The collapse of the imperialist colonial system began

A. At the beginning of the 20th century

B. Before world war II

C. After world war II

D. After world war I

E. Before world war I

42. It has a great effect on England’s climate

A. Valleys

B. Mountains

C. Hills

D. Lakes

E. Sea

43. Complete the following sentence: (mind the text “Martin Eden” by J. London). One morning the postman

A. Gave him a short thick

B. Brought a very beautiful

C. Bring him short and thin

D. Brought him a short or thin letter

E. Brought him a short thin envelope

44. Complete the following sentence: The author of the text “The Explosion” is

A. L. Hughes

B. M. Twain

C. A. J. Cronin

D. O. Henry

E. J. London

45. These sentence are from: It seemed impossible that I should die on the shores of my own country and within view of men’s houses. But the second day passed; and thought I kept a look out for boats or men, no help came

A. “the explosion”

B. “the happiest man on earth”

C. “no story”

D. “a service of love”

E. “the shipwreck”

46. David Balfour, a sixteen – year old boy, is on board a brig bound for America. The brigs meets with a violent storm off the coast pf Scotland. These sentence are from the text

A. “Surprise”

B. “Return”

C. “The Reading Public”

D. “The Explosion”

E. “The Shipwreck”

47. Complete the following sentence: It’s true. I am still working for the …, still doing a little work for the construction line… (mind the text “Success Story” by J.G. Cozzens)

A. Restaurant

B. House

C. Office

D. Cottage

E. company

48. Complete the following sentence: a lot of people gathered on deck… (mind the text “A foul play” by R. Ruark)

A. To watch the scenery

B. To watch the play

C. To watch the performance

D. To watch the match

E. To watch the film

49. Choose the correct Modal verb: Mr. Brown is alone now You … him

A. Need see

B. Ought see

C. See

D. May see

E. Can’t see

50. Choose the correct modal verb: You … do it yourself. It is the rule

A. May

B. Could

C. Can

D. Must

E. Might

51. Choose the correct modal verb: We consulted the dictionary first. It’s a pity we didn’t

A. Can have

B. Must

C. Need

D. May

E. Should have

52. Choose correct Participle: He liked … with children

A. Play

B. Played

C. Have played

D. To play to

E. Playing

53. Choose the correct Participle: He has bought a … umbrella

A. Break

B. Had broken

C. Broke

D. Breaking

E. Broken

They are not antonyms

A. The words with one the same meaning

B. Identical in style

C. The words of opposite meaning

D. Nearly identical in description

E. The words belonging to the same part of speech

83 . Choose the correct form of the verb: I … go to my relatives last year because I couldn’t afford it

