Failure in the West and Russians in the West

I must admit that in the Soviet time our guide brought a lot of troubles to the Western part of the USSR, and not only Western. At least we survived it all together, but resentment remained, and the extreme consider us. Of course, it is necessary to objectively judge the fact that those countries actively subjected to Western propaganda, and from the outset sought to us. It is therefore necessary to make concessions and not to RUB salt in the wound. We've already lost in these countries struggle. You only need to maintain economic ties and to show his friendliness. Otherwise, their hands we can be dealt a nuclear attack. A nuclear weapon they will be happy to give US. It is also necessary education of the Russian society aimed at teaching etiquette, behavior abroad, and it also would not hurt. Should not be allowed to leave the country for a certain period citizens whose behaviour spoils the image of the country. And persons who have gone abroad, has adopted and supports hostile to Russia the ideology, forget the Russian culture does not seek to return, there should be no help. In General it is necessary to say openly that we have for them can not answer. And it turns out that lure US all, and then it turns out that it is the terrorists and the Russian, even though they openly expressed their hatred of Russia. In General, the United States went on the way to collect all the dirt, just to destroy Russia. Took and hid Nazis after the war, the war criminals, themselves, though, and declared the protection of human rights, but use weapons of mass destruction (Japan, Vietnam), do not be surprised that in Syria use the chemical. weapons also the handiwork of the US-controlled groups. Why do I think so? The head should put the logic, and look for the side that benefits from events. For example, in Syria many of the Museum's priceless artifacts. Where they go? To the West collectors for pennies. Who benefits from the disappearance of Syria? Countries, neighbors and countries in the West because Assad has pursued a policy that could threaten American ranks. For example, in Syria, the couple got an apartment at the state's expense. That is, funds from the sale of oil went to social programs. Yes, and Assad did not want to submit to the United States, which is accustomed that all should fear, if not fear, must die. USA destroy an alien culture and make the whole world live by their rules. But in fact pursue the goal of profit. Expand your market while imposing hands on the resources of countries, or aim to surround the country, disagreeable, or uncooperative. That is why Russia should have their own, independent opinion. But it is necessary to boost the economy, and to pick it up, you need the unity of the nation, a clear ideology and a desire for development. The West thrives hatred of the Russian. This is not just a rejection of culture, or protection of their interests. This is a deliberate action on destruction of Russian nation. Since ancient times in the West was born the dream of owning Eastern lands. From generation to generation, and this hatred only grew stronger. And it's not religion but greed. The entire Western civilization is built on the principle of selection of the good from the weak, strong. That is why, no matter how much Russia tried to convince the West, she will never be able to do it. If you remember the story, what would the West we did not accept, it would not have tried to show our sympathy, all the time got a slap. With all this, all our leaders went against the will of the ancestors and the people. To remember only the baptism of Russia, cutting through Windows in Europe, the reforms of kings and presidents. By the way in the East still is, if not worship, respect (love) for nature, as in Russia. Even if we live in the same country, the Western countries do not understand that the pain we share together. Resentment of the former Soviet republics, however this is not tried will not work. This should serve as a lesson for the whole of Russia, and most importantly, all leaders of the country. Whatever is going on in the world, domestically it is not possible to sow hatred and to achieve political goals by force of arms. Here's another example of how in Russia diverge words with actions. We are stuffed how bad was the Soviet Union, and take all the bad from that time. For example: 1) one party. All said it was bad, everyone hated the Communist party, and, what now? With all this in a little party of these politicians or people, as something related to jurisprudence, to at least to make laws deliberately. The absence of this, not to mention the strong opposition. 2) as a result of laws that contradict the Constitution. For example, bans on rallies. Or not economically reasonable costs because of these laws. For example, renaming the police. What is most fundamental, so because of this flourishing corruption. Due to the lack of control from the state, going all the mess. Example, with the Olympics in Sochi, the construction of Zenit arena, Defense services and others. Somehow, no one raises the question of where to go and the state, but in the end our taxes? Here's another Soviet legacy, which we use. There is no independent media. They disappeared. Now we have a dictatorship, as under Stalin. Symptoms: Controlled by the party, decision-making with an eye to only one person, the lack of independent media. The company irrevocably submits to the. No protests against the laws, for example, gave utilities in private hands, without the legislative framework, and the people only obey. Hence the problem of society: the Man has become a gold mine for companies and the state. Is milking the ordinary people. We do not oppose, and cannot influence the laws: the Fee for capital repairs, payment for insurance, Stripping in kindergarten, school, at work, in a store, cheating on pensions. It turns out that we only have to pay regularly, but when we are anything, we must obey. In any store we legitimately forced to buy something that is beneficial to the seller. You need to create a movement of anti-marketing. For the new marketing course stores include: cashless payments and self-checkout. That gives you the opportunity to pick up buyers with more cash, and the self the buyer will not receive any bonuses, though the store and is a winner due to the absence of the cashier. Generally, you must enter a rating for the shop to remove from the market are not effective. We must create sites that we consumers will be able to make rating, and affect the quality of service. And the stores in turn should move in the direction of maximizing the satisfaction of customers ' needs. For example, if the self-checkout, the vacant workers can be send to increase the quality of service. For example: In the network, Hyper Magnet appeared the box office, but those salads don't have time to cook, and on the Shelves were a mess when it comes to shelving, you have to dig. And most interesting is that all the networks are not trying to reduce the cost, or just to come up with new services for people. Because the entire system, and the political and economic aims at obtaining funds from a person, not for the benefit of man. Need an ideology:

6) Not maximizing profit, and humanity Here's an example: the State is not enough space for kindergartens. But shops on every corner.

7) delivery of products from the store Why not make the law, or by stores agree that sales floor and warehouse General and only in sections of stores. This will reduce the cost of rent or maintenance of the premises, and released funds why not deliver products on the phone the pensioners and people with disabilities.

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