A) General facts about the department

1 How many wards there are in this department. 2 If they have large or small wards. 3 If they have additional out-houses. 4 What devices, apparatus one can see.

B) Their patients.

1 How many patients this department houses. 2 What diseases their patients have. 3 If they have patients suffering from rheumatism, hypertonicity, ischemic diseases and others. 4 If their patients pay for their treatment.

C) Their method of treatment.

1 What modern methods of treatment they use. 2 If they use the method of detoxication of the human organism. 3 If they use ultra-violet and laser rays for the treatment of blood. 4 What methods they practice for the examination of the patients. 5 If they use ultra-sound method. 6 If they practice radio-immunological methods. 7 If they use endoscopy. 8 If they have a cardiograph. 9 How they treat active rheumatism, hypertonicity and others.

D) The students’ work.

1 If the medical students have practice at their department. 2 What procedures the students do. 3 Who teaches the students to fulfil different procedures. 4 What tasks their practical programme includes. 5 If the students fulfil their tasks.

30 Translate the sentences, pay attention to conditionals without if:

1 Had the patient been unconscious, he would not have complained of pain across his pelvis and the surgeon would have delayed treating the fracture. 2 Were there appreciable changes in the physical findings of the patient, roentgenograms of the chest would be taken again to clear up the picture of the patient’s state. 3 Had the patient’s condition been satisfactory, he would have performed a primary open reduction of the knee. 4 Had the fracture of the right hip been revealed earlier, the operation would have been performed in due time.

31 Examine the patient. Ask him to fulfil as follows:

1 To lie down on the examination table. 2 To lie down on his back (side). 3 To lie quietly. 4 To relax the muscles of his abdomen. 5 To show when it is painful. 6 To tell if it is painful during the palpation (during the pressing). 7 To inflate his abdomen stronger. 8 To sit down. 9 To put on his clothes.

32 Translate the following:

1 Які хвороби вивчають гастроентерологи? 2 Чи шукають вони нові методи лікування хворих? 3 Чи успішно лікують лікарі хворих із виразками шлунка та дванадцятипалої кишки? 4 Що призначається для лікування? 5 Чи всі хворі видужують повністю? 6 Куди направляють хворих для продовження лікування?

33 Choose the appropriate translation:

1 Both methods are widely used in this clinic. This new method will soon be widely applied both in Ukraine and abroad. (як..., так і; обидва). 2 Either this surgeon or that one will perform this operation/ Either of the prepositions is correct? But the former is more common than the latter. (будь-який; або ... або) 3 Neither of the patients must remain there. These doctors like neither this method nor that one. (ніхто; ні ... ні) 4 The artificial heart has been used both in our country and abroad. Both scientists paid much attention to this problem. (обидва; як ..., так і) 5 He had not only high temperature but also other symptoms. He was the only surgeon in this hospital. (єдиний; не тільки ..., але й)

34 a) Combine the following pairs of sentences into one using the infinitive as an adverbial modifier of result. Use too or enough where necessary:

1 He left excited. He couldn’t sleep. 2 I was tired. I couldn’t go out with them. 3 He was angry. He couldn’t care what he did. 4 Bill was angry with me. He didn’t invite me to his party. 5 He wasn’t manly. He couldn’t admit his mistake. 6 They were polite. They didn’t say that it was your fault. 7 The boy was sleepy. He couldn’t read the text to the end. 8 My cousin was optimistic. She applied for the job again. 9 The old man was broad-minded. He sympathized with the younger generation. 10 James was rich. He could buy a new house.

b) Paraphrase the following sentences so as to use the infinitives of result:

1 The storm was so strong that I couldn’t go out. 2 The text is so short that it can be translated in an hour. 3 She was so excited that she couldn’t utter a word. 4 She knows English so well that she can read the English authors in the original. 5 It was so dark that he couldn’t see anything before him. 6 You are so experienced, you ought to know the matter better. 7 The man was so down and out that he couldn’t get a decent job. 8 He was so angry, he wouldn’t speak to me. 9 It was very late, nobody could help him. 10 Mr. Burton was so cruel that he could send a man to die.

35 Respond to the following questions or statements using the phrases from the list B:

1 They say you read a lot. 1 Yes, if you wish me to.
2 Why didn’t you invite them? 2 No, I forgot to.
3 Will you write a letter to her? 3 Nor such as I used to.
4 Why can’t you go with us? 4 Yes, I ought to.
5 I’m afraid you can’t come. 5 He didn’t ask me to.
6 I see you haven’t bought any oranges. 6 I simply didn’t want to.
7 You must take more care of it. 7 But I’ll try to.
8 She says you are going to help her. 8 I am not allowed to.
9 Why didn’t you dance with him? 9 I suppose I’ll have to.
10 You didn’t sign your test paper. 10 I meant to, but I forgot.

