The Ural State Pedagogical University

The Ural State Pedagogical University is one of the biggest and most prestigious institutions of higher education in Russia. In 2010 our University will celebrate its 80th anniversary. The USPU was established in 1930 and was named the Ural Industrial Pedagogical Institute first. At that time there were only 66 full-time students. Since 1993 it’s been called the Ural State Pedagogical University. Now its main building is situated in Kosmonavtov Street, 26.

Today our educational institution is one of the oldest universities in Ural. It is included in the top 100 universities of Russia. Our rector is Boris Igoshev. The USPU is a large centre of education, science and research. The university’s professorial and teaching staff is a balanced combination of highly experienced teachers and young specialists who chose teaching as their career. The University employs more than 100 professors, 500 Doctors of Science, many of them are honored workers of science, culture, art, and physical training, merited sport trainers and masters of sports of the Russian Federation and the USSR, merited teachers of high school of the Russian Federation, etc.

More than 20 000 students are trained at the departments and branches of the University. The majority are full-time students and the rest are part-time students. There are more than 70 specializations and 46 specialties of higher education (specialist, bachelor, and master) in many subject areas. The university has 17 academic and 72 scientific chairs, and 4 research centers. It is composed of faculties (departments) or institutes of Foreign Languages, Geography and Biology, Mathematics and Physics, the Russian Language and Literature, Psychology and many others. Every faculty is headed by a dean.

The normal length of the university course is five years after which the students receive a Diploma of Higher Education. The academic year consists of two terms and lasts from September till June.

Our university is quite large and we have several buildings situated in different parts of the city. The University has 4 educational buildings, 4 hostels, and a sports center, equipped with modern facilities. The scientific library of the University numbers more than 800 000 books. Besides, the university has many branches all over the region which provide every person with the opportunity to study by correspondence. At present the University has 5 branches and 9 representations that are fully functional.

There are large halls and smaller classrooms in the main university building. Great importance is attached to IT – there are many computer classes where students can use the Internet for their educational purposes. There are also two museums at the university. It also has a canteen, but many students prefer to buy food at the stall on the ground floor. There are three hostel buildings near the main building of the USPU. Students from other cities live there.

There are many societies and clubs at our university. We have a students’ theatre, a KVN team, a disco studio, a break-dance studio, a rock band and many others. All kinds of sports competitions, exhibitions, concerts, parties and festivals are held at the university every year.

6. The Ural State Pedagogical University - student2.ruСоедините буквы и цифры, чтобы получились предложения:

1. The university’s professorial and teaching staff is 2. The university has 3. We have several buildings 4. Every person has 5. The USPU was established 6. Five branches and nine representations 7. The USPU is a large centre of 8. There are three hostel buildings 9. The university has many branches 10. Since 1993 a. it’s been called the Ural State Pedagogical University b. the opportunity to study by correspondence. c. a balanced combination of highly experienced teachers and young specialists d. in 1930 e. all over the region f. are fully functional g. education, science and research h. near the main building of the USPU i. situated in different parts of the city. j. more than 70 specializations and 46 specialties of higher education

7. The Ural State Pedagogical University - student2.ruЗакончите предложения:

§ The Ural State Pedagogical University is…

§ The University employs…

§ At the departments and branches of the University…

§ The majority of the students are…

§ The University is composed of…

§ Every faculty is…

§ The normal length of the university course is… and the academic year consists of…

§ There also are …

8. The Ural State Pedagogical University - student2.ruВыделите основные части текста и озаглавьте их. Опираясь на полученный план, расскажите о своем университете.

9. The Ural State Pedagogical University - student2.ruВыучите название знаков зодиака и узнайте“What kind of student are you?”


Aries –Овен(March 21 – April 20)

Sagittarius –Стрелец(November 22 – December 21)

Leo –Лев(July 22 – August 22)

Fire signs usually make optimistic students. However, you are often impatient and want to make quick progress. It’s difficult for you to concentrate on the one thing. You have lots of energy but sometimes you have your heads in the clouds and don’t know or care what is going on around you. To make good progress you should try to concentrate on what you are doing today and not on what you want to do tomorrow.


Capricorn –Козерог(December 22 – January 20)

Virgo –Дева (August 23 – September 22)

Taurus –Телец(April 21 – May 20)

Earth signs usually make serious and hard-working students. Exams are very important to you because you want to have a good job one day. You always check your homework. You like everything in its place and demand clear explanations of what is going on. You don’t like change. Other students like you because you are practical and helpful and see everything so clearly.


Cancer –Рак (June 22 – July 22)

Pisces –Рыбы (February 19 – March 20)

Scorpio –Скорпион (October 22 – November 21)

You live in a world of your own and often dream, even in class. You often lose things and forget the time. You seem to learn without effort and usually do well, if your teachers encourage (поддерживать, поощрять) you. You are very resourceful (изобретательный, находчивый) and artistic which makes your work very interesting though not always very accurate! Try to combine your imagination with the practical side of studying. And remember to do your homework.