A. Would not

B. Do not

C. Did not

D. Was not

E. Does not

84. Put the verb into the correct form: The Encyclopaedia Britannicca first … in 1775

A. Appearing

B. To appear

C. Appeared

D. Appear

E. Appears

85. Choose plural form of the noun: … are crossing the street

A. The passer-by

B. A passer-by

C. Passer-bys

D. The passer-bys

E. Passer-by

86. Choose the correct verb: His pupils … good progress lately

A. Have maden

B. Has had made

C. Have made

D. Had made

E. Have had made

87.Choose the correct verb: This boy … by a motor-car yesterday

A. Was run at

B. Were run of

C. Was run over

D. Is run on

E. Is run over

88. Choose the correct verb: If he … earlier, he would have spoken to the

A. Came

B. Coming

C. Is come

D. Has come

E. Had come

89. Choose the correct form of the Possessive Case: I often consult … dictionary

A. Joneses

B. Jones’es

C. Jones

D. Joneses’

E. Jones’s

90. Choose the correct variant of the sentences: The news, yesterday, saw, television, I, on

A. On television I saw the news yesterday

B. I saw on television the news yesterday

C. I saw yesterday the news on television

D. I saw yesterday the news on television

E. I yesterday saw the news on television

91. Use the right pronoun: I am delighted. Tom has made … mistakes in the test

A. A little

B. Many

C. Much

D. Little

E. Few

92. Find the correct sentence in indirect speech: Mother says to me: “Are you listening to me?”

A. Mother asks me if I am listening to her

B. Mother tells me to listening to her

C. Mother asks me that I am listening to her

D. Mother says that I am listening to her

E. Mother says to me to listening to her

93. Put the adverb in the right place: The lecture has not begun. (yet)

A. The lecture has not yet begun

B. The lecture has yet not begun

C. The lecture has not begun yet

D. Yet the lecture has not begun

E. The lecture yet has not begun

94. Put the adverb in the right place: Our neighbours are washing their car. (now)

A. Our neighbours are washing now their car

B. Our neighbours are washing their now car

C. Our neighbours now are washing their car

D. Our neighbours are now washing their car

E. Our neighbours are washing their car now

95. Use the correct form of the Passive Voice: Who … this novel … by?

A. Was/written

B. Is/being

C. Are/written

D. Will/writing

E. Were/written

96. Find the correct variant of indirect question: I said to Kate: “Did anybody meet you at the station?”

A. I wanted to know if had somebody met her at the station

B. I said to Kate if somebody met her at the station

C. I wished to know if Kate had met somebody at the station

D. I wondered if anybody had met her at the station

E. I asked Kate if somebody had met her at the station

97. Choose the correct form of the Complex Object: I heard the door of the entrance hall … softly

A. Is closing

B. Closed

C. To close

D. Closes

E. Close

98. Choose the correct form of the Complex Object: I must have my hair … tomorrow

A. Cutting

B. Is cut

C. Cuts

D. To cut

E. Cut

99.Find the correct sentence in Indirect speech: “Take my luggage to room 45”, he said to the porter

