of writers. So what makes us so great today? Only for its history. And what we did to Russia? We are so strapped economy to oil and gas, do not grow agricultural products that can't even cover its own needs, not to mention entering the market. Our generation, and the previous did absolutely nothing for the country, but harm.

Self-Determination of the country

To move forward, we must finally take hold of the mind and see the truth. But the truth is, the West, we don't need. They only want our resources. And, for the self-determination of the nation need to remember our history and understand who the Russian people for Russia. Ancestors were able to create such a state, and to do so powerful, and what we need to do for the salvation of Russia.

The Country's leaders

Each region has its own country's leaders, followed by stretching the rest of the country. In Europe - Germany and the UK, in the East - Japan and China, North America - US, Latin - Brazil and Argentina. Each of these countries in terms of their geographical location, the development of culture and national education has achieved a high status in their regions. If you remember the story, the same world war started because of redistribution of spheres of influence leading to the time powers. Due to the fact that these countries are trying every age to subdue neighbors, or other power, rolling back civilization ago. Yes, who would say that war helps to make the breakthrough to the winners. Again, this is a marketing ploy of the organizations of war. They are trying to justify our existence and beg for funding. But, if we turn to history, where you will see the growth of the economy, or the development of civilization, for example after the invasion of the Mongols, the first and second world wars? Or are you saying that nuclear weapons have helped to create a nuclear power station? All war carried only the development of weapons and methods of destruction, and bring the destruction of civilization and the suffering of people. For economic development needs constant infusion of funds in the development of science. It is capable of the country's leaders, and they must be responsible for their activities. Otherwise, humanity will continually take a step forward and a half ago, thus not leaving himself a chance at survival.

World Language

In all the world religions can be seen the idea that mankind was divided into Nations, and accordingly, the communication between them stopped because of ignorance of languages for the sins before the Creator. But man, as a rational creature has learned to communicate, learning the language and culture of the peoples encountered. By the will of Creator the person is moving to a common knowledge, both scientific and linguistic. In recent times, and in the history there were cases, when evil men have used the differences of language, and the clash of entire peoples. For the development of mankind, people have to come to a common language. A common language will help to accelerate understanding in the world, will increase the efficiency of the negotiations at all levels, will facilitate the teaching and learning of science and technology. For this it is necessary to conduct an analysis that would show which language would be more useful for communication, and thus it will not be poor and difficult to comprehend. Possible to choose from several languages words which would be easy to remember, and when spelling had a large number of characters. So it is necessary to analyze all the written symbols and choose the ones that would have expedited the process of writing, and could when used to reduce the amount of text data.

32) What can we learn from America (Japan, Korea)

We use the U.S. experience to create a training process to build a legal society, the creating a mercenary army, but do not notice the emphasis of the U.S. successes in East Asia. How much of their influence in the region, how much they instilled in their culture, and how today those countries are cooperating, even with Western Europe, and they even shared a continent or ocean, and we the neighbors can not agree, neither with the West nor with the East. What we are not compliant, or vindictive, or consider ourselves better than others, or that we should? Comparing our accomplishments in Central, Eastern, and indeed in Asia, with the achievements of the US and the UK, can we be surprised that we even want those countries to communicate. I'm talking about the fact that Russian language and traditions in these countries are respected, even in their films, compared to Western cinema, there is no hate propaganda to Russian and Vice versa, though not often, but respect for Russia. It is the failure of Soviet policy in the national question, led to the influx of immigrants from the republics to the territory of Russia.

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