SUGGESTED TOPICS FOR SELF-TESTING AND CLASS DISCUSSION. I. The structural peculiarities of the word-combinations referred to as asyndetic substantival/noun clusters

I. The structural peculiarities of the word-combinations referred
to as asyndetic substantival/noun clusters.

2.The principle of identifying the number of componental parts in asyndetic substantival clusters.

3. The correlation between the position of N components and their functional significance in asyndetic substantival clusters.

4. The structural forms of the adjunct and head components in asyndetic substantival clusters.

5. The nature/kind of syntactic connection existing between the components of asyndetic substantival clusters.

6. Factors predetermining the approaches to equivalent render­ing of meanings of two-componental (NN) substantival clusters into Ukrainian.

7. Ways of faithful expressing the meaning of the two-componental asyndetic noun clusters with extended/expanded ad­juncts or heads of the NP+NP (noun phrase+noun phrase) type.

8. Approaches to rendering the meanings of the two-componental NN substantival clusters preceded by an attributive adjective, participle, pronoun, numeral or adverb.

9. Approaches to conveying the meanings of the two-componental NN asyndetic substantival clusters with attributes to the adjunct and to the head component (ANAN, ANQN, etc.).

10. The influence of semantic relations between the compo­
nents of the asyndetic substantival clusters over the choice of an
approach to a faithful rendition of their meanings.

II. Ways of extending two-componental asyndetic substanti­
val clusters by adding adjuncts to each NN component.

12. The consecutive order of translation in the three-componental
asyndetic substantival clusters of the N+NN and NN+N types.

13. The approach to rendering the meaning of the three-componental NNN asyndetic noun clusters preceded by attributive adjectives, participles, pronouns, numerals or adverbs.

14. The approaches to faithful translating of the four-, five- and more componental asyndetic substantival clusters with and without the preceding attributes to their component nouns.

15. The way of rendering the meaning of semantically condensed two-, three-, and more componental asyndetic substantival clusters.

16. The structure of the word-combinations preferred in spoken English and in belles-lettres works instead of the multi-componental asyndetic substantival clusters.


Exercise I. Define the structural form of the components in the two-componental asyndetic substantival clusters below. Suggest the possible ways of conveying their meaning into Ukrainian.

1. witness testimony; 2. skills analysis; 3. night shift; 4. debt trap; 5. Krasnodar Territory; 6. television network; 7. food prices; 8. job opportunities; 9. London docks; 10. Labour group; 11. sugar steamers; 12. oil paintings; 13. school leavers; 14. oil countries; 15. wage strike; 16. forestry products; 17. economy regime; 18. pay claim; 19. crop yields; 20. livestock products; 21. animal husbandry; 22. solid engine; 23. consumer demand; 24. wage cuts; 25. protest demonstration; 26. Midlands unemployment; 27. promotion limitations; 28. car thieves; 29. gun licence; 30. Labour backbenchers; 31. slave sailers (ships); 32. car bomb; 33. Sunday Express sellers; 34. non-smoker carriage; 35. electricity cuts; 36. «keep wages down» lobby; 37. government draft; 38. Management development; 39. a question and answer interview; 40. law and order advocates; 41. the IMF visit (to Kyiv); 42. an oblast capital; 43. a 44-hour week; 44. a team-con­tract method; 45. White House intern; 46. the Guardian International subscribers; 47. plan and production discipline; 48. Research and Development Society. 49. Notts County vs. Bolton match; 50. Scot­land Yard detectives; 51. Trafalgar Square rally; 52. the latest sun eclipse; 53. a welfare-reform plan; 54. government bond prices; 55. a «Buy America» (American cars) campaign; 56. a price-earnings ratio; 57. Tory failings; 58. contract killings; 59. the Osaca Summit; 60. John Fitzgerald Kennedy Library; 61. the Sea Owl submarines (USA); 62. World Economic Forum (in Davos).

