А) Сокращения, часто встречающиеся в текстах любой тематики (в порядке алфавита) 3 страница


7) Have you used all the coffee?


8) I haven’t smoked for two years now.

I gave…

9) What is your father’s profession?

What does…

10) I like swimming.


Exercise 9

Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form. Make all the necessary changes.

1) You (can’t see) Jack yesterday. He is out of town.

2) If you had been there, we (have) a good time.

3) By the time you (finish) work I (be) at the cinema for hours.

4) He (have) lunch tomorrow from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.

5) I thought you had forgotten (come). I (wait) for you for two hours.

6) Why hasn’t this letter been written yet? It should (write) yesterday.

7) He said he (wait) since 4.

8) You ever (visit) Madame Tussaud’s?

9) While I (watch) TV, my brother (play) the piano.

10) I (buy) this house tow months ago.

11) Tom should (open) the door when he saw me.

12) I wish I (have) more money; now I can’t buy this dress.

13) If you (listen) to him, you would have learnt a lot.

14) Mary said they (go) to Italy next summer.

15) I am not used to (work) hard.

16) If they (arrive) on time, they’ll call us.

Exercise 10

Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form. Make all the necessary changes.

1) We wouldn’t have missed the train if you (get dressed) in time.

2) Jill (come) to the party if we had invited her.

3) If I hadn’t called Tom, I not (know) the results.

4) If you (go) to the concert, you would have enjoyed yourself.

5) What you (do) if I had failed you at the exam?

6) Where would Jane have gone if she (win) the first prize?

7) You (be) angry with me if I had forgotten about your birthday?

8) I wouldn’t have told you the truth if I not (have to).

9) They (give) me back my watch if they had found it.

Exercise 11

Choose the correct answer. Only one answer is correct.

1) ‘I have never eaten mutton.’ ‘________’

A) So have I B) Neither have I C) Nor I have D) Either have I

2) _________ English people like beer.

A) The most B) Most C) Most of D) The most of

3) I hope you _________ by my playing the violin.

A) were not to disturb B) are not disturbing

C) have not been disturbed D) did not disturb

4) You can take ________ orange.

A) two B) all C) either D) both

5) She’s recovered from her illness, _______ makes me very happy.

A) that B) what C) ------- D) which

6) Do you remember ________ Greg in Paris last year?

A) seeing B) see C) to have seen D) to see

7) His new watch cost far ________ than his old one.

A) more B) much C) most D) many

8) I wish I ______ younger.

A) had been B) would have been C) were D) have been

9) She said she _________ to me, but she didn’t.

A) would have written B) will have written C) will write D) would write

10) If he ________ lucky, he could get the job.

A) is B) had been C) would be D) would have been

Exercise 12

Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the sentence printed before it.

Example: He stole some money and was arrested for it.

He was…

Answer: He was arrested for stealing some money.

1) It isn’t easy to study with the radio on.


2) It was too cold for them to have the windows open.

It was so cold…

3) You paid more than was necessary for that dress.

You needn’t…

4) Does he really need to make such a noise?

Is it really…

5) He played better than anyone else in the competition.

No one else…

6) She was so angry that she couldn’t speak.

She was too…

7) The journey was so long that we felt tired when we arrived.

It was…

8) Laughing at other people’s misfortunes is unkind.

It is…

9) He was going to buy a house, but he didn’t have enough money.

If he’d…

10) We didn’t know you were coming, so we didn’t wait for you.

We’d have…

Exercise 13

Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the sentence printed below it.

Example: He stole some money and was arrested for it.

He was…

Answer: He was arrested for stealing some money.

1) Peter arrived too late to see his cousin win the match.

Peter wasn’t early…

2) She would prefer you to buy a new car.

She’d rather…

3) I’ve never seen that girl here before.


4) The only food she can’t eat is pickled onions.

She can eat…

5) Janet says she’s sorry she was late this morning.

Janet would…

6) Mr. Warden’s funeral took place last week.

Mr. Warden…

7) They paid more for their meal than they needed.

They needn’t….

8) ‘I don’t think you should carry all that money in your hip pocket, Alan,’ Margaret said.

Margaret advised…

9) The traffic was so heavy we went by underground.

It was…

10) Your only chance of getting a seat is to queue.


Exercise 14

Fill each of the numbered blanks in the following passage. Use only one word in each space.

