Match the people with the things they do.

List of people List of things they do

1. The accused - ….C A tries to prove the accused is guilty

2. The judge - ……. B gives evidence against the accused

3. The jury - ……. C the person who is on trial

4. The prosecutor - ……. D decides whether the accused is innocent or guilty

5. The lawyer - ….. E tries to prove the accused is innocent

6. The victim - ….. F decides how a criminal should be punished


Complete the sentences with suitable words from the recording. You may need to change the grammatical form of the word. Listen and check your answers.

1. I consider myself to be a law-a…………. citizen. I’ve never broken the law in my life.

2. The laws in this country are rather s……… - even chewing gum is banned.

3. Arson is a crime a……….. property, but sometimes people can get hurt as well.

4. I was given a parking f….. again yesterday. It’s costing me a fortune.

5. It is the responsibility of the police and the government to c…… crime.

6. More money should be spent on crime p…….. than on building prisons.

7. Sometimes the police feel that they are a……….. the law and should not be punished for traffic offences.

8. It used to be against the law to go fishing on Sundays, but thankfully that law was a……… years ago.

Correct the mistakes in the text.

“Our prison system is clearly not working. We need to find another form of punishment”.

If people 1 convict a crime then they should be punished and made to accept the consequences of their 2 acts. At the moment the only form of 3 punish we have is to either 4 find people for 5 small crimes or 6 emprison them for more serious criminal 7 offend.

Some people feel that this system is not working. Perhaps this is because 8 the bad people mix with other 9 crimes when they are in jail. As a result, prisons may provide a way for young people who have been involved 10 for minor offences to graduate to 11 bigger ones.

Rather than trying to 12 prevent this problem by building even more prisons. I believe the best approach is to try to 13 avoid crime from happening in the first place. We can do this by making sure that our property is 14 protection and also by improving the conditions for the poorer people in our society. We can also achieve this by 15 making new laws that will act as a 16 deter.


1. Commit

Answer the following questions:

1. Have you ever witness a crime? If yes, what happened?

2. Have you ever been the victim of a crime? If yes, what happened?

3. Would you ever commit a crime if you knew you wouldn't be caught? Why/not?

4. Do you think that your country is a safe and mostly free of crimes? Why/not?

5. What is the most common crime that happens in your country? Please explain.

6. What would you do if you saw someone shoplifting? Please explain.

7. What would you do if a family member committed a crime? What if it were a serious crime? Please explain.

8. What would you do if there were a burglar in your house? Please explain.

9. How do you feel about the death penalty? Is it right or wrong? Why do you think so?

10. What is the worst crime you can think of? What should the penalty be for that crime?

11. What specific crimes have been in the news recently?

12. Why do you think some people commit crimes? Why do you think some people commit serious, deadly crimes such as arson and murder? Please explain.

13. Is murder worse than stealing $1,000,000 for a large corporation? Why/not?

14. Is stealing someone's wallet worse than stealing $1,000,000 for a large corporation?

15. Do you consider yourself an honest person? Why/not?

16. What would happen if all crimes were considered equal in the eyes of the law? In other words, shoplifting receives the same punishment as murder. What if this true for felonies? Please explain your answer.

17. What would the world be like if there were no crimes? Do you think this could ever happen?

18. What would happen if there were no prisons, and instead all the criminals were sent to an island far away? Please explain.

19. There's a new law. If someone commits a crime, everyone in his family is similarly responsible. Is this good or bad? Please explain.

Task 1: Match the words and expressions withtheir correct definition 1-9.

law-abiding • solicitor • defendant * jury

offender • victim • barrister • judge • witness

1. A person appointed to make legal decisions in a court of law.

2. A group of twelve citizens who are sworn to decide whether someone is guilty or innocent on the

3. basis of evidence given in a court of law.

