Find nouns in the plural form in the text.

Replace of-phrases by nouns in the possessive case.

Model: The son of Ann – Ann’s son; the books of the girls – the girls’ books.

The brother of Oleg, the name of his mother, the hobby of my parents, the stamps of Oleg, the badges of brothers.

Answer the questions.

Model: Whose family is this?(Oleg) – This is Oleg’s family.

1. Whose brother is this? (Oleg)

2. Whose stamps are these? (my brother)

3. Whose hobby is fishing? (my father)

4. Whose hobby is cooking? (my mother)

5. Whose family is this? (Oleg)

6. Whose flat is this? (my parents)

Use the possessive case. Translate into Russian.

1. The parents of Oleg moved to Shadrinsk.

2. Rock music is a favourite music genre of Oleg.

3. The family of Oleg Petrov is not very big.

4. The brother of Oleg Petrov likes popular music.

Additional Texts

Introducing Yourself

My name is Kostya. My surname is Gaev. I was born in Shadrinck on the 23rd of June in 1995. I am a tall thin boy. My hair is dark and short. My face is oval, my nose is straight. My eyes are large and brown. My friends say that I am a good-looking boy. I like to dress well. I usually wear black trousers, light shirts, clean boots.

I have a dream to enter the Institute.

I work hard at college. We study many subjects such as History, Russian, Physics, Geography and others. I am fond of English and Physics. And I am good atthem.

I think that I am honest, serious and polite.

I want to get a good education and find an interesting and useful work. I have a hobby. I like to sing songs. My father likes to sing songs too. He knows many good songs and we usually sing songs together.

Nowadays young people don't like classical music. They prefer pop music. My parents invite me to some very good concerts of classical music. It is great. I am very grateful to my parents because now I begin to understand how wrong I was going only to pop concerts.

I am proud of my mother and father. They are musicians. We like to spend our free time together. We often go to the cinema and to the theatre.

I want to say that I respect my parents.

Active Words and Word Combinations

be good at - преуспевать в чем-л

good-looking -красивый, приятный

honest - честный

polite -вежливый

prefer - предпочитать

to be grateful -быть благодарным

wrong -несправедливый,ошибочный

be proud of - гордиться

musician - музыкант

respect -уважать


Answer the following questions:

1. What is your name?

2. How old are you?

3. When and where were you born?

4. Have you a hobby?

5. You are a clever person, aren't you?

6. Are you proud of your parents?

7. Do you like to spend free time with your parents?

8. Do you think about your future life?

9. What do you want to be?

10. Have you any friends?

About Myself

My name is Natasha. I am sixteen years old, and now I am a student of the polytechnical college.

I was born in November 25, 1994. I live in Shadrinsk in a new five-storeyed house in Gagarina street, with my mum, dad and my little brother Misha.

I am not tall, my hair is brown and my eyes are dark. Everybody says that I take after my dad in every way.

My college is not far from our house. It takes me a ten-minute walk to get there. We learn many subjects at college but my favourites are Mechanics and English. Mathematics comes easy to me too, but it is not so interesting to me.

I am fond of reading and now I try to read easy books in English. Besides, I like volleyball. My friend Ann and I often stay after classes for a game of volleyball in our gym.

Neither of us is a great volleyball -player but all the same we enjoy it very much.

I have a lot of friends. Sometimes Ilike to stay alone, to read or to watch TV. But I can't be alone for too long.

What I really don't like is noisy arguments and quarrels. I always try to avoid them.

Active Words and Word Combinations

mum/dad - мама/папа (разг. форма)

I take after my dad in every way - Я по­шла в папу во всех отношениях

it takes me a ten-minute walk - мне тре­буется 10 минут, чтобы дойти

comes easy to me - дается мне легко

to be fond of smth/doing smth - очень лю­бить что-л. /делать что-л.

neither of us - ни одна из нас (когда го­ворится о большем количестве, чем два, упот­ребляется none of)

to stay alone - быть, оставаться одной

noisy arguments and quarrels - шумные споры и ссоры

to avoid smth/doing smth - избе­гать что-л./делать что-л.


1. Translate into English, using the text:

1. Я во всем пошла в папу.

2. Мне требуется десять минут, чтобы дойти до колледжа.

3. Иногда я люблю побыть одна.

4. Я не люблю шумные споры.

2. Answer the following questions:

1. Who does Natasha take after?

2. How long does it take her to walk to her college?

3. What are her favourite subjects?

4. Does Natasha like to argue?

My Family

When I say 'my family', I mean my mother, father, my younger brother and my grandmother, my mum's mother. Of course I have other relatives as well. For example, my dad's sister, aunt Ann, who lives in Tula; her children, Igor and Rita, are my cousins, and they are my dad's nephew and niece. But when I talk about my family, I somehow don't count them.

My dad is in business. Their firm deals in modern computers and calculators. He often goes on business trips, and when he is away we all miss him. Dad never forgets to bring some presents for each of us.

My mum is a designer by education. She works in a large construction company. When they are working on some new project, we see very little of her; she leaves early in the morning and comes home only after midnight. And then it is up to me to clean the flat and to cook meals for the whole family.

My younger brother Misha is six years old. He goes to a preparatory class at our school. He is not a very tidy boy by nature, and I keep telling him not to litter or to put away his things. But he obeys only mum and dad, not me.

My granma doesn't live with us. She has a small one-room flat in a large old house in the centre of Kurgan. We all love her and I am sure that she loves all of us too. I phone her nearly (=almost) every day but I don't have so much free time now to visit her often enough.

Sometimes in the evening we all gather at table and discuss the events of the day.

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