With a screeching of brakes, the car stopped outside the supermarket 1 _________ the bank. Three masked men leapt out and raced across the road to the bank which was 2 ________ opening. It was the early morning rush 3 __________ . Everyone was hurrying to work, so nobody in the street took 4 __________ notice. The men pushed their way into the bank, slamming the door 5 _________ them. Seconds 6 _________ the alarm went 7 _________. The men reappeared, dashed to their waiting car, 8 _________ the driver already had the engine 9 ________. They jumped in and the car took off, disappearing 10 _________ the corner at top 11 ______.

When the police arrived, they found two bank clerks shot in 12 ________ chest, the manager locked in his office, hammering 13 _________ the door and a third clerk 14 __________ unconscious on the floor. It was he 15 _________ had managed to sound the alarm 16 _______ he was hit on the head with a gun. The car was found 17 ________ in a side street but the robbers are 18 _________ at large. They got 19 ________ with 140,000 pounds in cash. The police have issued a description, but so 20 _________ no one has come forward to help them with their enquiries.

Exercise 15

Grammar explanation

Here are some English verbs that can be followed by ‘ing’ or ‘to+Infinitive’, but the meaning is different.

> remember + -ing = remember something that happened in the past


- He’ll always remember visiting London for the first time in his life.

- I remember going for walks with my grandfather when I was young.

> remember + to + infinitive = not forget to do something


- Remember to post these letters, please.

- I’ll remember to tell Tom the news.

Typical mistakes:

* Please remember doing your homework before you leave.

* I remember to see Mary yesterday.

> forget + -ing = forget something that happened in the past


- I’ll never forget seeing the Queen.

- We can’t forget eating shrimps for the first time.

> forget + to + infinitive = forget about doing something that should be done


- They always forget to give me my letters.

- I won’t forget to phone Mary.

Typical mistakes:

* Don’t forget writing to Mary.

* I’ll never forget to meet Michael Jackson when I was ten.

> stop + ing = not do something any more; finish


- I think we should all stop smoking.

- He had to stop learning French because he had no time.

> stop + to + infinitive = stop because you want to do someting


- Every half hour I stop to smoke a cigarette.

- When we heard the crash we decided to stop to see what it was.

Typical mistakes:

* You should stop to smoke because it’s bad for you.

* When his father arrived, John stopped saying hello to him.

> go on + -ing = continue doing what you’ve been doing.


- Do you really want to go on playing football in this rain?

- He didn’t mind the noise; he just went on reading his book.

> go on + to + infinitive = continue with something different


- After the introduction he went on to talk about his topic.

- When he finished his coffee, he went on to explain the new rules.

> try + to + infinitive = make an effort to do something


- Try to work harder this year, please.

- We tried to move the washing machine, but it was too heavy.

> try + ing = do something as an experiment, to see what will happen


- Have you tried driving in London?

- Why don’t you try using a hammer?

> regret + ing = be sorry about something that was in the past


- I regret phoning John; it was a bad mistake.

- You’ll never regret buying this excellent machine.

> regret + to + infinitive = be sorry about to give bad news


- I regret to tell you that your uncle died this morning.

- We regret to have to inform you that your services are no longer required.

Now do the exercise below.

Complete the following sentences with the given verbs in the correct form. You will have to use each twice.

Pay, close, work, complain, leave, tell, go, visit

1) I must remember ________ some money to pay for the repairs.

2) She just went on ________ about everything.

3) We mustn’t forget __________ Monique when we’re in Paris.

4) Please remember _________ the door when you go out.

5) I tried ________ in a department store, but it wasn’t a very good job.

6) I remember _________ the door, but I’m not sure that I locked it.

7) Oh dear! I think I forgot ______ the rent this month.

8) She complained about everything else, and then she went on ________ about the price.

9) I must remember _________ to the dentist on Wednesday.

10) I’ll never forget _______ Paris for the first time.

11) I really regret __________ everyone what happened. I should have kept it a secret.

12) I remember ________ to the dentist as a child.

13) You really must try ________ harder.

14) I remember ________ the money in the drawer, but it’s not there now.

15) I regret _______ you that there has been a serious accident.

16) I paid the electricity bill, but I don’t remember _________ the rent.

Exercise 16

Complete the following sentences with one word, when necessary.

