Teenage Groups and Movements

Foods of the Ukrainians

In the southern part of the Ukraine, plains called steppes have what is considered some of the most fertile soil in the world. Abundant rain and a mild climate made the Ukraine famous for its chornozem, or "black earth." For centuries, the Ukraine was called "the breadbasket of Europe."

Ukrainian cuisine stems from peasant dishes based on the plentiful grains and staple vegetables grown in the country. Staple crops include sugar beets, potatoes, grapes, cabbages, and mushrooms. These are often key ingredients in soups and salads. The most popular dish is borshch, a hearty soup made in a variety of ways, depending on the person who is cooking it. Mushroom, bean, and pea soups, and millet (a type of grain) chowders are also common. Other vegetable dishes include holubtsi (stuffed cabbage) and kartoplia solimkoi ("straw potatoes"). KotletyPo-Kyivskomy (Chicken Kiev), a chicken breast stuffed with a buttery filling, is a well-known dish outside Ukraine.

In Ukrainian cuisine, when the dough isn't baked, it is usually boiled, such as kasha (hot cereal), or fried in the form of dumplings or fritters. Freshly made dumplings called varenyky are a common Ukrainian staple. Varenyky is dough stuffed with a variety of foods, such as potatoes, meats, cheeses, sauerkraut, and even fruit, such as blueberries or cherries, for dessert. Each region, restaurant, and family has its own recipe.

The foothills of the Carpathian Mountains, located in the western Ukraine, provide pastures for grazingbeef and dairy cattle. Meats, such as kovbasa (sausage), poultry, and pork are important to the Ukrainian diet.

Pork is considered the national meat and pork fat is often used in cooking. It is used mostly for frying, but also can be eaten smoked or with salt. Common dairy products include milk, syrnyky (cottage cheese fritters), nalynsnyk (cheese-filled crepes), and riazhanka (fermented, baked milk).

Desserts are often baked into sweet breads, cakes, and cookies, and made with honey and fruits, such as plums, blueberries, and cherries.

Mealtime Customs

In general, Ukrainians eat a light breakfast. It can be bread with butter served with coffee or tea, or pastries, such as a cream-filled blintz. Kasha (cereal), steamed buckwheat, barley, or millet with milk may also be served. Their main meal is eaten around mid-afternoon and usually consists of soup, such as borshch and a dish with meat or poultry. The third meal of the day takes place around 6 or 7 p.m. It is usually a time when all family members get together. Eating at a restaurant is considered a luxury, and is usually not done very often. Ukrainians eat with a fork in their left hand and a knife in their right hand. It is considered impolite to hold your hands under the table during dinner, or to put your elbows on the table. In order not to seem wasteful, Ukrainians may eat everything on their plates. When they are visiting, Ukrainians may ask for second helpings to show appreciation for the food. Hosts often give guests a loaf of bread with salt on top, a tradition that dates back many centuries. Bread and salt were once considered necessary ingredients for health. The bread represents hospitality and the salt represents friendship.


breadbasket – житниця, “кошик для хліба”

sugar beet - цукровий бурякіpotato – картопля

grapes – виноград

cabbage – капуста

mushrooms – гриби

borshch – борщ

bean – біб

pea – горох

millet – просо

grain – зерно

chowder – юшкa

holubtsi – голубці

kartoplia solimkoі – картопля соломкою (смажена)

straw potatoes – смажена соломкою картопля

Kotlety Po-Kyivskomy – котлети по-київські

stuffed – начинений, фарширований

cuisine – [kwi´zi:n] кухня (кулінарна традиція)

dough – [dəu] тісто

kasha – каша

cereal – злак

dumplings – галушки

fritters – оладки

varenyky – вареники

staple – головний елемент, основа

sauerkraut – [sauəkraut]кисла капуста

blueberries, cherries – чорницi, вишні

grazing beef - яловичина, що вирощена на підніжному кормі

dairy cattle – молочна рогата худоба (молода)

kovbasa – ковбаса

sausage – ковбаса

poultry – домашня птиця

pork – свинина

smoked – копчений

syrnyky – сирники

cottage cheese – сир (творог)

