Develop the situations checking your knowledge of the text

1) Julia talked very differently to herself and to other people.

2) Though you would have thought, with her brilliance, her roguishness, her sense of comedy she would have been perfect.

3) She was a born actress.

4) I've lived in the theatre since I was kid just out of a board school, and what I don't know about acting isn't worth knowing.

5) .. .he flattered them by letting them think that they had discovered a remarkable

6) Neither a borrower or a lender be.

4. Discuss the following quotations in pairs:

1) I thought we might take him back with us and give him a spot of lunch. He's quite a gentleman.

2) Don't be natural. The stage isn't the place for that. The stage is a make believe. But seem natural.

3)But his gravest fault as a juvenile lead was that he could not make love.

4) Never pause unless you have a reason for it but when you pause, pause as long as you can

5) You've got magnetism and you don't seem to have an idea how to use it.

6) I should be a damned fool if I got myself mixed up with some woman in Middlepool.

5. Act out the conversations between:

1. between Julia and Michael when one day he watched Julia rehearsing;

2. between Julia and Michael when he proposes to her.

6. Make up the dialogues:

1. between Michael’s parents discussing Julia;

2. Langton and Julia rehearsing a Shakespeare’s play.

7. Speak your mind on:

1. Jimmie Langton and the role he played in Julia's life;

2. Jane Taitbout’s teaching;

3. the impression Julia and Michael produced on people (their life, career and character).

Entitle each chapter and prove your point of view.

Consolidating the Material

Do the quiz to test how well you remember the details of Chapters 1-4.

1. Michael invited the young man to luncheon because he was… .

a) an articled clerk b) quite a gentleman c) Julia’s fan

2. Michael and Julia’s house was furnished in extremely good taste due to … .

a) Michael’s own design b) Julia’s ideas c) an expensive decorator

3. Michael was not keen on acting any more because … .

a) there were no adequate parts b) he was too old c) he disliked modern plays

4. Julia never played in Shakespeare’s plays because … .

a) she disliked costume plays b) her low rich voice didn’t suit blank verse

c) she couldn’t portray the character

5. Michael grew popular with the company as he was … .

a) generous b) very handsome c) good-humoured and kindly

6. Julia went to the Royal Academy of Drama when she was … .

a) 16 b) 12 c) 20

7. Julia had a voice that … .

a) was too deep and loud for some plays b) was suitable only for comedies

c) could wring an audience’s heart

8. Julia accepted Jimmy Langton’s offer because he … .

a) paid more money b) promised many interesting roles

c) was a well-known director

9. Julia turned into a famous leading actress due to … .

a) Langton’s direction b) local newspaper articles c) London managers

10. Michael was against marriage … .

a) with an actress b) without love c) as it could spoil one’s career

2. Prepare the passage for artistic reading and translate it into Russian.

“Julia, taken by his enthusiasm... he was no better than anybody else.” (Chapter 3)

3. Arrange a round-table discussion on the following:

1. Hardships awaiting a young actress.

2. One-sided love.

4. Write:

1) the description of the main characters and the main facts of their life;

2) a letter to a friend as if you were Michael’s mother.

Culture Corner

1. Do you know the following theatre terms?

a raissonneur –the character of the play who doesn’t participate in the action but pronounces long monologues; a leading juvenile – an actor playing lovers; ingénues - the parts of naïve girls; sociétaire (French)– a member of the company.

2. Michael Gosselyn staged the plays of the renowned dramatists: Bernard Shaw and Henry Ibsen. Find some information about them in the Internet and present it to your fellow students.

These links can be helpful:

3. The author mentions the names of two great actresses: Sarah Bernhardt and Eleonora Duse.Sarah Bernhardt (1844 — 1923) was a French stage and early film actress, and has been referred to as "the most famous actress the world has ever known". Bernhardt made her fame on the stages of France in the 1870s, and was soon in demand in Europe and the Americas. She developed a reputation as a serious dramatic actress, earning the nickname "The Divine Sarah". Eleonora Duse (1858– 1924) was an Italian actress, often known simply as Duse.She gained her first major success in Europe, then toured South America, Russia and the United States; beginning the tours as a virtual unknown but leaving in her wake a general recognition of her genius. Do some research on one of the actresses and present it to the class. These links can be helpful:

Part II

Chapters 5-9

Pre-text Discussion

1. Do you think Julia and Michael match each other? Why? / Why not?

2. Do you think Julia and Michael would have a happy married life?

3. What opportunities did Julia and Michael have ahead when they were still in their twenties?

4. Read part II and check your answers.

General Comprehension

1. Who said it?

1) “Darling, you’ll make me as vain as a peacock”.

2) “You devil, you swine, you filthy low-down cad”.

3) “Now what’s all this Tosca stuff about?”

4) “You’re young and pretty and you’re the greatest actress in England”.

5) “Me? Darling, you know I’d go anywhere in the world with you”.

6) “After all love isn’t everything. It’s all very well at its proper time and in its proper place”.

7) “Oh, my love, don’t you know there isn’t anything in the world I wouldn’t do for you? It’ll be so wonderful; it’ll bring us so close together and I shall be so proud of you”.

8) “Oh, I don’t care a hang about that. As long as we can find plays with star parts for you I don’t matter”.

9) “I want love. I thought I’d married the handsomest man in England and I’ve married a tailor’s dummy”.

10) “In this business you have to take the rough with the smooth”.

2. Who did it?

1) Who offered Michael a new job abroad?

2) Who gave Julia a great smack on the face?

3) Who was thrown out of the part after a fortnight of rehearsals?

4) Who wrote constantly pages and pages of love and who wrote four pages exactly in a neat precise hand?

5) Who considered Julia to be the greatest actress in England?

6) Who was jealous of the men’s luncheons, the games, the friends at the Green Room Club?

7) Who was more concentrated on work and business rather than love and emotions?

8) Who was the first to fall out of love?

9) Who never attempted to play anyone but himself?

10) Who put up the money to start Michael and Julia in management?

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