1) How ________ are you staying here?

2) Please answer ________ their questions.

3) We want you _________ to do your homework now.

4) They will be with us _______ the next four weeks.

5) Mandy never helped _______ us.

6) Even I, _______ my age, go to the disco.

7) Do you attend ________ French classes?

8) What will we do ______ Saturday morning?

9) They don’t work, __________ they?

10) We visited _________ Lake Windermere last week.

11) We organized ________ lots of events last year.

12) Students in the Sixth Form often study _________ their own.

13) We _______ to go to the cinema a lot when we were young.

14) What subjects did you specialize _______?

15) Shakespeare was eighteen when he married _______ Anne Hathaway.

16) This book belongs _______ me.

Exercise 17

Put the verbs in the following sentences in the correct form. Sometimes there is more than one correct answer.

1) If you (give) me your cake, I (do) your homework for tomorrow.

2) They (play) tennis while their mother (cook) dinner.

3) You (have to) go to work when you (be) a little boy?

4) Mary (travel) to England tomorrow.

5) They (be) very happy when their parents (arrive) later today.

6) Look at those clouds in the sky – it (rain) soon!

7) She (not like) it if you (open) the window.

8) You (think) that Mary (come) to the disco tonight?

9) Jane (go) to the cinema yesterday, but she (not like) the film.

10) They (not have to) wash the dishes tonight if you (do) it for them.

11) They (buy) this car when they (be) in England?

12) Jane never (learn) the new words; she (get) a bad mark for her vocabulary test tomorrow.

Exercise 18

The word in capitals at the end of each of the following sentences can be used to form a word that fits suitably in the blank space. Supply the correct form of the word.

Examples: He took out his key, _______ the door and went inside. LOCK (answer: unlocked)

Why don’t you go in for that _______? You might win it. COMPETE (answer: competition)

1) He used to visit us every Friday morning with unfailing _______ . REGULAR

2) I found the whole experience extremely ________ . EMBARRASS

3) There are a number of ______ we can investigate before we take any action. POSSIBLE

4) When he was younger, he was _______ to read as much as he could. COURAGE

5) Much to her parents’ _______, the girl went to live and work in London when she was only seventeen. APPROVE

6) She’s a nice girl, but she tends to be rather _______ . TALK

7) All the children were given an _______ against measles. INJECT

8) We had an interesting ______ about jazz. CONVERSE

9) Their holiday in Africa last year was an _______ experience. FORGET

10) What we need is something or some way to _______ the legs on this table. STRONG

Exercise 19

Look at the following examples of how adjectives are formed:

Enjoy – enjoyable, response – responsible, practice – practical, care – careful, drama – dramatic, child – childish, attract – attractive, harm – harmless.

Now make adjectives from the following words using the suffixes above. In some cases, more than one adjective is possible.

1) fool

2) believe

3) atom

4) produce

5) terror

6) music

7) hope

8) progress

9) forget

10) rest

11) rely

12) success

13) horror

14) sense

15) talk

16) self

17) reason

18) politics

Exercise 20

The word in capitals at the end of each of the following sentences can be used to form a word that fits suitably in the blank space. Supply the correct form of the word.

Examples: He took out his key, UNLOCKED the door and went inside. LOCK

Why don’t you go in for that COMPETITION? You might win it. COMPETE

1) You can only really learn a sport well if you have a good _______. INSTRUCT

2) You can really depend on him to do anything. He’s most _______. RELY

3) I must have ________ that book: I can’t seem to find it anywhere. LAY

4) The noise of the planes taking off over our heads was _____ DEAF

5) I know it’s a little difficult to understand it at first, so I’ll try to _______ it. SIMPLE

6) To the best of my _______ . John’s living in France now. KNOW

7) I’m afraid Mr Smith has been _______ called away on business. EXPECT

8) This new law is ridiculous: they can’t possibly _______ it! FORCE

9) We still know ________ little about the wild life of certain parts of the world. COMPARE

10) Along with poor health and overpopulation, _______ is one of the most widespread problems in the world today. POOR

Exercise 21

Look at the following examples of how adjectives are formed:

Enjoy – enjoyable, response – responsible, practice – practical, care – careful, drama – dramatic, child – childish, attract – attractive, harm – harmless.

Now make adjectives from the following words using the suffixes above. In some cases, more than one adjective is possible.