4. A person who sees something happen or is present when something happens.

5. A person who is accused of doing something illegal.

6. A person who is attacked or who is in an accident.

7. A qualified lawyer who gives advice to members of the public and acts for them in legal matters.

8. A person who commits an offence against the law.

9. A lawyer who can present a case in court.

10. An expression used to describe someone who obeys the law.

Task 2: The following groups of sentences describe the legal processwhich follows a crime.

However, with the exception of the first sentence, the sentences in each group are in the wrong order. Put them into the correct order, using the key words in bold to help you. Some of these words appear inTask 1.

Part 1

A. One night, Jim Smith committed a serious crime. = Sentence 1

B. Jim asked the officer for a solicitor to help him.

C At the same time, the police arranged for a barrister to prosecute him.

D. They took him to the police station and formally charged him with the crime.

E. When the trial began and he appeared in courtfor the first time, he pleaded his innocence.

F. The next morning the police arrested him.

Part 2

A. His barrister also said he was innocent and asked the court to acquit him.= Sentence 1

B. While he was in prison, he applied for parole.

C. As a result, the judge sentenced him to two years in prison.

D. Hewas released after 18 months.

E. However, there were several witnesses, and the evidence against him was overwhelming.

F. Having all the proof they needed, the jury returned a guilty verdict.

Part 3

A. Unfortunately, prison failed to rehabilitate him and after his release he continued with his misdeeds, attacking an old woman in the street. = Sentence 1

B. Jim promised to reform and the pensioner withdrew her call for more severe retribution.

C. With this in mind, instead of passing a custodial sentence, he fined him a lot of money and ordered him to do community service.

D. Hewas re-arrested and returned to court.

E. Hisnew victim, a pensioner, thought that the judge was being too lenient on Jim and called for the reinstatement of corporal punishment and capital punishment!

F. At his second trial the judge agreed that prison was not a deterrent for Jim.

Task 3: Now look at this extract from a politician's speech and complete the gaps with one of the words or expressions from Tasks 1 and 2. In some cases, more than one answer may be possible. You may need to change the form of some of the words.

Are you worried about crime? I am. We read it every day in the papers. A terrible crime has been 1 ________________, the police have 2 _____________________ someone, he has appeared in front of a jury in 3 ___________________, he has 4 _______________________ his innocence but has been found 5 ______________________ of his crime and he has been 6 _________________________ to ten years in prison. We are all very relieved that the criminal is being punished for his 7 ___________________ , and 8 _______________________ citizens like you and me can sleep more safely at night.

But what happens next? We all hope, don't we, that the prisoner will benefit from society's 9 ___________, that a spell in prison will 10 _______________________ him and make him a better person. We all hope that he will 11 _______________________ and become like us. We all hope that when he is eventually 12 _____________________ and let loose on the streets, he will be a good character, the threat of another spell in jail being a suitable 13 ______________________ which will stop him from breaking the law again. Oh yes.

But let's face it. The reality is usually very different. The prisoner may be released on 14 _______________, before the end of his sentence. He will try to re-enter society. But then he often becomes a 15 __________ himself, unable to find work and rejected by society. It isn't long before he's back in prison again.

So what alternatives are there, I hear you say. What can we do to the 16 ________________ to make sure he doesn't commit another crime? There are alternatives to prison, of course, such as 17 ______________ in which he will provide a service to those around him. Or he can pay a large 18 _____________________. Alternatively, we could establish a more severe system of punishment, including 19 ___________________ and 20 ____________________, but we like to consider ourselves civilized, and the idea of beating or executing someone is repellent to us. Oh yes.

The answer, of course, is far simpler. We need to be tough not on the criminal, but on the cause of the crime. We should spend less of the taxpayer's money funding the 21 _________________________ and 22 ________________________ and all the other people who work for the legal system, and put the money instead into supporting deprived areas which are the breeding grounds for crime. We in the Conservative Party believe that everybody needs a good chance in life, and this is a good step forward. Vote for us now!

