Totalitarianism and its versions

The term "totalitarianism" occurs from a medieval Latin word «totalis» that means everything","whole","full". Totalitarianism is complete control and a rigid regulation from the state of all spheres of ability to live of the society, each person by means of the direct armed violence. The state absorbs all society and the concrete person. Thus the power at all levels is formed closed, as a rule, by one person or a narrow group of persons from ruling elite. Totalitarianism represents specifically new form of the dictatorship which have arisen in XX century

Dictatorship (from an armour. dictatura - "absolute power") - a mode of board of one person or a group of persons led by the leader without any control from operated - has arisen for a long time and had set of historical forms of the display. Originally, in republican Rome (V-I centuries BC) The extreme official (city council) appointed for term no more of six months for the organisation of protection against external threat or for suppression of internal mutiny was called as the dictator. The dictator has been connected by the right in the powers and stay terms in power. Since Sully and especially Caesar who was repeatedly allocated dictatorial with powers, character of dictatorship has essentially changed. The dictator became not subject to the right, неподотчетен to the people and changed laws in the interests. However subsequently - both in the Middle Ages, and during new time - dictatorships were internally fragile modes, they were rallied only by will of the dictator. Totalitarianism represents essentially new type of dictatorship in which the special role is played by the state and ideology. The term "totalitarian" was entered into a political lexicon by the leader of the Italian fascists B.Mussolini (1883-1945). The purposes of fascist movement, in its opinion, consisted in creation of the strong state, use of exclusively power principles of realisation of the power and submission of all public forces to a hierarchical principle. Essence of totalitarianism as B.Mussolini's new political order has expressed the formula: «All in the state, anything out of the state, anything against the state».

The theorist of the Italian fascism of J. Джентиле (1875-1944) Opened the maintenance of "the total state» as follows: «For fascism all is concluded in the state. Anything human or spiritual does not exist in itself, in even smaller degree it possesses any value out of the state. In this sense the fascism is totalitarian, and the fascist state as association and unification of all values gives life interpretation all

го the people, promotes blossoming and gives to it of force. Out of the state should not exist neither individuals, nor groups (political parties, societies, syndicates and classes) ».

Totalitarianism occurrence was promoted by the objective processes developing in the end of XIX - the beginning of XX centuries the Introduction of a human society into an industrial stage of development has caused creation of the branched out system of mass communications. There were technical possibilities for ideological and political control over the person. Growing division and specialisation of industrial work have destroyed traditional forms of life and have made the person defenceless before the world of market elements and a competition. Complication of social relations has demanded strengthening of a role of the state as universal regulator and organizer of interaction of the individuals having incoincident interests. Experience shows that totalitarian modes, as a rule, arise under extreme conditions: accruing instability in a society; the deep crisis covering all aspects of life; at last, in need of the decision of a strategic problem, all-important for the country.

In the western political science allocate following signs of totalitarianism: unique mass party; exclusively existing ideology recognised as all; monopoly for mass media; monopoly for means of the armed struggle; terrorist control from political police; the centralised monitoring system and managements of economy. Especially it is necessary to note such sign, as absolute concentration of the power in hands of the leader leaning against dominating party. The principle вождизма or фюрерства reflects a low level of development of democratic consciousness, arises as expression of requirement for a symbol of unity of the nation in the conditions of social instability. The Fuhrer in fascist Germany was at the head of the state, expressed its will; force of the state proceeded from the Fuhrer. It had an absolute power over subordinates. The authority of the leader has not been based on the realised trust, and had more likely mystical, personal character.

Totalitarianism   Authoritarianism   Democratic mode  
Total violent control and absolute power of the state over a society; The people are discharged of the power and extremely limited in the rights and freedom Rigid control of the power over certain spheres (a policy, safety, power structures); The people are discharged of the power and limited in the rights and freedom   The people are a power source in a society; to each citizen fundamental laws and freedom are guaranteed; key authorities get out  

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