Domestication vs. Translation. Their difference.

Translationas a term and notion is of polysemantic nature, its common and most general meaning being mostly associated with the action or process of rendering/expressing the meaning/content of a source language word, word-group, sentence or passage (larger text) in the target language or with the result of the process/action of rendering. In other words with the work performed by the translator (cf. this is my translation).

No less ambiguous is also the term «interpretation»which is synonymous to «translation»and is used to denote the way or manner of presenting the idea of the work in translation orally (as well as its aesthetic, religious, political, pragmatic background and other qualitative characteristics of the work under translation). These may be artistic, genre and stylistic peculiarities rendered by the translator in his particular way, which is somewhat different from that of the author's. The thing is that «interpretation», unlike «translation», admits some more freedom of the translator in his treatment (at least in certain places or cases) of the matter under translation. Hence, the existence of free versifications (переспіви) and free adaptation (перелицювання) which are rightly treated as new creations (when they are of high artistic value). To the latter belong the famous free interpretations of Virgil's Aeneid in Ukrainian by I. Kotlyarevskyi or I. Franko's free adaptation of the German work Reineke Fuchs under the Ukrainian title «Фарбований лис», and many others both in our national literature and in world literature. Practically «adapted» (thought in a peculiar way and with the highest degree of faithfulness, i.e. interpreted according to our national literary tradition), are also Shakespearean masterpieces, Byronean writings and many other poetic and prose works. Consequently, «interpretation» may denote apart from the oral method of translation also a peculiar, pertained to a master of the pen and characteristic of him, as well as the only way of presenting a prose or poetic work in translation. («Interpretation» may also denote the style of a peculiar translator and his way of presenting a particular literary work).

According to Maksimov: Translation is a process of transforming messages in the SL into the messages in the TL under condition that their sense and communicative intention remain unchanged.

Interpretation is a two stage process of interlingual and cross-cultural communication during which an interpreter on the basis of an analyzed and transformed text in SL creates another text in TL, which substitutes the SL text in the TL.

Типи перекладу за досконалістю і повнотою відтворення:

1. Вдалий , достовірний, адекватний переклад – такий переклад, у якому сповна відтворено зміст кожного речення, всі основні перипетії твору.

Цей переклад має той самий вплив на читача, що і текст оригіналу на свого читача. Це не слово в слово, а повне відтворення змісту, форми і духу твору, перенесення з однієї сусп..-політичної сфери у іншу.

2. Переклад-переказ (paraphrase) – використовується для адаптації твору до вікових особливостей читача і для перекладу казок.

3. Переклад-переспів (free versification) – поетичний переклад, у якому поет додає свої думки, образи, своє світосприйняття. Такий переклад – наполовину авторський твір. (Гулак-Артемовський, Франко)

4. Доместифікація (domestification) – переклад, у якому зберігаються основні розділи оригіналу, але текст перетворюється на авторський (перекладацький). («Енеїда» Котляревського). Текст адаптується до реалії target audience, використовуються доместифікаційні елементи.

Domestication designates the type of translation in which a transparent, fluent style is adopted to minimize the strangeness of the foreign text for target language readers.

The real outbreak and a regular epoch making event in Ukrainian literature, culture and translation happened at the very close of the eighteenth century, in 1797, when the first parts of I.Kotlyarevskyi's free adaptation (перелицювання) of Virgil's Депе/'o'came off the press in colloquial Ukrainian. The appearance of this brilliant work marked a significant historical turning-point in Ukrainian literature and culture. It had started a quite new period in the history of Ukrainian literary translation as well. Kotlyarevskyi's free adaptation of the Aeneid immediately began the eventual rejection of further translations in old bookish Ukrainian. It paved the way to a spontane­ous, and uninterrupted functioning of spoken Ukrainian in original litera­ture and in translated works. The first to have employed the manner of free interpretation after Kotlyarevskyi at the beginning of the nineteenth century was the poet and linguist P.Bilets'kyi-Nosenko who made a free adaptation of Ovid's epic poem under the title «Горпинида чи Вхопленая Прозерпина» (1818), which was published only in 1871. The artistic level of this free adaptation, however, could not compete in any way with the already popular free adaptation of the Aeneid by I. Kotlyarevskyi. As a result, it remained unpublished for more than five decades and consequently was unknown to Ukrainian readers.

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