A. He told the porter to take his luggage to room 45

B. He said to the porter that to take his luggage room 45

C. He asked the porter if he took his luggage to room 45

D. He asked the porter that he takes his luggage to room 45

E. He told the porter taking his luggage to room 45

F. He told the porter taking his luggage to room 45

100. Find the correct form of the Adjective: What was … moment in your life

A. The most happy

B. The happy

C. Happy

D. Happier

E. The happiest

29. Find the correct variant of translation: It is sunny but a strong wind is blowing

A. Бұл ашық, бірақ салқын жел еседі

B. Күн ашық, бірақ салқын жел есіп тұр

C. Ашық болды, бірақ салқын жел есті

D. Ашық болды, бірақ салқын жел еседі

E. Күн ашыла бастыды, бірақ салқын жел есіп тұр

30. Choose the correct form of the Possessive Case: I know this girl. She is my best …

A. Friends’s

B. Friend’

C. Friends

D. Friend

E. Friend’s

31. Fill in the necessary preposition: The plane landed safely … the two mountains

A. Over

B. In

C. On

D. Between

E. Above

32. Fill in the correct article: He has … breakfast early in the morning

A. The

B. This

C. A

D. –

E. An

33. Fill in the necessary tense form in the following conditional sentence: They … if I … such a mistake

A. Would be surprised/make

B. Will be surprised/has made

C. Will be surprised/made

D. Will be surprised/make

E. Shall be surprised/make

34. Find the correct form of the noun: The cat has caught two

A. Mouse’s

B. Mice

C. Mousse

D. Mouse

E. Mices

35. Choose the correct word: travelling by getting free rides in passing automobiles and walking between rides

A. Excursion

B. Voyage

C. Hitch-hiking

D. Cruise

E. Tour

36. Choose English equivalent to the word: жалықтырғыш

A. Plain

B. Blank

C. Bright

D. Ignorant

E. Boring

37. Choose the correct spelling of the word: temperature

A. Tamperature

B. Temperature

C. Temperatare

D. Temparature

E. Tempereture

38. Find the synonym of the word: “awful”

A. Perfect

B. Strange

C. True

D. Merry

E. Terrible

39. Find the antonym of the word: “to arrive”

A. To worry

B. To pass

C. To attend

D. To return

E. To leave

40. Find the antonym of the word: “kind”

A. Lazy

B. Active

C. Charming

D. Polite

E. Rude

41. Fill in the correct preposition: Iaitsky Town was renamed … Uralsk in 1775

A. From

B. For

C. With

D. At

E. Into

42. Fill in the correct preposition: Is your blouse made … silk

A. On

B. With

C. Off

D. To

E. Of

43. choose the word opposite in meaning: worthy

A. Perfectly

B. Popular

C. Circular

D. Anxiously

E. Unworthy

44. Choose the correct preposition: The fish is just … my liking

A. From

B. At

C. For

D. About

E. To

45. Choose the word close in meaning: to issue

A. To read

B. To come out

C. To print

D. To carry

E. To publish

46. Eliminate the extra word: picnic, to make a fire, to eat, fishing, lecture

A. To eat

B. Fishing

C. To make fire

D. Picnic

E. Lecture

47. Parliamentary elections must be held

A. Every 6 years

B. Every 2 years

C. Every 5 years

D. Every year

E. Every 3 years

48. Choose the correct Modal Verb: I … to go there yesterday

A. Could

B. Must

C. Can

D. Might

E. Had

49. Choose the right translation of: Қараңғы. Үйге жалғыз барма

A. It is cold. Go home alone

B. It darks. Don’t go home alone

C. It is dark. Don’t go home alone

D. It is dark. Go home alone

E. It is not dark. Don’t go home alone

50. Choose the word and word – combination opposite in meaning: to see the Old Year out

A. To see the Christmas

B. To meet santa clause

C. To see the new year

D. To meet the new year

E. To say good bye to the old year

51. Choose the word or the word – combination closest in meaning: knowledge

A. Challenge

B. Abilities

C. Skills

D. Habits

E. Awareness

52. Choose the correct definition of the word: holiday

A. A person living in the house

B. A large boat for carring people

C. An activity which one enjoys doing

D. A time of rest from work

53.Complete the following sentence: Poor George, only year older his brother, looked … (mind the text “The Ant and the Grasshopper” W. S. Maugham)

A. Twenty

B. Thirty

C. Fifty

D. Seventy

E. Sixty

54.Many years later, fifteen at least, I happened to be in Seville and having some trifling indisposition asked the hotel porter whether there was an English doctor in the town.

The sentence are from the text

A. “Letter in the Mail” by E. Caldwell

B. “A Foul Play” by K. Kuark

C. “The Happy Man” by W. S. Maugham

D. “Hunting for a job” by S. S. Melcure

E. “Mr.Know – all” by W. S. Maugham

55.Roger was very pleased with himself; he was committing a good action. This sentence is from the text

A. “The Brumble Bush” by Ch. Mergendahl

B. “A Foul Play” by K. Kuark

C. “Hunting for a job” by S. S. Melcure

D. “The Ant and the Grasshopper” W. S. Maugham

E. “The Escape” by W. S. Maugham

56.The most important river in England is

A. The Trent

B. The Tyne

C. The Thames

D. The Severn

E. The Wye

57.This part of London is its educational centre

A. Westminster

B. Piccadilly circus

C. The east end

D. The city

E. The West end

58.Name the head of the state in Great Britain

A. The king

B. The prime minister

C. The parliament

D. The president

E. The queen

59.Complete the following sentence: “The books said that he suddenly stopped painting … and lived in a villa in Rivera”. (mind the text “Lautisse Paints Again” H. A. Smith)

A. At 53

B. At 26

C. At 60

D. At 58

E. At 39

60.Finish the following sentence: To complete his education he went … (mind the text “A Good Start”

A. To Russia

B. To Italy

C. To America

D. To France

E. To Spain

61.Complete the following sentence: I must go to Oakland to see … (mind the text “The Filipino and The Drunkard” W. Saroyan)

A. My sister

B. My father

C. My aunt

D. My uncle

62.He was a rich man. He was a charming and accomplished host whose villa was an accepted rendezvous of the great. The main character of the text is… (mind the text “The Dinner Party by N. Monsarrat)

