I. Read and translate the text into Ukrainian.

II.Give the synonyms of the following words:

District, list, to go on, interval, to be planed, freewill, to join, undertaking, to conduct, to organize, to control.

III. Translate into English:

Ÿ Понятие «средняя школа» включает образование с 7 до 16 лет.

Ÿ Образование в государственных школах в Украине бесплатное и обычно это школы смешанного типа.

Ÿ В Украине существует довольно много частных школ и обучение в них очень дорогое. Также в этих школах существуют некоторые отличия в обучении.

Ÿ В нашей школе есть кружок по химии, который ведет наш учитель и сейчас мы проводим очень интересный эксперимент.

Ÿ На уроках рукоделия учащиеся нашей школы занимаются шитьем, вышиванием и другими изделиями ручной работы.

IV. Team up with your partner and write down the dialogue: what amendments would you insert into education in the secondary school (you have to take into account the curriculum and the educational activities in out-of-school hours).

V. Render the text in English.

Vocational education

The basic idea of the recent school is the implementation of the principle of combining education with productive work, the linking of school and life, and the combination of general, polytechnical and vocational education in the secondary school.

The major task of vocational and technical education of young people is to train cultured and technically qualified workers for all branches of the national economy. At the age of 15-16, all young people should engage in socially useful labour within their powers and all their further education should be associated with productive labour in the national economy.

A well-balanced plan of the humanities and of polytechnical education will enable young people to make a correct choice of a career.

Polytechnical education gives the pupil an idea of what the key branches of modern industry and agriculture are. It gives him or her proficiency in a trade or profession. At lessons the pupil learns how the laws of natural and mathematical sciences are applied to modern production. In the school workshops the pupils master various operations and acquire labour habits, learn to know the technological properties of materials, the structure and use of certain hand and machine tools. During the excursions to industrial and agricultural enterprises the pupils observe various production processes.

In rural schools the children acquire a basic knowledge of plant-growing, stock-breeding and selection. They are also taught how to handle agricultural machines. Practical work on plots of land is included in the general syllabus of all rural schools.


I. Read and translate the text into Ukrainian.

II.These are the definitions. You have to choose the suitable words:

enterprise, to acquire, qualified, syllabus, branch, workshop, to engage, to include.

Ÿ Having the ability or attributes, necessary to perform a particular job or task.

Ÿ To involve ( a person or his attention ) intensely; occupy.

Ÿ A subdivision section of smth larger or more complex.

Ÿ To get or gain ( smth, such as an object, trait, or ability ) esp. more or less permanently.

Ÿ A room in a private dwelling, school, etc., set aside for craft.

Ÿ A business unite; a company or firm.

Ÿ To have as contents or part of the contents; be made up of or contain.

Ÿ An outline of a course of studies, text, etc.

III. Team up with your partner and write down the dialogue about the advantages of vocational education.

IV. Render the text in English.

Higher education

The main task of higher education is the preparation of highly qualified specialists.

Specialists graduating from higher educational establishments must not only be able to use modern technical equipment, but also to create the equipment of the future, to have the ability to solve problems in the development of the economy. An inseparable part of the activity of higher education is scientific research work directed toward the solution of the most burning current problems in various branches of the economy.

Graduates of secondary schools are eligible for admission to higher educational establishments through the system of competitive examinations. Preference is given to those who already have experience in practical work. Secondary school graduates, awarded gold and silver medals, as well as persons who graduated from secondary vocational schools with honours are enrolled without competition on condition that they get an excellent mark for one of the major subjects at the entrance examinations.

The system of higher education via correspondence has been improved and a network of general engineering faculties has been set up in the country with the correspondence students organized on the territorial principle and their teaching and material centres established in non-university cities. Each faculty belongs to some higher educational institution and is one of its structural units.

At higher educational establishments much attention is paid to training specialists for all branches of the economy and culture. Special attention is paid to training students in new techniques, the automation of productive processes, electronic apparatuses, industrial electronics, computer machines, computing, etc.

Now the universities are training more specialists in new branches of mathematics, biology, physics and chemistry.

There are many foreign students studying in higher educational institutions of Ukraine.


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