1) agree

2) critic

3) science

4) use

5) culture

6) specify

7) notice

8) education

9) athlete

10) speech

11) remark

12) romance

13) tropic

14) mathematics

15) philosophy

16) break

17) society

18) Spain

Make or do?

Exercise 22

Choose the word that correctly completes the following sentences.

1) May I (do/make) a suggestion, please?

2) His husband never (does/makes) any housework.

3) How can you (do/make) such a boring job?

4) The president (did/made) his speech and sat down.

5) I have to (do/make) a phone call urgently.

6) My children hate (doing/making) the washing up.

7) You mustn’t (do/make) any noise.

8) Can you (do/make) the shopping for me, please?

9) I’ve (done/made) my decision, and it is final.

10) Who (did/made) this stupid mistake?

11) I just wanted to (do/make) you a favour, you know.

15) Oh, your’re always (doing/making) such a fuss about small things.

Exercise 23

Complete the following sentences with the correct form of “do” or “make”.

1) Have you ________ all the necessary arrangements?

2) My son doesn’t want to __________ military service.

3) Do you like _________ crossword puzzles?

4) Why don’t we ________ something interesting?

5) John _______ a final attempt, but he wasn’t successful.

6) You should really ________ an effort and finish this job on time.

7) We didn’t ________ French at school.

8) Last year the company __________ a profit at last.

9) I hate Jill; she always _________ trouble.

10) We don’t want to ________ business with you.

11) Fred _______ an excuse and left the party.

12) Try to _______ your best this time.

Exercise 24

The word in capitals at the end of each of the following sentences can be used to form a word that fits suitably in the blank space. Supply the correct form of the word.


He took out his key, ________ the door and went inside. LOCK - > unlocked

Why don’t you go in for that ________? You might win it. COMPETE - > competition

1) ‘I need some ______ of your identity,’ the cashier told him. PROVE

2) The room was quite _______, so we went to another hotel. SUIT

3) She burst into ________ at his joke about the parrot. LAUGH

4) ‘Rain will continue _______ the afternoon,’ the forecast said. THROUGH

5) What’s the ________ of this room, do you think? WIDE

6) It’s ______ easy to learn a language if you hear it all the time COMPARE

7) You get a very good ______ of food at that snack bar. VARY

8) Don’t drop that cup! All _______ have to be paid for. BREAK

9) What awful handwriting! I can’t read her _______. SIGN

10) Your dress needs _______, Mary, if you want to be in fashion. LONG

11) The news came as such as shock to them that they were both _______. SPEECH

12) I thought the whole evening was very _________. ENJOY

13) She didn’t get the job because she didn’t have the right_______ QUALIFY

14) I’m full of admiration for people who overcome a serious ________ like that. ABLE

15) There are certain things that families can only discuss freely in the _______ of their own home. PRIVATE

16) This is one of those cameras that can eject the film _______ when you press a button. AUTOMATIC

17) She wouldn’t have done so well without the constant ________ of her parents and friends. COURAGE

Exercise 25

For the instructions, please see the previous exercise.

1) John is ________ hardworking. EXTREME

2) I didn’t like the food. I found it most _______ . PLEASANT

3) He was sacked from his job because he was _____. EFFICIENT

4) She was arrested because she was driving ________. CARE

5) It was very _______ of him not to help you. KIND

6) My wife likes the color blue. I find it ______ . ATTRACT

7) He’s a lucky man. He’s been ______ married for eight years. HAPPY

8) I bought a new car because the old one was so ______. RELY

9) The dancer was superb. She gave a _______ performance. FAULT

10) The passengers were frightened when the pilot flew ______ close to the building. DANGER

Exercise 26


The three most important negative prefixes in English are:

Un - : unhappy

Dis - : disapprove

Mis - : misinterpret

Complete the following sentences using a word that starts with one of these prefixes.

Example: In some countries men and women receive ______ pay. What do you think of the idea of equal pay for equal work?

Answer: unequal

1) I was sure I had locked the back door, but when we got back home, I found it _____.

2) John and his wife usually agree, but when it comes to money matters, they always ______.

3) We found people in country areas very friendly, but people we spoke to in the cities were very ______.

4) I always thought that Bill was totally honest, so when I found out that he had been _______, I was very shocked.

