Переведите слова, которые обозначают разные профессии в юридической деятельности.




Кафедра педагогики, психологии и переводоведения


Зав. каф. ППП

_____________/ Ариас А.-М.

«____» ____________ 20___ г.




Для направления подготовки40.03.01 Юриспруденция

Уровень высшего образованиябакалавриат

Форма обучениязаочная


На заседании кафедры ППП

«___» __________ 20___ г.


Методические указания по выполнению контрольных работ

Контрольная работа выполняется студентами на основе самостоятельного изучения рекомендованной литературы, с целью систематизации, закрепления и расширения теоретических знаний, развития творческих способностей студентов, овладения навыками самостоятельной работы с литературой, формирования умений анализировать и отвечать на вопросы, поставленные темой работы, делать выводы на основе проведенного анализа. Работы приобщают также студентов к научно-исследовательской деятельности, играют важную роль в их профессиональной подготовке.

Важнейшими требованиями к контрольной работе как к исследованию определенной проблемы являются:

· применение общих и специальных методов научного исследования;

· умение работать с литературой, проявляя при этом творческий подход к изучаемому материалу;

· достаточно высокий теоретический уровень;

· способность самостоятельно, последовательно использовать изученный материал.

Работа должна быть написана грамотно, четко, разборчиво, с выделением абзацев. Обычно она готовится на компьютере, в крайнем случае аккуратно переписывается от руки на листах стандартного формата А4. Поле с левой стороны должно быть не менее 25 мм, с правой стороны – не менее 5 мм, а сверху и снизу – по 25 мм. Все страницы нумеруются по центру сверху. Первая страница (титульный лист) – не нумеруется. 14 шрифтом через 1,5 интервала.

На титульном листе контрольной работы указываются: название университета, института, кафедры, специальности, тема контрольной работы, фамилия, инициалы студента, номер учебной группы и курса, срок обучения.

Put the verbs in brackets into Present Simple or Present Continuous.

Caller: Good morning, 1)…..… . (be) Mr. Green there?

Man: No, he 2) ……. (not be) here. He 3) …… (work) at the moment.

He usually 4) …… (work) until 4 p.m.

Caller: What about Mrs. Green? Where 5) ……. (be) she?

Man: She 6) ……. (do) the shopping. She always 7) … (do) the shopping

on Thursday afternoons.

Caller: Where 8) ………. (be) the children?

Man: They 9) ……… (play) football after school.

Caller: How 11) ………….. (you know) all this? Who are you?

Man: I 12) …….. (be) the burglar.

Put verbs in column in Past tenses and use linkers from the box

while finally and although however as soon as but then before when

The unlucky burglar

One evening Paul (1 watch)________ the television (2) _______(3eat)______his supper (4) ____the door suddenly (5 open)_____and a burglar (6 come)_____in. He (7 wear)____a mask and (8carry)_____ a sack. (9)_____doing anything else he (10 tie)_____ Paul to the chair.

(11)__________he (12 go)_______upstairs to look for money. (13)_______he (14 not find)_______ any money he (15 find)_________a lot of jewellery, which he (16 put)_______into his sack. In his rush to get downstairs he (17 not see)_____the dog which (18 lie)_______at the bottom of the stairs and he (19 fall)______over it, losing his glasses. (20)_______the burglar (21 look for)________them, Paul (22 try)______to free himself. (23)_____Paul (24 manage)______to escape and he (25 phone)_______the police. (26)_________the burglar (27 find)______his glasses he (28 run)_______out of the house. (29)_______unfortunately for him, the police (30 wait)_______for him at the end of the garden.

3. Put the verb in brackets in the correct tense

One summer morning Meeks (come) __1__ from the West to New York to find his sister. She (be) __2__ Mrs. Mary Snyder, a widow, aged 52, who (live) __3__ for a year in a tenement house in a crowded district.

At her address somebody (tell) __4__ him that Mary (move) __5__ away longer than a month before. No one (can/tell) __6__ him her new address.

On coming out of the house Mr. Meeks (address) __7__ a policeman who (stand) __8__ on the corner, and (explain)__9__ his difficulty to him. ‘I (recently/make)__10__ a lot of money and I’d like to help Mary as soon as possible’, he (add)__11__ . The policeman (pull) __12__ his moustache and (tell)__13__ Meeks about Juggins. He (say) __14__that Juggins (be) __15__ the leader of a new school of detectives. ‘ Juggins (solve) __16__ some very difficult cases. I (take) __17__ you to him’, the policeman said.

‘If I (find) __18__ your sister, you (pay) __19__ me two hundred dollars. I (try) __20__ to solve your case. The disappearance of people in the city is the most interesting problem I (ever, work at) __21__’, (say) __22__ the famous detective, (rise)__23__ and (put on)__24__ his hat.

In fifteen minutes Juggins (return)__25__ holding a little piece of paper with Mary’s new address. After Meeks (pay) __26__ his bill, he (ask) __27__ the detective to explain what he (do) __28__.

  1. Переведите текст

Business Law

A great number of law practice areas form the megafield of Business Law that provides effective

regulation of key business activities. Business Law regards legal issues concerning company formation, company running and financial affairs including complex tax matters. Working conditions and regulation of labor and employment relations are also governed by Business Law.

The central area of Business Law is related to contractual relations, which clearly define the rights and obligations of the involved parties. Adjoining here is the area of regulation of sales, trade and commercial transactions. Constant control of fair competition and protection from monopolization are executed within Business Law. The following legal matters are advised on and regulated under Business Law:

- protection of exclusive rights of inventors, creators and authors;

- legal issues concerning responsibility for the quality of products and protection from defective goods;

- control over Internet communication property transactions;

- business termination and company liquidation.

Lawyers who practice in the area of Business Law are experts in legal procedure in court because their clients, legal entities and individuals, may suffer from violation of civil or criminal law, or even break such laws. Thus, the lawyers must be aware of all steps taken and methods used in bringing and conducting a civil action and, moreover, the steps taken and methods used in bringing and conducting a criminal action.

So, specialization of a business lawyer means knowledge and skills in a wide range of law areas.

Переведите слова, которые обозначают разные профессии в юридической деятельности.

1. judge 2. clerk 3. advocate 4. prosecutor 5. notary

6. jurist 7. detective 8. attorney 9. sheriff 10. barrister

11. solicitor 12. juror (jury) 13. in-house counsel/corporate lawyer

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