Totalitarianism (Bulk and restrictions on Assembly)

For example, the Constitution stipulates freedom of movement, the right of the people to the meetings. But somehow meeting people now need permission from the authorities. And, what do the people whose interests are ignored by the local authorities? Authorities received the legal right to ignore the indignation of the masses, and to deprive the freedom of all participants. Remember the reluctance of business leaders to pay for the labor, or murder of locals by foreign workers. If not for the unity of people to defend their legitimate rights, no one would pay attention to them. Now the authorities were legally entitled data collection to not only ignore, but actually to intimidate people by imprisonment. And how then do we differ from the Soviet era? Why, then, we declared human rights? We must restore order in all laws to avoid contradictions, and preserved consistency. And you need to put into practice method of proof of a violation in the workplace. Now the Manager can be punished for violation no proceedings in the cause of the violation. For example: head saw that at some point the employee was in the workplace, "breaking" job, and punishes him for it, explaining that the employee broke the rules, for example, took a helmet to fix her hair, and at the moment saw the head. But he does not want to understand the circumstances of the incident, and immediately takes the decision on punishment. You need to put into practice Commission analysis of the circumstances that are threatening the employee with punishment. The Commission must include a representative of the trade Union organization.


Soviet education is recognized even abroad. How many natives of Soviet Russia glorified school of the USSR. Yes, thanks to marketing, the whole world knows West school. But the most interesting that in Russia our school hate even more than in the West. We are so blinded with the West, that even I Russian folk tales about Ivan the fool admired. Did the fools in Russia won? How can you forget, how well know Russian language, mathematics, literature, history graduates of Soviet universities and secondary schools? It is easy to check, having only one exam in any of the subjects. And to compare the results of graduates of 80, 90 and the present time. Yes, us was and remains the problem with the introduction of scientific developments, but the level of education I would not say that we in the Soviet time so it lagged behind the West. Why we lagged behind, and behind, it's because of bureaucracy and the dominance of the old brain in the management of the Institute, and the Ministry of education and the desire to mindlessly lick from outside the system, who are no better than ours, and even more inferior to her. That's how they were agile system, so it remains to be resolved. How would you feel if reborn still education in Russia, today's graduates will be able to look into the eyes of their children? It is necessary to analyze the existing system of education on efficiency. And develop, finally, a clear system, without the idiotic prohibitions of the works of the animations of the Soviet period. Or if you want to become a literary nation, a nation of cheap soap operas and detectives, you can continue to move in the same direction.


Russia to madness rich in resources. But they are preventing the country to develop. Instead of the finished product Russia supplies the market with raw materials. However, she can't even cover their own needs, and buying products made from raw materials locally available. Who will tell you the answer: It's nonsense, what else. But surprisingly it works. What's even more surprising is the reluctance of any country's leadership or organizations any way to redirect effort toward production. The crisis in Ukraine and the subsequent Western pressure showed how easy it is to put the existing system in Russia to its knees. Generally, it is incomprehensible that such a huge country, with such a large population buys products abroad, and such that can be grown on-site. For example: Potatoes, tomatoes, and most vegetables and fruits. Or in the territory of the North Caucasus is not so profitable to grow cucumbers and tomatoes? And about the seafood I'm all in shock. How you can buy from other countries? And gold jewelry? How can you say that we have no corruption, or wonder why in the Soviet time struggled with speculation? Remember only a sharp growth of prices for buckwheat. So this is not repeated, it was necessary to impose all companies involved a fine in excess of the income over the period of rising prices. The same situation with the wheat production. How can the state remain on the sidelines when super crop leads to an increase in the price of bread? Russia lives by breaking the laws of Economics, logic, and simple humanity. It follows only one conclusion. The authorities in Russia have set, and leaned on oligarchs, and wealthy segments of society. But she didn't notice that all these layers keep the capital abroad, and don't really want to invest in the Russian economy. But the people that at all times the authority relied in difficult times, survive as you can, and tolerate all this humiliation. Then who will be guilty if will be done, what may be a revolution? Again blame the people? If the current government do not try to change, that itself will bring autumn of 1917. Because the enemies are not asleep. There is a massive propaganda of the enemies of Russia, for the overthrow of the current government. And, do You think the farmers whose grain bought for a penny, retired, who forgot the taste of seafood, the parents who pay for the free schools and gardens, or workers that work 12 hours for time off, support the rebellion? There were precedents: the Anti-corruption rallies, the rally at the Swamp. In my opinion, sooner or later, the wealth of resources will be Russia's Achilles heel. It has already become such, and therefore Russia does not develop properly. The wealth of resources you have to invest in the development of the vast territory, but it needs a lot of manpower, or modern mechanization, which is enough in the East.


To the West, it became the main weapon in the fight against Russia. And, success lies not in their genius and our stupidity. Still, Russian folk tales bear a great deal of wisdom. At all times, and the West have already realized this, the Russian people could be fooled, how Ivanushka, hung noodles on the ears. That, at the baptism of Rus, when the people were forced to worship another faith that in 1 Peter when he cut the beard, that under Stalin, when believed a peace Treaty, that under Khrushchev, when planting corn that under Gorbachev, when he rebuilt that under Yeltsin, when he accepted democracy, under Putin, are friends with the West, everywhere we've been left out in the cold. I wonder how many times we have to step on a rake, to finally came? And the West will continue to come up with new stories, such as restrictions on exhaust emissions, protecting the environment, reducing noise from aircraft, cleaner fuel for cars, etc. etc. it was All for Vanya, so he dutifully sang, to his own detriment, and they, the Americans will be easy to ignore all the emissions, feed and play off Greenpeace on its competitors, etc., etc., and how long we will be considered friends, comrades, partners of those on the whole world States that Russia should disappear? Where is the pride, dignity? So, their propaganda completely engulfed our government that we the education to be copied mindlessly, substitute a second cheek, ignoring Eastern neighbours, helping hand, risking his position.


Thanks to the propaganda of the West managed to embroil the Russians and the Chechens. Now there are a lot of accusations of Kadyrov and Putin. There are geeks that sit behind a computer and write nasty things. I'll answer one. You hate Russian people, ready to wage war? Or do you think that you never made a mistake. Would you be able to go against those who at any time can kill you? Peace in Chechnya is the merit, first of all, Kadyrov, and kowtow to Vladimir Putin for his wise decision. And those who want war, or to build fences and walls please consider traitors to the country, though only because they spread nationalist sentiments, which subsequently develop into fascism that is a threat to national security.

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