nalynsnyk – налисник

crepes – крепи

riazhanka – ряжанка

fermented milk – брожене молоко

mealtime - час вживання їжі

buckwheat – гречка

barley – ячмінь

wasteful – марнотратний

Additional Vocabulary material

ale пиво
almond мигдаль
apple sauce яблучне пюре
baked milk топлене молоко
baked potatoes in their skins картопля в лушпинні
baking soda харчова сода
baking pan форма для пирога
barbecue барбекю
basket dinner пікнік
baste поливати жиром
bean біб
beef stew тушкована яловичина
beet буряк
beverage напій
black pudding кров’яна ковбаса
blanched почищений
boiled buckwheat гречана каша
boiled dinner блюдо з м'яса і овочів
boiled rice рисова каша
boil up розжарюватися, назрівати;
red beet soup червоний суп з буряка
brew заварити чай
broil смажити на вогні
broiled fish смажена риба
brown підсмажувати, підрум'янювати
buffet шведський стіл, фуршет
boil over перелитися через край
ban булочка з родзинками
cake pan форма для випічки
cereal 1) (хлібний) злак 2) (cereals) зернові культури
chew жувати; пережовувати їжу
chop котлета
chuck roast печеня з курчати
chump частина філе (найч. телятина)
cinnamon кориця (прянощі) цвіт кориці
clove гвоздика
cold cereal пластівці з холодним молоком
semolina манна каша
cookie домашнє печиво
condensed milk згущене молоко
condiment приправа
crisp твердий
crisp lettuce кучерявий салат
crust сухар
cucumber огірок
curd молоко, що згорнулося, сир, творог
currant смородина
dessert spoon десертна ложка
dough тісто
doughnut пампушка
dice нарізувати у формі кубиків
dissolve grease розтопити жир
isinglass желатин
famish голодувати
filling начинка, фарш
fish soup уха

Робота над текстом за професійним спрямуванням

Спеціальність:Соціальна педагогіка

Teenage Groups and Movements

A lot of teenagers join different groups and movements nowadays. Why? Perhaps it is the lack of any other way to express what attracts young people to different subcultures. May be they protest against their parents or rebel against the oldergeneration. In my opinion, the main reason of joining the group is the ability to show your solidarity with like-minded friends. There are a lot of different subcultures, so young people can find a group or a movement that will suit their interests.

A subculture is any group with a distinct style and identity. Different subcultures have their own beliefs, values, fashion and favourite music. For example, hippies of the 1970s wore unusual clothes and had long hair. Hippies believed in peace, and one of their favourite sayings was "Make love, not war". Today hippies are more socially active. They set up environmental groups and join charity projects.

Yet, not all groups are peaceful. Some of them are rather rebellious. Sadly, some of them are prepared to physically hurt people in an attempt to get their message across. For example, punks are opposed to the values, norms and materialism in the society. They express this in loud and violent music, strange clothing and hair of unusual colours.

The ideal subculture for me is Goths. They see the world as a dark place and like it that way. I completely agree with them because our life is very difficult. Goths make a statement with their fashion as well as with their philosophy. With startling white make-up, black or purple hair, black lipstick and fingernails, these people certainly stand out in the crowd. I also like black colours, so I think it is an ideal subculture for me.

I would like to join some group of Goths because I approve their lifestyle. Of course, when I join the group, I will have to obey certain rules, but on the other hand, belonging to a group will help me to express my individuality.

Some people think that all subcultures are awful. We must admit that many of teenage subcultures are associated with drugs and violence. But subcultures are not as bad as they are thought to be. Teens want to show off. But at the same time a lot of teens think about changing the world to the best. A subculture is a way of life; it is a real life for us.


lack — нестача, недолік

subculture — субкультура

to rebel — повставати

generation — покоління

solidarity — солідарність

like-minded friends — однодумці

to suit — підходити, годитися

distinct — особливий, індивідуальний

identity — особа, індивідуальність

belief —віра

value — цінність

hippy — хіппі

to set up environmental groups — організовувати групи з охорони довкілля

charity — благодійність

to hurt — ранити, завдавати болю

message — ідеї

opposed — протилежний

violent — лютий, несамовитий

to make a statement — заявляти

startling — вражаючий, приголомшливий

make-up — макіяж

lipstick — помада

fingernails — нігті

to approve — схвалювати

to obey — виконувати

to express — виражати

individuality — індивідуальність

rule — правило

awful — жахливий

to admit — допускати, погоджуватися

to associate — асоціювати

to show off— виставляти себе у вигідному світлі


1. What teenage group and movements do you know?

2. Why did different subcultures appear?

3. What is a subculture?

4. Why do people join different groups and movements?

5. Does belonging to a group help to express one's individuality or not?

6. What is easier: to join a group or to leave it?

7. Do you become different or stay the same when you join a group?

8. Are all groups peaceful?

9. Would you like to belong to a teenage group? Why?

10. What is your ideal subculture? Why?

Граматичний матеріал: Теперішній перфектно-тривалий час (Present Perfect Continuous)

Стверджувальна форма Affirmative Питальна форма Interrogative Заперечна форма Negative
I have (‘ve) been doing Have I been doing? I have not / haven't been doing
you have (‘ve) been doing Have you been doing? you have not / haven't been doing
he has ('s) been doing Has he been doing? he has not / hasn't been doing
she has ('s) been doing Has she been doing? she has not / hasn't been doing
it has ('s) been doing Has it been doing? it has not / hasn't been doing
we have (‘ve) been doing Have we been doing? we have not / haven't been doing
they have (‘ve) been doing Have they been doing? they have not / haven't been doing

have/has been + Verb-ing (Present Participle)

Випадки вживання

Дія, яка розпочалася в минулому, розвивалася якийсь час і все ще продовжується. I have been learning English for 5 years.
He has been waiting for her for two hours but she still hasn't come.
I've been doing my homework since dinner.
Your eyes are red. Have you been crying?
Дія, яка почалася в минулому, розвивалася деякий час і завершилася нещодавно чи щойно. Do you like the room? I have been painting it all day.
Could we go outside? Somebody's been smoking here.

Повторення: Present Perfect

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