Give the English translation for the following

Вартовий, вирок, свердло, звільняти, акуратний, подібний, кнопка, попіл, огорожа, сховище, твердий, жилет, рукав, центр міста.

Give the English translation for the following - 8. Choose the most suitable adjective for each space.

Give the English translation for the following - Hidden, dust-covered, typical, well-dressed, cleaned, noted, profitable, respected, neat

Jimmy opened a _________________ panel in the wall and took out a

______________ suitcase. There was the nicest set of burglar's tools in it.

2. He was now___________ and carried his dusted and ___________suitcase
in his hand.

3. It was a ________________ job with no clue to the author.

4. At the end of the year the situation of Mr Ralph Spencer was this: he

was a ____________ and _____________ citizen of Elmore. His shoe business was ______________ he and Annabel were engaged to be married in two weeks. Mr Adams the _______________ country banker agreed his old friends in St. Louis.

9. Form the adverbs from the given adjectives.

silent   order  
simple   warm  
short   strange  
hopeful   ready  
hysteric   sudden  
quick   honest  

10. Complete this table to make word families.

Noun Verb Adjective Adverb

11. Complete each sentence with the most suitable preposition or adverb.

Give the English translation for the following - 1. A guard came __________the prison shoe-shop where Jimmy Valentine was working busily, and took him _________the front office. 2. His pardon had been signed that morning _________________the governor. 3. Jimmy had spent nearly ten months_ _______________a four-year sentence.4. He had many friends ______the outside, so he hoped to stay only _________ three months ___________ prison..

5. "Now, Valentine," said the warden, "you'll go _____________in the morning.

6. Brace_________ and make a man ______________yourself."

7.“Me? Said Jimmy _______ surprise. “Why, I never cracked a safe ________my life”.8.”Take him __________, Cronin,” smiled the warden “Unlock him_________ seven

____________ the morning. Better think __________ my advice, Valentine”.

9. ___________ a quarter past seven ____________ the next morning Jimmy stood_____________ the warden office. 10. He was wearing a ready-made suit and a pair _____________ shoes given __________ the state.

"Me?" said Jimmy my life."

Complete the letter.

Dear Old Pal:

... I want to present you my kit of tools. I know you ________(be glad) to get them

you __________ (can not) buy them for a thousand dollars.

Say, Billy, I ___________(leave) the old business a year ago. I ______(have got) a nice store. I ________ (live) honestly and I _________(go) to marry the finest girl on earth in two weeks. It's the only life, Billy - the
straight one. After I __________(get married) I_____________ ( go) to sell out and go

West, where there ____________(not be) so much danger of having old scores. I tell you, Billy, she ____________(be) an angel. She __________(believe) in me. Be sure to be at Sully’s for I must see you. I__________(bring) along the tools with me.

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