The Unification of Korea and other countries

Well, first off: Japan is one of the leading economically developed countries. The Russian economy is very strong support. Second, the Japanese are not so large population to demographically threaten the Russian population, in the third, accession will give the inflow of the workforce, and in the fourth, Russia is so huge that We are either going to be torn on two sides, and in the end, as in the proverb two rabbits, or one part all the time will pull back the other. There is of course another option of unification with China, but they have a very large population. Of course, and that Russia could benefit from. The issue of labour would be solved for centuries, and quality protection of borders of the countries would be solved, and everything else again, China is economically strong, and with its population of Russia would gain a huge army. What will this army? First, the Russian population is necessary population growth. Constant war always hit at the most numerous nation. I do not propose to hide behind Chinese or Japanese back. Simply, if Russia and China are United, it is, I hope, will cool the ardor of the aggressors, which ultimately will help boost the economy of the country, and to raise the population. Why I speak about Association, not about unions or about the leases? Well, firstly, it is possible to remember history. Was stronger than Russia, after the merger with the Tatar-Mongols? Many unions really strong? If you just sell, or lease, give examples of when rent really led to prosperity? Usually the tenant squeezes everything you can, and since it's not it just goes. And rental we, the people, get much? No means do not see, not jobs. Of course, just like no one will not be joining us. Need a job of the government and the consent of the people. Just, in my opinion, it is better to build a relationship with someone who wants it than to fight about a wall of hatred. In East Asia, in addition to the act of Japan in world war II, in China, singing ditties in Russian, in their films, there is no hatred towards Russians, unlike Western cinema, and China recently coming to our side, even though he was a former colony of England, and is under heavy pressure from the British and Americans. From that it is sad to see the discouraged faces of Chinese politicians after the signing of the pipeline. We are repelled strong friends, but with poor countries we're going to tremendously not beneficial compromise. We can forgive such debts, and with a strong ally can not make concessions. Because I use their kindness. But in the end we can be alone. And Russia needs to pursue an active policy in East Asia. Because play the US (but US I think hands of the UK) in many aspects: Strong in the East Asian countries promoted Western culture is embedded throughout the English language. Countries that supported the Soviet Union, coming under the influence of the United States, such as Vietnam, Cuba. Russia should take an active part in the unification of Korea. Sharpen-that in Soviet period we have also promoted the division of Korea. And so, although we may not be able to build communism, but to turn away from countries that have trusted us and followed us, can be called a betrayal. That is why we cannot allow attacks on North Korea. Any ways, at least send a large Russian delegation of deputies, or the taking of Korea under the protection of Russia, for a period of say 5 years, to solve the problem of the reunification of the country. It is necessary to involve all countries in the region to prevent U.S. strike. Because it would attack a country possessing nuclear weapons. And the entire population of neighbouring countries is in danger of destruction these weapons. His behavior shows his true attitude of the allies. It's clear that North Korean missiles do not reach US, but the neighbors they are able to hit. Here's to you and taking care of people. USA do not care about people. It's a shame that Russia is dancing to the US tune, not trying to stop them. Policy discuss radioactive cloud, consider the consequences of the war, instead of make every effort to avoid even thinking about the war. If Russia will not be able to join not Japan, not China, these countries, together with South Korea, it is necessary to embark on the path of creating a single East Asian state. Then they will be able to protect their interests from Western intervention.

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