Immigrants, migrant workers and fascism in Russia.

After the collapse of Soviet Russia presents a unified management system, production established between the centre and the republics, were destroyed. As a result, the Republic was unable to establish at least some production, due to the fact that businesses industries were cut off from each other. In the end, many of the republics there was an increase in unemployment. Russia, having a favorable geographical position richly endowed with natural resources, and at least slightly competitive, but manufacturing is to produce products that have demand in the world market, was the victim of its status as a leader in the post-Soviet space. Of course, republics want separation and independence, while showing the hatred of Russia. But as they say: the Earth is round. The lack of jobs, and most importantly the refusal of some republics to solve this problem led to the flow of migrants to Russia. In turn, the Russian leadership is just not committed to solving the problems of migrants, probably because of the inflow of cheap labor. All this together leads to the fact that in Russian society there are nationalist sentiments than are actively begin to use the enemies of Russia. In the country, defeated fascism, begin to occur the same processes as in Germany the 30-ies. Most interesting is that the leadership of the country doesn't notice. Meanwhile, the nationalist sentiments promoted in the media, cinema, and politicians that multinational country is extremely dangerous. Be outrage among the citizens of the country, when entire districts of cities, settlements, villages turn into a habitat foreign workers, most are in the country legally. While local authorities and law enforcement do not notice their existence. What is the result? 1) to increase social tensions (uneducated, not knowledgeable, not respecting local traditions, laws, do not speak the language workers are a direct threat to the local population, and therefore cause a negative mood in the society); 2) increase unemployment among the local population; 3) rise in crime (if you think about it who goes to Russia? Persons who do not need at home. Well, if because of unemployment. But most of the riding or because of low qualifications, or hiding from the laws of their country, that is, criminals. Being in an irregular situation, they represent a great danger not only for individual citizens but also the whole society. Such persons illegally become the target of organized crime and terrorist groups. This problem must be solved in a short time, to involve all structures of the state and society. In addition to the control over the execution of the duties of local authorities, it is necessary to involve representatives of those republics, whose citizens violate local traditions, not to mention laws. It is necessary to prevent the inaction of the police to carry out checks under complaints of citizens, while monitoring the conduct of these inspections, to impose on the governors. Of representatives of the republics with Russian citizenship, to form groups, reporting to the Governor, and receiving complaints from citizens about the inappropriate behavior of their representatives of the republics, compatriots. After receiving a complaint, the representative of the Republic must adopt measures of coercion of the guilty in order to understand his wrongdoing, and apology. When not performing his duties a representative Republic, and the person offending shall lose the right of stay on the territory of the country. And you should enter the responsibility of heads of regions with the identification of groups of illegal workers. To do this, from the main Department of the Federal migration service checks should be carried out on complaints from citizens that should be taken to free number, or electronic resource (e.g.: 000000, 000 St., where the first digit of the zip code and then the name of the settlement, and address). Then, in the inaction of the authorities, will be able to monitor their work. After that, it will be possible to try to solve the problem of fascism in Russia. But our nationalists are so funny that they even the force is not perceived. Yes, and how you can support the movement, which proudly calls himself a Russian, and the participants call themselves skinheads. Is the old Russian word, probably. Why are they not trying to raise topics for discussion on the forums, to protect the Russian people, not trying to sue the corrupt officials who protect illegals, and unsanitary point, and only timidly bullied individual typically poor, defenseless citizens of foreign States. If they sought to protect the rights of Russian, then among them there would be lawyers, economists, MPs, representatives of law enforcement agencies, and then together they could legally, anybody not intimidating to close the point with the illegals. But the activity of Russian nationalist is more like a professional criminal, which is someone's orders, not only from abroad, conducting terror. In my opinion, these groups are in favor of criminal activity, deputies of the opposition, helping to eliminate opponents, and in return receive protection from persecution of the law, and the opportunity to intimidate foreign citizens. But do nothing to help the poor, the needy, the Russian people, not trying to preserve the language, themselves illiterate, so I don't know no history, no culture. But their activities are seriously undermining the country's reputation abroad. Why representatives of the Soviet school are still available in other countries, and they occupy the highest positions in their countries, and very warm attitude towards Russia? Because the Soviet higher education was valued in the international arena, and what's more, it distributed the Russian culture to the whole world that hated the West and they are the main ideologist of the nationalists. But the saddest thing is that nationalist sentiments are becoming so popular among the population that people do not remember the Soviet period when we could live together people of several nationalities and faiths. Here it is, the main achievement of the West in the collapse of Soviet Russia: Sown the seeds of discord that continue to grow. The state usually does not notice them. In the USSR at least tried to, as it is to inform citizens about the culture of the inhabited country, was taught in school. And, in General, the Soviet school was the strongest in the world. You just compare the knowledge of graduates of schools from different generations and countries. I am sure that graduates of the Soviet school will give odds to modern graduates and any graduate of the Western school. And look how much better in the USSR were taught the Russian language, literature, history, math, Yes, in all subjects, how much was developed of the youth movement Komsomol, pioneers, October, and all students wore uniforms. But if you look at East Asian countries, they still wear school uniform. And, in General, some countries have adopted the Soviet experience, from which we refused.

