Vocabulary. Disabled people- инвалиды

Abolition- отмена

Disabled people- инвалиды

Dispute resolutions - спорные решения

Equality and fairness - равенство и справедливость

Fair, effective and accessible- справедливая, эффективная и доступная

Headquarters- штаб-квартиры

Key aims-ключевые цели

Law and policy on running elections- закон и политика проведения выборов

Merger-объединение, поглощение

Modernising the constitution- совершенствование конституции

Politically impartial civil servants- политически беспристрастные госслужащие

Reducing crime - снижение уровня преступности

Responsible for prosecuting criminal cases – ответственный за ведение уголовных дел

The justice system - система правосудия

The security and well being- безопасность и благополучие

To achieve long term prosperity- достичь долгосрочного процветания

To be accountable – быть подотчетным

To build a safe, just and tolerant society- построить безопасное, справедливое и толерантное общество

To help reduce child poverty- помочь сократить бедность среди детей

To implement government policy-исполнять политику государства

To offer a unique experience- предложить уникальный опыт

To oversee - контролировать

To participate in political processes- участвовать в политических процессах

To protect – защищать

To raise the rate of sustainable growth- повысить уровень постоянного роста

To run the courts- осуществлять работу судов

To safeguard- оберегать, охранять

To work alongside local authorities-работать вместе с органами местного самоуправления

2. Прочитайте и переведите текст Government Departments(1)


The main role of government departments and their agencies is to implement government policy and to advise ministers. Each department is varied in its culture and complexity of work but is able to offer you a unique experience and insight into the way it delivers public service.

Departments and agencies are staffed by politically impartial civil servants and generally receive their funding from money provided by Parliament. They often work alongside local authorities, non-departmental public bodies, and other government-sponsored organisations.

The structure and functions of departments are sometimes reorganised if there are major changes in government policy. A change of government, however, does not necessarily affect the functions of departments.

The work of some departments (for instance, the Ministry of Defence) covers the UK as a whole. Other departments, such as the Department for Work and Pensions, cover England, Wales and Scotland, but not Northern Ireland. Others again, such as the Department for Children, Schools and Families, are mainly concerned with affairs in England and Wales. Most departments are headed by ministers. However, some are non-ministerial departments headed by a permanent office holder, and ministers with other duties are accountable for them to Parliament.

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