Gemini –Близнецы(May 21 – June 21)

Libra –Весы(September 23 – October 21)

Aquarius –Водолей(January 21 – February 18)

You are a popular student and a good talker. You easily make friends and are happy to be a part of a team. You are a flatterer (льстец, подхалим), which means you are probably popular with your teacher! But sometimes you are lazy. You have all the qualities to make a success of your studies, get on and do it! By the way, air signs are good at learning foreign languages.

10. The Ural State Pedagogical University - Прочитайте информацию ниже и узнайте, что такое Thank you letter и как его писать:

Благодарственные письма (Thank you letters) относятся к категории личной деловой переписки и имеют своей целью выражение благодарности адресату.

Текст благодарственного письма пишется со ссылкой на событие, которое побудило отправителя выразить свою благодарность адресату.

Письма, в которых выражается благодарность, как правило, составляются в более свободной форме, чем другие разновидности писем. Ключевыми фразами такого письма являются:

«I want to thank you for…»

«I would like to thank you…»

Письмо-благодарность может направляться в инициативном порядке или быть письмом ответом, например, на поступившее приглашение, поздравление. Благодарственное письмо может быть выслано после job interview для более внимательного рассмотрения работодателем вашей кандидатуры.

Test yourself

1. The Ural State Pedagogical University - student2.ruРаскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Continuous или Present Simple:

1. He (work) in the centre of Chicago.

2. You (play) the violin well?

3. What Nick (do) in the evening?

4. Look! Kate (dance).

5. Emma (sing) well?

6. Where John (live)? He (live) in England.

7. My friends from Switzerland (speak) four languages.

8. You (go) to the opera with your friends?


2. The Ural State Pedagogical University - student2.ruПоставьте слова в правильном порядке. Укажите, какое время использовано (Present Simple или Present Continuous):

1. I not do for what know my to his present brother birthday.

2. knows Andy rather German well.

3. Who music listening is now personal to on over there the stereo right.

4. Anna to Chinese little has wants it she speak for but too time.

5. Listen! is Who room the next playing the piano in.



The Ural State Pedagogical University - Текст: My future profession

Грамматика: Present Continuous & Present Simple

Тест: “Which career is right for you?”

Практика:Thank you letter II

1. The Ural State Pedagogical University - Напишите глагол в правильной временной форме: Present Continuous или Present Simple:

1. I _________________ (not/ belong) to a political party.

2. Hurry! The bus ______________ (come). I _____________ (not/ want) to miss it.

3. The River Nile _______________ (flow) into the Mediterranean.

4. The river ________________ (flow) very fast today – much faster than usual.

5. ____________________ (it/ ever/ snow) in India?

6. We usually ______________ (grow) vegetables in our garden but this year we ________________ (not/ grow) any.

7. A: Can you drive?

B: No, but I _________ (learn). My father ____________ (teach) me.

8. You can borrow my umbrella. I _____________ (not/ need) it at the moment.

9. (At a party) I usually _____________ (enjoy) parties but I ____________ (not/ enjoy) this one very much.

10. Peter says he’s 24 years old but I _______________ (not/ believe) him.

11. Ann is in London at the moment. She ____________ (stay) at the Hilton Hotel.

12. My parents ___________ (live) in Yekaterinburg. They were born here. Where _____________ (your parents/ live)?

13. A:What ____________ (your mother/ do)?

B: She’s a teacher, but she ______________ (not/ work) at the moment.

2. The Ural State Pedagogical University - student2.ruДополните следующие предложения, выбрав соответствующие обстоятельства времени из правой колонки:

1. We are having a test

a) every lesson

b) for two days

c) now

2. We have tests

a) very often

b) lately

c) for two hours

3. He is revising English grammar

a) every evening

b) at the moment

c) last week

4. I am looking for you

a) usually

b) every day

c) right now

5. They study at the University

a) at the moment

b) now

c) this month

3. The Ural State Pedagogical University - Поработайте в парах. Студент А читает о том, что Филипп делает всегда каждый день. Студент Б читает о том, что Филипп делает сегодня. Дополните друг друга по образцу:

- Philipp usually takes bus. What is he doing today?

- He is taking a taxi.

A (every day): (have) bread and coffee for breakfast (go) to work (eat) at home (go) to English class in the evening (walk) with his dog at nigh Б (today): (have) cake for breakfast (go) to the cinema (eat) in a restaurant (go) to a birthday party (walk) with his new girl-friend

4. The Ural State Pedagogical University - Изучите новые слова, прочитайте текст и ответьте: What is your future profession?