11) Russia or is the Soviet Union (the betrayal of the Republic)

Though, by common decision of all the leaders of the republics and the leadership of Russia was accepted the decision on creation of independent States, but in the end we got the situation when there seems to be an independent country are not responsible for their state, and trying to live as parasites at the expense of others. For example, take Ukraine, Georgia, in which Russia, why is it still investing heavily, and in response to receiving only the base of terrorists and hatred of the local population. While these republics even thought there is about the return of funds received. Russia needs to decide finally whether we Want to restore the unity of the republics, or to live as a truly independent country. Otherwise, it turns out that the budget of our strong economy is investing in the development of their own country just thrown to the wind. Or we have solved problems with: deterioration of the housing stock, providing housing for large families, military families, the lack of facilities for pre-school education with the development of transportation. Just don't forget what I told our parents as in the same Tajikistan at the moment of separation of the Russian kicked out of the country, and now we forgive them. And in return they don't even want to create border troops to the border to close normally to stop drug trafficking from Afghanistan.


Religion was born when he was a reasonable person. Initially, all superstition, and man's faith was based on the perception of the world, and fear above all the inexplicable, and in the end the respect and worship of all that the human mind was unfathomable, easily attributed to secondary, non-human forces that gave birth to the gods of the surrounding world( gods of sun, sea, forests, water, trees, etc.).But, when the time Homo sapiens appeared, the religion of worship humanoid gods. People decided that if they have minds, which helps to survive the hardships of nature, to subdue animals and other people, it brings them closer to the Creator. All of these ideas emerged after the beginning of the section of the people in the class, the emergence of hierarchical structure of society, the emergence of powers that to consolidate his power created a belief that was put at the head of a humanoid, and not the natural image of a deity. What is the confidence of the establishment of religion by man? Despite the fact that the person is very different from other members of the planet, his only distinguishing feature-the presence of mind. And that is why all religions of the world are using the human form to convey their laws of God to believers. Would other men reach for the irrational superstition? No. So came the idea of messengers of God. And how to get people to believe? Need miracles, and of course the commandments, which radically put a stop to all animal instincts, and psychological human behavior. Isn't it amazing that in the Bible God says be fruitful, but it is sexual desire a sin. It turns out that the instinct of reproduction is a sin. And if You're a believer, from birth you are a sinner. And You're already trapped. You must atone for your sins with the first breath. You are the fruit of sin. Is it not said that God is merciful, why does He not forgive him for this sin? Who benefits from such a philosophy? Only the rulers, to a simple man was conquered. It is because of these interpretations there is a clear idea of the origin of the Bible the words of a man, but not God. Yes, the Holy Scriptures, created, or edited very smart people. It all leads to this. For example, why is his creation God calls a slave. It's the human pillar of the time when slavery was legal. Doesn't God over the creatures on earth? He could not say that his creation is a slave. It was the people, the creators of the Bible to enslave the minds of their contemporaries. How else to explain that the guardians of the divine teachings differ in their perception of this teaching? Why one and the same fact of the existence of Jesus, and his words are not perceived by all equally? Or Islam, the Qur'an is one, and the currents a lot. That is the main proof that the Scriptures are the handiwork of man. And even the priests themselves do not behave as followers of God, but on the contrary violate the basic precepts, and just his whole appearance showed that the religion for them, or all of the work, it's business. But, this business is directed only to the receipt of funds. And no religion wants although on Finance, and profitability could develop production, create jobs, and help the poor, the sick, orphans, schools, the hungry. And no priest, Imam or other religious leader does not want to help a member of another faith, the poor, orphans, to allocate funds for the development of drugs. Neither the Church nor the mosque and any other religious organizations don't build houses, create jobs to help the unemployed, not helping to restore the deceived citizens. For example, could create bakery, to create jobs and feed the homeless, and the territories belonging to the Church to build a house. But charity is for the rich only way to satisfy his pride. Even the Church, returning to his assets, does not sin and does not violate the commandments? It just turns out that all religious organizations have huge income, but their ideology is not to offer society, and not helping financially. And why receiving donations, the Church can not give the pensioner a free candle? And, again, I think this is a confirmation of their thoughts: because the religion of business with their greed, pride, looking more and more like a criminal but covered up by the state. How else to explain that religious organizations can say do not pay taxes, they don't check State. The agencies and their representatives drive expensive cars and live in expensive houses, their income may also be exempt from taxation if the organization will give them the reward, but the government does not know already how to Rob ordinary people. His proposal is directed only against the common people: that from the accounts of the taxes to take it with working informally, with truckers, with the village. So take these informally employed and output to clean water. I have already suggested in the paragraph give all citizens a single number (one for each) instead of the Inn, insurance, credit cards. One number, and account number, and all operations through it. And soon we will see the arrival and withdrawal of funds. And then no shadow economy will not, and people will be recorded and the state easier to control. And the common people also can afford to grow vegetables, fruits, animals for sale, once the government inflation may not overlap to fulfill obligations to retirees, then why stop people making money? If, under the pretext of health, simply require the security checks, but of course the government will not do it because he needs the money, not the people. It says about the health only when it is necessary to protect the business of the rich, then the product simple human threat, and tobacco and alcohol products, it is unclear what is it made of food safe, because with them, the state has a huge income. Not enough money? Here's a suggestion: There are churches, mosques, synagogues and all religious organizations. Create a system of control over the revenues of these organizations must pay tax on, here you have funds to meet obligations to retirees. And also, why not check the legality of purchase of the whole property, which in Soviet times was used for preschool education? Why are these houses became luxury houses for the rich, offices, or just listed in the assets is not known, SMB organizations. And, if the state received funds for this property, why is now a shortage of properties for children's education? Why then the Prosecutor's office will check the legality of the transfer of property, and the expenditure of funds from the sale of the property. Then maybe, the funds in the Treasury will be added? Or is it easier to invent a new tax? And why is the country no one is outraged that the government openly trying to put people on coarse grains? Already preparing for the change of state of the standard bread. Now it can be produced from fodder cereals. And the wheat of the highest grade for sale, and the proceeds from this sale and who will go? Where is the concern for people? Or it looks like that your concern? They themselves violate people's rights, the Constitution. Of course, the enemies use it. There is no smoke without fire. The state itself not fulfilling its duties, is committed to improving the lives of ordinary people, and then says that they are enemies. Yes, there is do not need enemies. If not change the situation, then after 100 years after the great October revolution in Russia is the same situation: Lack of quality food, war, infringement of the rights of workers and of the people, the deafness of power on the discontent in society, all kinds of bans and imprisonment of opposition leaders into custody. Of course, there is the likelihood of their recruitment by foreign States, but they are sprinkled with salt that is in those places where the authorities must respond, engage with people, to understand and make the decision, not to prohibit, and create idols for young people, like Navalny. And then all the initiatives of the state are perceived in bayonets. Why? Because all ideas are going to refuse their responsibilities, and shifting to ordinary people. That is to blame pensioners? Or is it 24 years collapsing economy? Why deputies the money, and for payment of pensions not? I believe that the issue of raising the retirement age should be adopted through a referendum. And, all you need to understand how it happened so that the state can't meet its obligations? Let looking for money where he wants. Otherwise, people who left their health on production, or have honestly fulfilled their debt to society, should die at work? Why just not to give up pensions? Would immediately invented an excuse: All funds from the pension Fund we will use to build housing. I think people would lead. Why nerd Kudrin will not propose: let's make the income tax on s.p. from 100 thousand rubles, 60%, and religious organizations put under state control and tax? And then, you know, not fair, according to officials, that interest on deposits is not taxed, and that religious organizations do not pay a penny, and at the same time receive assistance from the state at taxpayers ' expense, that's fine. Who invented the pension system at the present time? Who took? Why nobody is responsible for failure? Why retirees for their mistakes? Why don't want to spend estimated value of the Zenit arena, sports facilities, and find out why everyone is so costly to the Treasury? To find those, who in the meantime has been enriched by the construction of these facilities and you have the means. If raising the retirement age will be implemented, my suggestion is to boycott the next election and to collect signatures for the abolition of this decision and the criminal case on the initiators of the proposal. Why is it necessary to do so harsh? In Russia always the elders were held in high esteem. To them at all times turned for advice and listened, and at all times was considered ignorant to live at the expense of the elderly, but rather to help. People have a right to a happy old age, and a worthy end of life's journey. Those who propose to deprive people of this, shall not in any way to be associated with the government, and they need to make it impossible ever again to get this power. Otherwise, pensions will be history and people will work, humiliated in front of the employer so he did not fire them to death. Wasn't there a proposal to raise the retirement age to genocide?


