Put the verbs in brackets into a suitable future tense

1. Tomorrow afternoon at this time, we________ (to fly) over the Black Sea. 2. You ________(to stay) in Moscow for long? 3. I_________ (to live) with my sister while I am in Yalta. 4. Look! Those cars _________ (to collide) in a minute. 5. I wonder when they________ (to be) back. 6. My sister_______ (to come) to visit us tonight. 7. Hurry up or you_______ (to be) late for your appointment. 8. I _________(to leave) a message on the table for him. 9. I________ (to be) twenty-one tomorrow. 10. I think it________ (to rain) soon. 11. Your train______ (to arrive) there at 6 a.m. tomorrow. 12. I________ (to meet) you here at seven o'clock tomorrow. 13. I_________ (to show) you over. The house is ready for occupation. 14. "You _________(to repent) this," he threatened. 15. Please, come and help me tomorrow at 5 p.m. I ________ (to pack). 16. She writes she_________ (to finish) her course in June. 17. She writes she__________ (to finish) her course by next year. 18. When__________ (you/put on) another performance? 19. In two days time I__________ (to bathe) in the Red Sea. 20. When ________(the medicine /to be) ready? 21. I __________(to stay) if you_________ (not/ to mind). 22. She ________(to wait) for us at 10 a. m. tomorrow. 23. He_______ (not/to expect) a phone call from us till next week.

5. Translate into English.

1. Я собираюсь посмотреть этот фильм. Я уже купила билет.

2. Завтра, наверняка, будет солнечный день.

3. Завтра я поеду в университет на машине.

4. Пора упаковывать вещи. Мы выезжаем завтра утром.

5. Как только я приеду домой, я вам обязательно напишу

6. Джон через два дня сдаёт экзамен, он очень волнуется.

7. Завтра в это время я буду делать уборку в квартире.

8. Теперь, когда начались занятия в университете, я буду часто встречаться со своими друзьями.

9. Ты не будешь разговаривать с ребёнком таким тоном. Я этого не допущу.

10. Я дам вам эту книгу после того, как прочту ее

11. К этому времени мы уже закончим разговор.

12. Сколько времени ты будешь путешествовать до того, как вернёшься домой?

13. Я не успокоюсь, пока не узнаю, что они в безопасности.

14. Мы не сможем действовать, пока не получим ее согласия.

15. Сомневаюсь, что пьеса вам понравится.

16. Интересно, когда они вернутся.

17. Если Эмма опоздает, то мы уедем без нее.

18. Если Сэм об этом узнает, он придет в ярость.

The Past Tenses

The Past Simple Tense

The Past Simple is used to denote:

1. An action performed in the past.

He left fifteen minutes ago.

2. Past actions in succession.

He threw down his spade and entered the house.

3. Repeated actions in the past.

He used to go skiing every Sunday.

4. The Past Simple denotes the future in the past action in the subordinate clauses of time and condition.

He said he would be delighted if I visited him.

A friend has come back from holiday and you are asking him about it.


1. Where/go? ____________________________________________

2. Food/good? ____________________________________________

3. Make any friends? _______________________________________

4. People friendly? ________________________________________

5. Stay in a hotel? _________________________________________

6. How/travel? ____________________________________________

7. The weather/fine? _______________________________________

8. What/do in the evenings? _________________________________

9. Meet any interesting people? ______________________________

10. The room comfortable? ___________________________________

11. Go sightseeing? ________________________________________

12. What places of interest/visit? ______________________________

13. Swim in the sea? ________________________________________

14. The weather/splendid? ___________________________________

Complete the joke using the Past Simple of the verbs in brackets.

A businessman ____________(to want) to interview applicants for the position of divisional manager. There ___________(to be) several strong candidates, so he __________(to decide) to devise a simple test to select the most suitable person for the job. He ________ (to ask) each applicant the simple question, ‘What is two and two?’

The first applicant ________(to be) a journalist. He __________(to light) a cigarette, __________(to think) for a moment and then ___________ (to say) ‘twenty two’.

The second applicant __________ (to have) a degree in engineering. He _________(to take) out his calculator, _____________(to press) a few buttons, and ___________(to show) the answer to be between 3.999 and 4.001.

The next applicant ___________(to work) as a corporate lawyer. He ___________(to state) that two and two __________(can) only be four, and __________(to prove) it by referring to the well-known case of Gates v Monopolies Commission.

The last applicant ___________(to turn out) to be an accountant. The businessman again __________(to put) his question, ‘What’s two and two?’ The accountant _________(to get up) from his chair, __________(to go) over to the door, __________(to close) it, then __________(to come) back and ____________(to sit) down. Finally, he __________(to lean) across the desk and ____________(to whisper) in a low voice, ‘How much do you want it to be?’

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