Слово Транскрипция Перевод Пример
independent [ˌɪndɪ'pendənt] независимый He is a very independent person
school-leaver [ˌskuːl'liːvə] выпускник школы My brother is a school-leaver
vocational and technical education [və'keɪʃnəl] ['teknɪkl] профессионально-техническое образование He entered the vocational school last year
to make up one’s mind   принять решение Have you made up your mind on this problem?
to advise [əd'vaɪz] советовать What can you advise?
dream [driːm] мечта What is your dream?
surgeon ['sɜːʤən] хирург His cousin is the best surgeon in out city
salary ['sælərɪ] зарплата He hasn’t got a big salary
job-satisfaction [ʤɔb ˌsætɪs'fækʃ(ə)n] удовлетворение от работы Job-satisfaction is very important in your life
responsible [rɪ'spɔnsəbl] ответственный Are you responsible?
challenging ['ʧælɪnʤɪŋ] требующий напряжения, многообещающий Profession of a teacher is really challenging
to require [rɪ'kwaɪə] требовать(ся) What traits of character does it require?
disadvantage [ˌdɪsəd'vɑːntɪʤ] недостаток This work has many disadvantages
underpaid [ˌʌndə'peɪd] низкооплачеваемый In fact, this job is not underpaid
upbringing ['ʌpˌbrɪŋɪŋ] воспитание Can you devote your life to the upbringing of children?
skill [skɪl] навык You need a lot of skills for any job
to encourage [ɪn'kʌrɪʤ] поощрять, ободрять A good teacher will always encourage you
to treat [triːt] обращаться Why do you treat him like a child?
attitude ['ætɪtjuːd] отношение What’s your attitude to the problem of racism?
considerate [kən'sɪdərət] внимательный, тактичный You must be very considerate to help children

My future profession

Finishing school is the beginning of an independent life for millions of school-leavers. We usually say that all roads are open before our school-leavers: vocational and technical schools, institutes and universities. But actually it is very difficult to make up one’s mind and choose one of the hundreds of jobs.

Many people and organizations help in choosing a job. Teachers and parents also advise pupils, but still very few of them know what they want to do. Generally pupils are not realistic in thinking about jobs. They have dreams of playing football for some big clubs, or becoming pop stars, heart transplant surgeons or international experts of some kind.

While choosing a job many factors should be taken into consideration: salaries, job-satisfaction, opportunities to travel and to see much, etc. For me, the most important criterion is job-satisfaction, and that’s why I have chosen the profession of a teacher. Teaching is a very specific and responsible occupation. I believe teaching is a very valuable and challenging profession that requires love of the subject and lots of enthusiasm. However, there are also disadvantages. It is regarded in many societies as low-status and underpaid work.

The success of educating and upbringing of children depends on the personality of the teacher, his professional skills, moral principles, erudition and cultural background. The noble profession demands from a teacher constant creativity, understanding of children and love for them.

The teacher must be a model of competence, so he (she) is a person who is learning as well as teaching all his life. It is also a stressful job because you have to encourage your pupils and keep them interested in the subject you teach.

A good teacher treatshis pupils with respect and values them individuals. He understands that each child is unique and has special talents. He helps children to develop their critical and creative thinking, to form their views and characters, their attitudes to life and to other people. He teaches them to work independently and cooperatively, to be helpful and useful.

A good teacher will do his best to bring up honest and considerate, patient and tactful, self-confident people, able to meet many challenges of adult life in a rapidly changing world.

5. The Ural State Pedagogical University - Составьте предложения, используя данные два слова:

o to encourage, job-satisfaction;

o attitude, considerate;

o school-leaver, to advise;

o salary, responsible;

o skills, to depend on.

6. The Ural State Pedagogical University - Соотнесите буквы и цифры, чтобы получились предложения:

1. A good teacher… 2. School-leavers can go to… 3. When you choose a job… 4. Teaching is… 5. This challenging profession… 6. The main disadvantage of this occupation is… 7. The success of educating and upbringing of children… a) …vocational and technical schools, institutes and universities. b) …it is a low-paid work. c) …a responsible occupation. d) …depends on the personality of the teacher. e) …you should think of many factors. f) …requires a lot of patience and enthusiasm. g) …treats his pupils with respect.

7. The Ural State Pedagogical University - Назовите 5 важнейших качеств преподавателя.

8. The Ural State Pedagogical University - Перескажите текст.

9. The Ural State Pedagogical University - Пройдите тест и узнайте “Which career is right for you?”:

1. Which is most important to you?

a) Earning money.

b)Recognition and praise for good work.

c)Helping other people.


2. At University:

a)You work hard and get good results.

b)You always want to win at everything.

c)You’d probably do quite well if only you could find the energy to get to school.

d)You dedicate yourself to team games, clubs and societies just as much as you do to your work.

3. What are your favourite lessons?

a)The lessons you learn in life that you learn through studying and being with other pupils.

b)The kind that really get you thinking, or allow you to be creative.

c)The ones that finish early.

d)The subjects that you come top in.

4. Who is your biggest hero?


b)Florence Nightingale (the lady who started the nursing profession).

c)William Shakespeare.

d)The person who invented holidays.

5. Imagine you have a job, and one day you are tired and late for an important meeting. You want to do some preparation work on the bus, but when it arrives, it’s very busy.

a)You make sure you get a seat and start furiously finishing off your work.

b)You let an old lady sit down instead and hope you can struggle through the meeting anyway.

c)You reach for the phone and start practicing your ‘seriously ill’ voice.

d)Don’t be ridiculous. You’re never late, you always have the work ready early and you certainly wouldn’t be seen dead on a bus.


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