A. Mr. Frank

B. Bill

C. Octavian

D. The drunkard

E. Lautisse

63.He was a small fussy man: Red cheeks and a tight melonlike stomach. Large glasses so magnified his eyes as to give him appearance of a wise and kind owl. The main character of the text is… (mind the text “Caged” L. E. Reeve)

A. Mr. Oslow

B. Mrs. Bufkins

C. O. Henry

D. Mr. Purcell

E. John

64.Insert a suitable word in the following sentence: One morning … said he wanted to talk to him. (mind the text “The Verger” W. S Maugham)

A. The bank manager

B. The bank secretary

C. The bank director

D. The clerk

E. The headmaster

65.Choose the correct Infinitive: In his childhood he dreamed … a car

A. To buy

B. Buy to

C. Buy

D. Buying

E. Bought

66.Complete the following sentence: (mind the text “Martin Eden” by J. London) He had no money for stamps, so the manuscripts lay on the floor under the table. Martin …, then his watch

A. Pawned his overcoat

B. Finding his lists of words

C. Lost his things

D. Building his house

E. Eating his breakfast

67.Complete the following sentence: Mr. Magister got a lot of money for his pictures-and he ……… for his lessons. “A Service of love” O. Henry)

A. Had taken some money

B. Took many money

C. Have taken a lot of money

D. Find a lot of money

E. Took a lot of money

68.Complete the sentence: It was … … when the train pulled into the little station. Lanny … into the fresh morning air and … a deep breath. (mind the text “Return” by P. Abrahams)

A. Late evening/gone/take

B. Early morning start/took

C. Early day/had gone/taken

D. Sunny day/goes/took

E. Early morning/stepped/took

69.Complete the sentence: O. Henry wrote the story which is entitled

A. “the nightingale and the red rose”

B. “a dog and three dollars”

C. “the snake and the bell”

D. “The scholarship”

E. “the happiest man on earth”

70.Complete the following sentence: The author of the text “Surprise” is

A. J. London

B. S. S. Mcclure

C. M. Twain

D. O. Henry

E. Galswothy

71.Choose the correct verb: I wish you … me

A. Was believe

B. Believing

C. Will believe

D. Can’t believe

E. Would believe

72.Choose the correct modal verb: He … play the piano at all

A. Could

B. Needn’t

C. Mustn’t

D. Should

E. Can’t

73.Choose the correct modal verb: He says that I … do it myself. It is my duty

A. May

B. Need

C. Can’t

D. Could

E. must

74.Chose the correct modal verb: You … come. The problem is settled

A. May not

B. Mustn’t

C. Haven’t

D. Can’t

E. Needn’t

75.Choose the correct modal verb: I … stay here any longer. I have to go home

A. Should

B. Needn’t

C. Can’t

D. Can

E. May

76.Choose the correct Infinitive: The teacher asked us … to each other

A. Help to

B. Helped

C. To help

D. Help

E. Helping

77.Choose the correct verb: Some days ago he … English magazines by them

A. Were given

B. Was given

C. Has given

D. Had given

E. Is given

78.Choose the correct verb: The Olympic Games … in 4 years

A. Was crossing

B. Are held

C. Will held

D. Was held

E. Is held

79.Choose the correct verb: I want you … me alone

A. Was leave

B. Left

C. Leave

D. Leaving

E. To leave

80.Choose the correct verb: I wish you … it well

A. Are knowing

B. Known

C. Know

D. Knowing

E. Would know

81.Choose the correct verb: It is high time they … their quarrel

A. Have made

B. Making

C. Make up

D. Make

E. Made up

82.Choose the correct verb: Even if he knew, he … us anything

A. Telling

B. Would tell

C. Can’t tell

D. Have told

E. Wouldn’t tell

83.Choose the correct verb: The factory … by two brothers

A. Is managed

B. Have managed

C. Has managed

D. Were managed

E. Had managed

84.Choose the correct verb: The song … and the audience applauded

A. Had sung

B. Is sung

C. Has sung

D. Have sung

E. Was sung

85.Choose the correct verb: The young trees… properly

A. Was/looking after

B. Was/looked after

C. Has/looked after

D. Is/looked after

E. Were/looked after

86.Choose the correct verb: The news … me yesterday

A. Had told

B. Is told

C. Have told

D. Were told

E. Was told

87.Choose the correct verb: A good job … to him but he refused

A. Were offered

B. Have offered

C. Is offered

D. Has offered

E. Was offered

88.Choose the correct verb: The student … to the blackboard but he was not ready

A. Were asked

B. Had asked

C. Have asked

D. Is asked

E. Was asked

89.Choose the correct grammatical form: He never agreed to their … on that dangerous voyage

