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I have a sweet tooth. However, - I try not to have too much sugar in my tea.
Although we quite like pasta, - a great impression on me.
The performance made - we don’t have it very often.

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I see him - every day.
I saw him - next week.
I’ll visit them - yesterday.

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If it rains, - I will stay at home.
If it rained, - I would have stayed at home.
If it had rained yesterday, - I would stay at home.

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If she comes, - I will invite her to the theatre.
If she came, - I would have invited her to the theatre.
If she had come, - I would invite her to the theatre.

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In France you shouldn't sit down in a cafe - It is offensive.
In Pakistan you mustn't wink. - for drink or they will think you are unfriendly.
In Russia you must match your hosts drink - until you've shaken hands with everyone you know.

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Is flying the healthiest way to travel - especially for old and unhealthy.
The plane is a dangerous place - in your opinion?
After an operation you should stay - on the ground for at least ten days.

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Is flying the safest way - during a long flight?
Why do people with heart disease or a lung problem - feel worry on (board) the plane?
What trouble will you have - to travel?

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It does more harm - a favour?
Will you do me - than good.
Sue has made all - the arrangements for the conference.

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kidnapping - - грабёж; хулиганство, групповое нападение; уличный грабеж
manslaughter - - похищение человека с целью выкупа
mugging - убийство; человекоубийство

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Labour (Employment) Law - договор (коллективный д.)
to employ / employer / employee / employment / - нанимать на работу / работодатель / (наемный) работник / (трудовая) занятость / безработица
bargaining (collective) - трудовое право

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Most of the air you breathe is recycled so you will possibly catch - a cold or flu from one of the other passengers.
Flying also causes - because it makes you even more thirsty.
Everyone needs to drink more in the air, but you shouldn’t drink alcohol - dehydration.

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murder - - ложное показание под присягой
perjury - - мелкое преступление
a petty offence - - убийство; убивать (глагол)

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