In Russia, we treat it as something terrible and made the term a household word. Affected by the negative experience of the Soviet period. But, if you look at developed countries, and just to remember history, ideology can be compared with the mission of the organization in management. And, with the right approach, it produces a stimulant effect that enhances productivity and can help people to survive at a certain stage. Remember, as restored by the Soviet Union after the war with Germany, as rose Japan, China, USA. Without ideology countries are hard to develop. Here, for example, US. Proclaiming itself as a country that has taken for a basis, the so-called democracy, saying about human rights and freedom of speech, they laid a Foundation for attracting labour, both low and highbrow. What led to the growth of economic indicators of the country. Russia, in turn, being in shock after the collapse of the USSR, did not intend to create, just lately, trying to make clones of the Soviet era, the Komsomol, one of the party, attempted to create a Patriotic sentiment in society. But, if the ideology has no mass support, it is not an ideology, but a temporary fad. It is necessary again to turn to the experience of the Soviet Union. Russia, having gained the experience of Imperial power, socialism and democracy, could create a world ideology, but contracted a capitalist idea, the power only supports the wealthy segments of society.


In Russia there was a legislative collapse. This happened for several reasons. 1) in a fit of joy the collapse of the USSR, lawmakers, modern Russia, abolished some of the laws of the USSR, and created laws that either contradict each other or are not enforced because of deficiencies; 2) develop draft laws and taking people who have no legal education; 3) does not check for compliance of the adopted laws to the Constitution, and in General logic. Which leads to:

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