Грамматические задания

Тест № 1.

Put the verbs into the correct forms:

Julia and Kevin are old friends. They meet by chance at a station.

Julia: Hello, Kevin. (1)...............(I/not/see) you for ages. How are you?

Kevin: I’m fine. How about you? (2)..............(you/look/well).

Julia: Yes, I am very well, thanks.

So, (3).....................(you/go) somewhere or (4)...............(you/meet) somebody off a train?

Kevin: (5)..............(I/go) to London for a business meeting.

Julia: Oh. (6)............(you/often/go) away on business?

Kevin: Quite often, yes. And you? Where (7).............(you/go)?

Julia: Nowhere. (8)...........(I/meet) a friend, unfortunately, her train (9)...............(be) delayed-(10)............(I/wait) here nearly an hour.

Kevin: How are your children?

Julia: They’re all fine, thanks. The youngest (11).............(just/start) school.

Kevin: How (12)................(she/get on)?

(13)..........she (like) it?

Julia: Yes, she (14)................... ( think) it’s great.

Kevin: (15)..................(you/work) at the moment? When I last (16) ..................(speak) to you, (17)................(you/work) in a travel agency.

Julia: That’s right. Unfortunately the firm (18) .....................(go) out of business a couple of month after (19)........................(I/start/work) there, so (20).................(I/lose) my job.

Kevin: And (21) ..............................(you/not/have) a job since then?

Julia: Not a permanent job. (22)....................(I/have) a few temporary jobs. By the way, (23)........................(you/see) Joe recently?

Kevin: Joe? He’s in Canada.

Julia: Really/ How long (24)....................(he/be) in Canada?

Kevin: About a year now. (25).................(I/see) him a few days before (26)..................(he/go). (27)............................(he/be) unemployed for months, so (28).....................(he/decide) to try his luck somewhere else. (29)......................(he/really/look forward) to going.

Julia: So, what (30).................(he/do) there?

Kevin: I’ve no idea. (31)......................(I/not/hear) from him since (32).........................(he/leave). Anyway, I must go and catch my train. It was really nice to see you again.

Julia: You too. Bye. Have a good journey.

Kevin: Thanks, bye.

Тест № 2.

Choose the correct variant:

1. Charlie Chaplin was fond _________ his friends.

(a) to imitate (b)imitation (c)imitate (d)of imitating

2. You’ve never heard this song,_________?

(a) isn’t it (b)have you (c)haven’t you (d)is it

3. The police _______ the criminal yet.

(a) have caught (b)didn’t caught (c)didn’t catch (d)haven’t caught

4. If you aren’t going to Liverpool, ______.

(a) I’m not too (b)I am not also (c)neither I am (d)neither am I

5. I’m sure we _______ before.

(a) have never met (b)didn’t meet (c)haven’t never met (d) meet

6. I want to become a teacher _________.

(а) when I will leave school (b) when I leave school

(с) when I am leaving school (d) when I have left school

7. Last summer he________ all his best to get in touch with his schoolmates.

(a) made (b)was (c)does (d)did

8. When________ from Moscow University?

(а) did you graduate (b) have you graduated

(с) did you graduated (d)were you graduating

9. It’s the most exciting film __________.

(a) I’ve ever seen (b) I’ve never seen (c) I’ve ever saw (d) I ever seen

10. My brother ____Ann Graves since childhood.

(a) was loving (b)has loved (c)is loving (d)has been loving

11. When we arrived in Sochi it was very hot and the sun____ .

(a) was shining (b)shone (c)shined (d)shining

12. Please wait for me if you _____earlier.

(a) will come (b)come (c)comes (d)came

13. They were in Spain last summer, ______?

(a) were they (b)isn’t it (c)didn’t they (d)weren’t they

14. The water of the Dead Sea is so salty that ____ live in it.

(a) nothing can (b)nothing can’t (c)nothing (d)anything can’t

15. It wasn’t easy for Polly ____ progress in history.

(a) to do (b)do (c)to make (d)makes

16. We _____ to a wonderful pop concert last Saturday.

(a) have gone (b)had gone (c)were going (d)went

17. I have never seen this film________.

(a) so have I (b)I haven’t too (c)never did I (d)neither have I

18. Mr. Adams is fond ______ speeches in public.

(a) to make (b)making (c)make (d)of making

Переведите предложения:

1. Я никогда еще не был в большом городе.

