Повторение и систематизация основных глагольных времен

В действительном залоге


1. Use the verbs in brackets in Present Indefinite in affirmative, interrogative and negative forms.

I look I don’t look Do I look?

You look You don’t look Do you look?

He looks He doesn’t look Does he look?

She looks She doesn’t look Does she look?

It looks It doesn’t look Does it look?

We look We don’t look Do we look?

They look They don’t look Do they look?

To close, to go, to open, to read, to sit, to leave, to work, to study, to come, to write, to do, to speak, to send, to meet, to give, to take, to copy out, to put.

2. Use he / she instead of I.

Example: I go to the office every day. – He goes to the office every day.

1. I write many letters every day.

2. I read all of the important letters.

3. I study the reports very carefully.

4. I usually work in the main office.

5. I send letters to many other companies.

6. I talk to Smith and Brown every day.

3. Put the verbs into Present Indefinite:

Example: I . . . in the main office (work). – I work in the main office.

Mr. Wilson . . . very hard work). – Mr. Wilson works very hard.

1. Almost everyone . . . very hard. (work)

2. We . . . from 9.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. (work)

3. Mr. Wilson . . . a private office. (have)

4. Miss Peters . . . letters for me. (write)

5. Mr. Wilson . . . the reports. (study)

6. Smith and Green . . . information. (collect)

Choose the right form of the verb.

1. She (swim / swims) very well.

2. Luc (live / lives) in London.

3. Jack (come / comes) from the USA.

4. Betty (dance / dances) a little.

5. He (have / has) three brothers.

6. My granny (are / is) in Smolensk.

7. The Thames (is / are) a big river in Britain.

8. I (is / am) a student.

Write these sentences in interrogative and negative forms.

Example: John goes there twice a week.

Does John go there twice a week?

John doesn’t go there twice a week.

1. He knows French perfectly.

2. I understand everything he says.

3. She makes mistakes in spelling.

4. They enjoy their English lessons.

5. They live in Kiev.

6. We use our books in class.

7. The plane leaves at ten o’clock.

8. She always comes to class late.

9. I always take the same bus to work.

10. I come to every English lesson.

11. The sun rises in the west.

12. Dogs like cats.

13. Some children like chocolate.

14. It rains very often in summer.

6. Use the verb to be in Present Indefinite.

1. He . . . a good student.

2. They . . . old friends.

3. I . . . a teacher.

4. John . . . absent from class today.

5. The weather . . . good today.

6. The sky . . . clear.

7. We . . . both students.

8. Mr. Smith . . . sick today.

9. She and I . . . cousins.

7. Use the verb to have in Present Indefinite.

1. She . . . one sister and two brothers.

2. We . . . a large library at our university.

3. They . . . a new car.

4. She . . . green eyes.

5. Helen . . . a headache.

6. Mr. Smith’s office . . . three large windows.

7. We . . . many friends in Moscow.

8. Both brothers . . . red hair.

9. He and I . . . many things in common.

8. Use the verb to be in Past Indefinite.

1. Ann . . . absent from school yesterday.

2. The exercises in the last lesson . . . difficult.

3. She . . . in the same class as Nick last year.

4. We . . . tired after our long walk.

5. The weather yesterday . . . very warm.

6. There . . . a lot of students absent from class yesterday.

7. I . . . hungry after so many exercises.

8. I . . . busy all day yesterday.

9. We . . . good friends for many years.

9. Use the verbs in Past Indefinite and put them into the table according to their endings.

[t] [d] [id]

1) Walk, dream, wash, drop, hope, stop, spell, dry, cry, watch, dust, cook, play, open, talk, want, clean, work, cover.

2) Arrive, regret, live, tidy, close, rob, end, smile, hurry, visit, count, finish, look, push, like, kiss, add, start, travel, post.

10. Write the verbs in Past Indefinite.

1. See, read, cut, hear, stand, put, sing, take, write, run, bring, eat, ring, forget, go, begin.

2. Drink, speak, be, have, give, teach, sleep, know, buy, get, come, find, tell, lose, think.

11. Use the verbs in brackets in Past Indefinite.

1. We (work) in our garden all day yesterday.

2. I (listen) to the radio until twelve o’clock last night.

3. He always (want) to learn English.

4. Ann and I (talk) over the telephone yesterday.

5. They (live) in France for many years.

6. The meeting (last) about two hours.

7. I (wait) almost two hours for Helen yesterday.

8. She (study) in our class last semester.

9. We (watch) television until eleven o’clock last night.

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