5) The shop said the toy was ______, but it didn’t take the children long to break it!

6) I’ve always found Mary very kind, so I’m surprised you said she was ______ to you.

7) I like nearly all fruit, but I have to say I ______ bananas.

8) I was sure I had understood what you meant, but obviously I ______ you badly.

9) I hope that peace and order will come out of the present situation of terrorism and ______.

10) At first we were satisfied with our hotel, but as it became noisier and noiser, we grew more and more ________.

11) You can bring cooked meat into Britain, but you can’t bring in_______ meat.

12) Some of your ideas are helpful, but I’m sorry to say that some are ________.

13) Last year’s festival was very ______, but this year’s much better organized.

14) Two runners qualified for the 100 metres, but two were ______ for using drugs.

15) Why don’t we stress the similarities between us, instead of the ________?

16) No sooner had we packed than we had to _______ again. The plane was delayed.

17) The opponents of factory farming say it is _______. The natural thing is for animals to be outside, running free.

Exercise 27

Use the following prefixes to make words to fit the explanations:

Over-, mis-, non-, re-, pro-, pre-, ex-, post-.

A) too enthusiastic B) not a driver C) place wrongly

D) the former king E) do again F) after 1980

G) in favor of war H) before 1900 I) against nuclear

Now use the words in the following sentences:

1) The ______ demonstration marched as far as the power station itself.

2) I can’t give you a lift. I’m afraid I’m a ______.

3) This work isn’t good enough. You’ll have to _______ it – and this time be more careful.

4) ______ women were expected to stay at home.

5) I don’t know where I’ve put your book. I must have ______ it.

6) Calm down! Take it easy! He’s only a pop singer. There’s no need to be _______.

7) The ________ comes to England quite a lot to visit his relatives in Buckingham Place.

8) The Conservative Party became more popular in the _________ period.

9) I thought you were a pacifist. How can you say you would have been _____ in 1945?

Exercise 28

The first sentences of each passage in the following text have been removed and mixed up. Match each sentence with the correct passage.

Missing sentences:

1) One of my parents’ few rules is: if they say stop, I stop – without question or hesitation.

2) Since I began driving, I have learned some amazing things about my parents.

3) No one has been hurt, car damages are nothing that a couple grand could not fix, and my parents have not tried to take control of the car yet.

4) There are not many times in a guy’s life when he is able to turn the tables on his family by following their instructions.

5) I am beginning to think that my parents associate my learning to drive with our religion.

6) Learning to drive has been more different than I expected.

The text where the sentences are taken from:

My Parents Are Driving Me Crazy


While driving everyone to church, I had an opportunity. When the car was closing in on an intersection, the light changed, and my dad immediately shouted “Stop.”

B ___________

So I slammed on the brakes, and every unstationary object flew forward. I heard my three brothers groan in the back, and my mother give a short, nervous laugh. After my father recovered, he looked at me with bulging eyes and said with a shaky voice, “Nice work, Jas.”

C ___________

I had really looked forward to getting my permit six months ago; I had imagined myself cruising down Route 66 in my babe magnet minivan. The day I started to drive, the reality of the situation hit me, for the next five months my paranoid parents would be in the car with me wherever I went.

D ____________

Whenever I get behind the wheel a change immediately occurs. My calm, reasonable parents disappear, leaving nervous wrecks. They try to hide their feelings, but whenever they give advice, it is either spoken through clenched teeth or screamed.

E _____________

Not only do they lift pleading eyes toward heaven as I start the engine, the drive to church is the only time that they relinquish the keys without argument. They probably figure that God will protect us since we are going to church to worship him (and they always seem thankful as they stagger out of the car when we arrive).

F ______________

All things considered, I would say I am doing pretty well. However, my parents could use a psychologist.

Exercise 29

Some words have been replaced with nonsense words (in italics) in the following text. Find what the original words were.

Shy lion rescued from street, taken to zoo

A homeless baby lion **plang** hiding under a car in one of Mexico City’s roughest neighbourhoods was captured with lassos and taken to a zoo Tuesday, firemen who rescued it **olh**.

“We **blin** it to a circus but they **olh** they didn’t have any lions, so we **blin**it to the Chapultepee Zoo instead,” fireman Israel Mendoza Sanchez of Mexico City’s central fire station told Reuters.

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