2. Она живет на улице Пушкина. И он тоже.

3. Что делает Катя? Она играет на пианино.

4. Вчера мы с мамой ходили за покупками.

5. Я уже прочитал эту книгу и могу дать ее тебе.

6. Вы хотите чая или кофе? – Мне все равно.

Тест № 3.

Choose the correct variant:

1. I __________ Michael for ages.

(a)didn’t see (b)don’tsee (c)haven’t seen (d)saw not

2. I _________get up very early now.

(a)must to (b)haveto (c)should do (d) ought

3. My brother Nick is very good _________ maths.

(a)for (b)at (c)about (d)in

4. Don’t be angry __________ me, please.

(a)for (b)at (c)about (d)with

5. If he _______ hard, he’ll fail his final exams.

(a)won’t work (b)doesn’t work (c)hadn’t worked (d)wouldn’t work

6. I’d like to know_______.

(a)where is mydiary (b)where it is my diary

(c)where my diary is (d)my diary is where

7. I’m very busy at the moment. I __________ for my English exam.

(a)am preparing (b)prepare (c)have been preparing (d)am going prepare

8. _________ you’ve given me!

(a)What a good advice (b)What good advices

(c)What the good advice (d)What good advice

9. Have you read any books ________ Oscar Wilde?

(a)from (b)since (c)by (d)for

10. Are you _______ angry with me?

(a)yet (b)else (c)still (d)while

11. If the weather __________ fine tomorrow, we’ll go to the park.

(a)is (b)will (c)will be (d)were

12. John is not interested _______ politics.

(a)about (b)in (c)for (d)over

13. Felix didn’t pass the exams, and_________ .

(a)Peterdideither (b)Peterdidneither (c) neither did Peter (d)Peterdidn’ttoo

14. Would you like_______ piece of cake?

(a)other (b)another (c)more (d)others

15. _______ Volga is the longest river in Europe.

(a)– (b)The (c)A (d)An

Тест № 4.

Сhoose the correct variant:

1. Nobody ________ being shouted at.

(a) likes (b)doesn’t like (c)is like (d)like

2. How much ________ to fly to New York?

(a)cost it (b)it cost (c)does cost (d)does it cost

3. This time tomorrow ______ in the Black Sea.

(a)I swim (b)I’ll swim (c)I’ll swimming (d)I`ll be swimming

4.Who _______ to go to the cinema with us?

(a)want (b)does want (c)wants (d)is wanting

5. I wonder what our children _______ when we come back.

(a)do (b)will do (c)are doing (d)will be doing

6. Everybody _____ that smoking is dangerous.

(a)know (b)knows (c)is knowing (d)is know

7. What _____ when I rang you up yesterday?

(a)you were doing (b)were you doing (c)did you do (d)did you

8. We ______ to a wonderful concert last Saturday.

(a)have gone (b)were going (c)had gone (d)went

9. I usually read a lot, but just now ____ anything.

(a)I am reading (b)I`m not reading (c)I have read (d)I read

10. Bad news _______ fast.

(a)travel (b)travels (c)have travelled (d)are travelling

11. Everybody _______ fine weather.

(a)like (b)likes (c)is liking (d)dislikes

12. “If you _______ all summer, you’ll starve in the winter”, said the ant to the grasshopper.

(a)sing and dance (b)will sing and dance

(c)singing and dancing (d)would sing and dance

Тест № 5.

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