36 Point out the infinitive in the following sentences:

1 One of the most challenging problems for those interested in cancer control concerns the development of a more nearly adequate treatment for patients found to have cancer of the prostate gland. 2 By fixing the yielding anterior wall of the ventricle to the more solid septum, it is said to prevent overdistension of the cavity. 3 Plasminogen activators are present in many tissues and plasminogen activator in the plasma appears to be responsible for the physiological fibrinolytic activity in blood. 4 The behaviour of the fibrinolytic mechanism in human pregnancy is of special interest because an increase in the concentration of certain coagulation factors, particularly fibrinogen, is known to occur as pregnancy advances. 5 Sexual maturation, particularly menses in females, appears to occur later in malnourished populations, and has been seen to occur at younger ages in succeeding generations in more highly developed nations. 6 Dilatation of the descending branch of the right pulmonary artery and a prominent pulmonary artery segment proved to be the best tools for early detection of pulmonary hypertension. 7 We know scarlet fever to be an infectious disease affecting mostly children. 8 We know the most prominent function of blood to be carrying oxygen to the tissue. 9 Physical examination shows the lymphatic nodes of the neck to be enlarged. 10 The doctors believe the child to be out of danger. 11 We consider the above article to be of some interest to the students and its contents to be easy to understand.

Appendix A



Find the plural for the following words:

1 Mouse

a) mice; b) mices; c) mouses; d) mouse's.

2 Ox

a) oxen; b) oxen's; c) oxes; d) oxs.

3 Goose

a) geese; b) geeses; c) goose; d) goose's.

4 Child

a) children; b) childrens; c) childs; d) child's.

5 Foot

a) feet; b) feets; c) foots; d) foot's.

6 Tooth

a) teeth; b) teeths; c) tooths; d) tooth's.

7 Gentleman

a) gentlemans; b) gentleman's;

c) gentlemen; d) gentlesmen.

8 Woman

a) womans; b) woman's; c) women; d) women's.


Put in the necessary word:

1 I love reading. I've got hundreds of …. .

a) book; b) bookes; c) books; d) booken.

2 Today is a busy day at university. I have five … .

a) clases; b) class; c) classes; d) class's.

3 I normally have two … a year.

a) holiday; b) holidays; c) holidaies; d) holidayes.

4 They have four …, all girls.

a) childs; b) childes; c) children; d) childrens.

5 You must remember to brush your … after eating.

a) tooths; b) toothes; c) teeth; d) teethes.

6 … are cheaper than taxis normally.

a) bus; b) buss; c) bus's; d) buses.

7 My … hurt! We walked for hours today!

a) foots; b) footen; c) feet; d) feets.

8 There were a lot of … shopping this morning.

a) persons; b) person; c) people; d) peoples.

9 I have visited more than ten different … .

a) countrys; b) countries; c) countris; d) country.

10 In England, a lot of … like playing football.

a) woman; b) womans; c) women; d) womens.


Choose the necessary form of the verb to be:

1 The pupils … not at school today.

1) am; b) is; c) are.

2 Maria’s grandmother … from Brazil.

1) am; b) is; c) are.

3 I … a football fan.

1) am; b) is; c) are.

4 Peter baker … from Manchester.

1) am; b) is; c) are.

5 Manchester and London … cities in England.

1) am; b) is; c) are.

6 Hamburg … a city in Germany.

1) am; b) is; c) are.

7 I … a student.

1) am; b) is; c) are.

8 He … a doctor.

1) am; b) is; c) are.

9 You … a singer.

1) aren’t; b) is; c) isn’t.

10 She … an actress.

1) aren’t; b) is; c) am.

11. The evening … cloudy.

a) was; b) were.

12. The heart … beating in unison.

a) was; b) were.

13. The suburbs … far.

a) was; b) were.

14. The night air … cool.

a) was; b) were.

15. I accustomed to spend two evenings in every week with my mother and my sister.

a) was; b) were.

16. There … five people in my family.

a) are; b) is.

17. … there a flight to Paris this evening?

a) are; b) is.

18. There … nobody in the office.

a) are; b) is.

19. The manager of the company is leaving, so there … a new manager soon.

a) will be; b) is.

20. There … 5, 000 employees in our company.

a) are; b) is.


Put in the necessary form of the verb to be in Past Simple:

1 Last year Ann … 27.

2 Yesterday at 10 o’clock Rachel … in bed.

3 At 3 o’clock yesterday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Bond … in a restaurant.

4 ‘… the weather nice last week?’ ‘Yes, it … beautiful.’

5 When I … a child, I … afraid of dogs.

6 We … hungry after the journey, but we … tired.

7 The hotel … comfortable, but it … expensive.

8 Where are the children? They … here a few minutes ago.

9 Your shoes are nice. … they expensive?

10 … the weather nice when you … on holiday?

11 ‘… Kate at work yesterday?’ ‘Yes, she … .’

12 Where is my bag? It … on the table, but it is not there now!

13 ‘… Mark and Jack at the party?’ ‘No, they … .’

