Oo [ɔ:] all; aer; or; aw; au; augh

The hall is on the fourth floor.

New lords new laws.

George was born in August.

I saw more than fourty horses.

Her naughty daughter Maud is at fault.

Pride goes before a fall.

To pour water into a sieve.

Of all the saws I ever saw a saw,

I never saw a saw as that saw saws.

It's not. It's not my fault. It's not my fault that she called.

It's not my fault that she called Paul's daughter. It's not my fault that she called Paul's daughter who played with a ball in the hall.

Velvet paws hide sharp claws.

When all comes to all.

All that glitters is not gold.

All doors are open to courtesy.

All is well that ends well.

No lords - no laws.

A foreign accent is a very great drawback.

Neither rhyme nor reason.

The kettle called the pot black.

One false move may lose the game.

Oo [ɔ:] all; aer; or; aw; au; augh - student2.ru The more we study, the more we know.

The more we know, the more we forget.

The more we forget, the less we know.

The less we know, the less we forget.

The less we forget, the more we know.

So, why study?

If all the world were paper,

And all the sea were ink,

If all the trees were bread and cheese

What would we do for drink?

Draw, draw, draw –

Нарисуй скорей ведро.

Put your head

On the bed.

If you are small,

Play with a doll.

If you are tall,

Play basketball.

One, two, three, four,

Mary at the cottage door.

Five, six, seven, eight,

Eating cherries off a plate.

Жил-был на свете маленький слоник

Он по утрам говорил всем: “Good Morning”

Солнечный зайчик смеялся в ответ:

Доброе утро! Привет!

O] Oo Aa

Rod often goes into a hot water.

Lots and lots of clocks and watches have gone wrong.

Molly's got a spot on her frock.

A watched pot never boils.

Honesty is the best policy.

I'm fond of our pond.

Of the superfine gloss on its moss.

Drop the block and lock the box.

Tom and his dog went to the pond.

On a hot day. On a hot day I went to read. On a hot Day I want to read a novel. On a hot day I want to read a novel by Walter Scott. On a hot day I went to read a novel by Walter Scott and drink a lot cold water.

A small pot is soon hot.

A watched kettle never boils.

Make a long story short.

Every cook praises his own broth.

Helen's husband hates hot tea.

Even Homer is sometimes clean.

Oo [ɔ:] all; aer; or; aw; au; augh - student2.ru Doctor Foster went to Gloucester

In a shower of rain.

He stepped into puddle,

Right up to his middle,

And never went there again.

Lucy Locket lost her pocket,

Kitty Fisher found it;

Not a penny was there in it,

Only ribbon round it.

This is a fox,

She looks at a box,

She makes a plan,

To catch a hen.

A big fox

Lives in a box.

And the rabbit.

Has a bad habit.

He comes near the box.

Шли мы рядышком с тобой:

Я –a girl, а ты- a boy.

Мальчик рядом с девочкой,

Таня рядом с Севочкой.

U: ] Uu; Oo; Wh; ue

The ruler is on the stool.

Too good to be true.

Ruth can't say boo to a goose.

Prue knew who is who.

Two. Two of you. Two of you admired the moon. Two of you admired the moon in June. It’s true that two of you admired the moon in June.

V ] Oo; Uu; ou

He took the book to school.

Put some sugar in the pudding.

The cook took a good look at the cookery book.

A good beginning makes a good ending.

It’s good he could go on foot.

Look. Look at the cook. Look at the cook, she would put the pudding on the table. Look at the cook, she would put the pudding on the table if she could.

The cook took a good look at the cookery book.

A good beginning makes a good ending.

Every cook praises his own broth.

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