Exercise II. Find the starting component for translating into Ukrainian the following two-componental asyndetic sub­stantival clusters with the attribute to the adjunct or to the head noun/nucleus:

A) 1. Light music and drama programme; 2.the maximum end results; 2. the two-way trade exchanges; 4. Ukraine-British business

partnership; 5. nuclear power stations; 6. the Twin Tower disaster. 7. Moscow-based industry analyst; 8. local sports clubs; 9. first-ever press conference; 10. our spring musical program; 11. Royal Court Theatre; 12. the main passenger section; 13. an in-house video spe­cialist; 14. major ocean routes; 15. two-seater «city cars»; 16. three-party coalition government; 17. a Commercial production supervisor and technician; 18. larger-than-local sports projects; 19. good Ryder Cup start. 20. an island penal colony; 21. the next Cabinet meeting;

22. International Motor Show; 23. a former CIA official; 24. local
education authorities; 25. off-shore oil deposits; 26. common profit
aims; 27. British woman doctor; 28. meagre salary increase; 29. current
wages negotiations; 30. the Scottish tartan Society; 31. intensive-
type crop varieties; 32. the first NBA championship (U.S.A.); 33. (the)
House Republican leaders; 34. the promising soccer club; 35. the
public sector reform; 36. the modest «Santa Claus» rally; 37. a favourite
harbour party.

B) 1. the Republican party leaders; 2. the Middle East process; 3. most City of London economists; 4. the National Bank activity; 5. Scottish Electrical Workers Union; 5. a police department lawyer; 7. primary school teachers; 8. the Labour Party conference; 9. high quality second hand cloths and accessories; 10. political committee secretary; 11. civil defence organization; 12. social insurance expendi­ture; 13. Third Millennium School; 14. local government jobs; 15. En­gineering Unions officials; 16. a national protest day; 17. light weight metal; 18. tourist class double rooms; 19. the five-party Cabinet Con­sultative Committee; 20. the Windows operating systems; 21. British postal service processes; 22. Decimal Currency Board (Gr. Brit.)

23. a solid fuel system; 24. German Booksellers and Publishers As­
sociation; 25. a Health Sector Stream; 26. government and European
Union decisions; 27. International Copyright Protection; 28. London
Evening Standard; 29. Pharmaceutical drug stocks.

Exercise III. Analyse the three-componental asyndetic sub­stantival clusters below. Point out the closer NN-type sense units in them and the starting components for their translation into Ukrainian.

A) 1. a Bachelor of Music Education Degree; 2. Sunday after­noon concerts; 3. the supertanker collision drama; 4. a school foot­ball pitch; 5. Andrew Jackson Park and Museum; 6. Edinburgh Stu­dent Unions; 7. publications control board; 8. Essex Action Commit­tee; 9. London Business School; 10. the Detroit motor show; 11. Cossack salt merchants; 12. school sports facilities; 13. State

circuit court; 14. customer service laboratories; 15. City of London police force; 16. Westminster Defence Minister; 17. England team manager; 18. crime figures rise; 19. Labour majority group; 20. Tory leadership election; 21. the Natural Resourses Defence Council;

22. Local Government Officers Union; 23. New York State Governor;
24. the Youth Hostels Association; 25. V-E Day celebrations;

26. world without bombs conference programme; 27. the Kyiv Dynamo
soccer club; 28. UNIAN news agency; 29. Kyiv teachers and students
demonstration; 30. sheep skin vests; 31.20th century sheepskin coats.

B) 1. a U.S. Administration official; 2. the world bagpipe cham­pionship; 3. the Tory selection procedure; 4. the world disarmament conference; 5. retail food prices; 6. New Zealand Golf Association; 7. White House press secretary; 8. all day comfort lipstick; 9. Shevchenko prize winners; 10. Manchester City Council; 11. Stockport trade unionists; 12. depot mass meetings; 13. Pitts­burgh steel works; 14. the U.S. Senate seat; 15. water conservancy constructions; 16. Park Royal Vehicle factories; 17. South-East (a London district) Sports Council; 18. appeal court judges; 19. the US Negro servicemen; 20. the Girl Guide Association; 21. sugar crop disaster (in Cuba); 22. the House of Commons committee room;

23. Medicare part В premiums; 24. the University of Toronto graduate
student; 25. the APEC (Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation) liberali­
zation commitments; 26. a baboon bone-marrow transplant;

27. upperclass mass murderer; 28. the snap opinion polls; 29. the
exchange rate level; 30. South Carolina State Museum; 31. the oblast
government administration; 32. a health insurance programme;
33. the Air Force General Staff; 34. the Air Force Command; 35. the
NATO Prague summit; 36. the World Trade Organization; 37. the morn­
ing and evening rush time; 38. the Buckinghamshire County Museum;
39. a $542 million stand-by arrangement; 40. the Hong Kong web
developer; 41. the Gongadze case investigation.

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