14 We weren’t happy with the hotel. Our room … very small and it … clean.

15 I like your new jacket. … it expensive?

16 Steve … at work last week because he … ill. He’s better now.

17 ‘… Sue and Kate at the party?’ ‘Sue … there, but Kate ….’

18 Yesterday … a public holiday, so the banks … closed. They are open now.

19 This time last year I … in France.

20 Where … you at 10 o’clock last Wednesday morning?

21 I feel fine this morning, but I … very tired last night.

22 Today the weather is nice, but yesterday it … very cold.

23 ‘Why … you angry yesterday?’ ‘Because you … late.’

24 ‘Where … Chris and Mary last week?’ ‘They … on holiday.’

25 At 8 o’clock yesterday evening Kate and Jack … in the cinema.


Choose the necessary form of the verb to have:

1 Mr. Scotford … two brothers.

a) have; b) has.

2 The man next door … had an accident.

a) have; b) has.

4 … you heard about my new job?

a) have; b) has.

5 Mr. and Mrs. Smith and their son … gone to Sweden for the week.

a) have; b) has.

6 … you bought a camera?

a) have; b) has.

7 … she got many friends?

a) have; b) has.

8 … you got a ticket?

a) have; b) has.

9 … they got any children?

a) have; b) has.

10 … he learnt how to use it yet?

a) have; b) has.

11 … we been there before?

a) have; b) has.

12 … my number been called yet?

a) have; b) has.

13 She ... a day-off every week.

a) have; b) has.

14 I … a good job last year.

a) have; b) had.

15 They ... orders next week.

a) will have; b) have.

16 He ... to get up early.

a) has; b) have.

17 I … a holiday last year.

a) haven’t; b) didn’t have.


Find the prepositions in the following sentences:

1 Do you believe … ghosts?
a) by; b) of; c) in; d) about.

2 This pasta consists … bacon and mushrooms.

a) with b) of; c) by; d) in.

3 I’m going to do some shopping … my grandmother.

a) in; b) to; c) for; d) by.

4 I've already heard the news. I know all … it.

a) with; b) by; c) about; d) for.

5 It was a real shame … the bad weather on our trip.

a) about; b) by; c) in; d) of.

6 We watched in amazement … the magic show.

a) of; b) at; c) to; d) on.

7 He said that he was scared … big dogs.

a) at; b) in: c) of; d) for.

8 Would you care … something to drink?

a) in; b) by; c) for; d) about.

9 I watched an interesting show … lions.

a) of; b) by; c) at; d) on.

10 I couldn't agree … what my wife said.

a) at; b) by; c) on; d) with.

11 There was a beautiful painting … the wall.

a) to; b) at; c) on; d) in.

12 The party should end … midnight.

a) to; b) in; c) at: d) on.

13 I was standing … the top floor.

a) in; b) with; c) at; d) on.

14 There is no need to get angry … me. it's not my fault.

a) in; b) on; c) by; d) with.

15 Did you know that he is named … his grandfather?

a) of; b) to; c) before; d) after.

16 That bag looks heavy. Let me carry it … you.

a) in; b) at; c) from; d) for.

17 Sorry, he can't speak to you. He's … the telephone at the moment.

a) by; b) of; c) at;

d) on; e) in.

18 I will speak to him later … phone.

a) at; b) by; c) on; d) in.

19 It doesn't look like that there is anyone … home.

a) in; b) at; c) of; d) to.

20 I've known her … about 5 years.

a) of; b) for; c) in; d) at.

21 Some believe that Christopher Columbus discovered America … the fifteenth century.

a) at; b) on; c) in.

22 America became independent … 1776.

a) in; b) since; c) at.

23 Calvin Coolidge, the 30th President of America, was born … July 4, 1873.

a) in; b) on; c) at.

24 Independence Day has been a paid federal holiday … 1941.

a) since; b) for; c) in.

25 People often watch firework displays … the evening.

a) on; b) in; c) at.


Choose the correct sentence:

1 a) Come quick or we will miss our bus.

b) Come quickly or we will miss our bus.

2 a) You drive so slow that I am afraid someone will hit the car from behind.

b) You drive so slowly that I am afraid someone will hit the car from behind.

3 a) I have never been more sure of anything in my life.

b) I have never been more surer of anything in my life.

4 a) Ella was the best of the two sisters at gymnastics.

b) Ella was the better of the two sisters at gymnastics.

5 a) You did that somersault so well.

b) You did that somersault so good.

6 a) Rochelle felt badly about forgetting Devlin's birthday.

b) Rochelle felt bad about forgetting Devlin's birthday.

7 a) This is the worse oil spill I have ever seen.

b) This is the worst oil spill I have ever seen.

8 a) The jasmine has bloomed and smells very sweet.

b) The jasmine has bloomed and smells very sweetly.

9 a) You look angry. What did I do?

b) You look angrily. What did I do?

10 a) She looked suspicious at the man wearing the trench coat.

b) She looked suspiciously at the man wearing the trench coat.


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