A. Went

B. Gone

C. Going

D. To go

E. Was going

90.Choose the correct form of the Participle: The door opened and a … woman came in

A. Well-dressing

B. Was well-dressed

C. Being well-dressed

D. Is well-dressed

E. Well-dressed

91.Choose the correct verb: They… just…

A. Have had arrived

B. Have arrived

C. Has arrived

D. Were arriving

E. Had arriving

92.Choose the correct verb: I … at my aunt’s since my arrival

A. Have had stayed

B. Had had stayed

C. Have have stayed

D. Will stayed

E. Have stayed

93.Choose the correct verb: She … tennis for five months by now

A. Hadn’t played

B. Had haven’t played

C. Haven’t played

D. Hasn’t played

E. Have hadn’t played

94.Choose the correct verb: Mother asks the children if they … some biscuits for tea

A. Have have bought

B. Has bought

C. Have had bought

D. Had bought

E. Have bought

95.Choose the right sentence with the Indirect Speech: My classmate said: “I shall explain this rule to you tomorrow”

A. My classmate said he explained that rule to me the next day

B. My classmate said that he would explained this rule to me next day

C. My classmate said that he would explain that rule to me the next day

D. My classmate said that he will explain that rule to me tomorrow

E. My classmate said that he should explain that rule to me tomorrow

96.Fill in the correct article: France is situated to … north of Italy

A. A

B. These

C. –

D. An

E. The

97.Choose the correct form of the verb: You … just… tomorrow’s weather forecast

A. Has/heard

B. Have/been heard

C. Was/heard

D. Would/heard

E. Have/heard

98. Choose the correct tense form: Grandmother … the whole day yesterday

A. Is cooking

B. Were cooking

C. Has been cooking

D. Had been cooking

E. Was cooking

99. Use the correct tense form: Tom said that he … to the doctor the next day

A. Would go

B. Shall go

C. Will go

D. Would have gone

E. Go

100. Choose the correct indirect statement: My friend said: “I was in London last week”

A. My friend told if had been in London the week before

B. My friend said that he was in London the week before

C. My friend said that he have been in London last week

D. My friend said that he had been in London the week before

E. My friend told he was in London the week before

29. Choose the correct tense form of the verb: The tourists were sure that they … to the campyby sunset

A. shall return

B. will return

C. should return

D. would return

E. would have returned

30. Find the correct sentence in Indirect Speech: “Don`t be late for dinner”, said mother to us

A. mother told us do not be late for dinner

B. mother asked us if we not be late for dinner

C. mother asked us that we not be late for dinner

D. mother said us to be not late for dinner

E. mother told us not to be late for dinner

31. Fill in the correct phrase:…hot today, let’s have a swim in the river

A. it were

B. it is

C. it wa

D. there is

E. there are

32. Choose the right indefinite pronoun: Is there …else you would like me to explain to you?

A. Any

B. Something

C. Some

D. Nothing

E. Anyting

33. Choose the correct verb: He … very well here

A. Were remembered

B. Were remembering

C. Has remembered

D. Had remembered

E. Is remembered

34. Choose the correct verb: The news … to us by our teacher

A. was told

B. is telling

C. have told

D. had told

E. were told

35. Eliminate the extra word: comfortable, well-planned, two-storeyed, chalk, modern

A. two- storeyed

B. chalk

C. well- planned

D. modern

E. comfortable

36.Eliminate the extra word: fanher, sister, lamp, son, doughter

A. son

B. daughter

C. sister

D. lamp

E. father

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