Chapter 5. Modal verbs and their equivalents

Зведена таблиця модальних дієслів та їх еквівалентів

Present Past Future
I can do this work. Я можу виконати цю роботу I coulddo this work yesterday. Я міг виконати цю роботу вчора
I am able to do this work. Я можу (в змозі) виконати цю роботу I was able todo this work yesterday. Я міг (був у змозі) виконати цю роботу вчора I’ll be able todo this work tomorrow. Я зможу виконати цю роботу завтра
I must do this work. Я повинен виконати цю роботу
I have todo this work. Я повинен виконати цю роботу (мені доводиться виконувати цю роботу) I had todo this work. Я повинен був виконати цю роботу (мені довелося виконати цю роботу) I’ll have todo this work. Я повинен буду виконати цю роботу
I am todo this work. Я повинен (за домовленістю з кимось) виконати цю роботу I was todo this work. Я повинен був (за домовленістю з кимось) виконати цю роботу
Imaydo this work. Мені дозволяють виконати цю роботу I mightdo this work. Я міг би виконати цю роботу
I am allowed todo this work. Мені дозволяють виконати цю роботу I was allowed todo this work. Мені дозволили виконати цю роботу I’ll be allowed todo this work. Мені дозволять виконати цю роботу
Tools shouldalways be kept clean. Інструменти завжди потрібно тримати в чистоті
You ought tohelp them. Ви повинні (вам потрібно) допомагати їм.

Модальні дієслова can, may, must вживаються тільки в поєднанні з інфінітивами смислового дієслова без частки to.

Ці дієслова: 1) не мають неособових форм – інфінітивів, дієприкметника, герундія; 2) не змінюються за особами і числами; 3) створюють питальну форму шляхом постановки дієслів Can, May, Must на місце перед підметом, а негативну форму – шляхом додавання заперечення not.

Can – виражає фізичну можливість, уміння, здатність;

May – використовується, коли питають дозволу; у смислі отриманого дозволу і для вираження ймовірності;

Must – виражає необхідність, обов’язок, наказ або категоричну пораду.

1 Put in the modal verbs may or can:

1 I … finish the work tomorrow if no one bothers me anymore. 2 … we come and see you next Sunday at three o’clock in the afternoon? 3 What time is it? – It ... be about six o’clock, but I am not sure. 4 Only a person who knows the language very well … answer such a question. 5 … I come in? 6 Let me look at your exercises? 7 I … not swim, because until this year the doctor did not allow me to be than two minutes in the water. But this year he says I … stay in for fifteen minutes if I like, so I am going to learn to swim. 8 Libraries are quite free, and anyone who likes … get books there. 9 I … come and see you tomorrow if I have time. 10 Take your raincoat with you: it … rain today. 11 I don’t think I ... be here by eleven o’clock tomorrow, but I … be. 12 … you see anything in this inky darkness? 13 You … go when you have finished your test.

2 Ask politely:

1 … I speak to Mr. Pitt, please? - I’m afraid he’s out at the moment. … you ring back later? 2 If a letter comes to me … you please forward it to this address? 3 … you tell me the time, please? - I’m afraid, I … not. I haven’t got a watch. 4 … you lend me 2500 pounds? – No, I … not. 5 I wonder if you … help me? – With great pleasure. 6 Excuse me, … you tell me the time of the next train, please? – Yes, certainly. 11:30, platform 3. 7 … I have some more coffee, please. 8 … you come to the party at my place Thursday evening? Thanks a lot. What time? Is it something special? 9 Excuse me, … you tell me the way to the nearest underground station? – Oh, I’m sorry, I … not. I’m afraid I’m lost myself. Let’s ask the policeman over there. 10 … you help me with my luggage, please? – Yes, certainly.

3 a) Paraphrase the following questions using must. Answer the expressing obligation or the absence of necessity:

1 Is it necessary for us to read the text? 2 Is it necessary for me to visit him there? 3 Is it necessary for you to explain your choice? 4 Is it necessary for me to go to the meeting? 5 Is it necessary for them to meet her? 6 Is it necessary for me to leave at once? 7 Is it necessary for us to invite her tonight? 8 Is it necessary for him to speak to the Dean? 9 Is it necessary for her to consult the doctor? 10 Is it necessary for me to do it now?

b) Give the opposite of the following:

1 You must speak louder. (I hear you quite well.) 2 You must come at 9 o’clock. (the classes start at 10 p.m.) 3 He must hurry if he wants to catch the train. (He has plenty at time.) 4 I must stay home tonight. (Nobody is going to call on me.) 5 You must ring up home at once. (I’ve just had a talk with my family.) 6 You must speak to the Dean to arrange the matter. (The group leader … has already solved the problem.) 7 She must go to the clinic at once. (The doctor is coming here.) 8 You must take a porter to help you with the luggage. (You luggage isn’t heavy.) 9 You must post the letter at once. (I’m going past the post office.) 10 They must wait for his call until the morning. (He’s just rung them up.)

c) Use mustn’t/needn’t to fill the spaces in the following sentences:

1 You write to him for he’ll be here tomorrow. 2 You … make any noise or we’ll wake the baby. 3 We … open the lion’s cage. It’s contrary to Zoo regulations. 4 You … bring an umbrella. It isn’t going to rain. 5 You … do all the exercises. Five exercises will be enough. 6 You … make any more sandwiches: we have plenty now. 7 You … clean the window. The window-cleaner is coming tomorrow. 8 You … drive fast; we have plenty of time. 9 You … drive fast; there’s a speed limit here. 10 You … interrupt when somebody is speaking.

4 Tell the students what you or somebody else will have to do under the following circumstances:

1 Alice has missed so many English classes this term. 2 There’s something wrong with my record player. 3 Mary has failed her English exam. 4 Bob has made so many mistakes in his test. 5 I promised to give Nick a magazine to read, but I forgot to bring it today. 6 We are having a grammar test tomorrow. 7 I promised to return Jane’s player yesterday, but I forgot to do it. 8 George has kept the library book too long. 9 Jack wants to graduate from the university with honours. 10 My sister is coming tomorrow.

5 Complete the sentences with the correct form of can/could /be able to and an infinitive in the appropriate form:

1 He’s very fit for his age. He … (to run) really fast. 2 I’d like … (to work) with you one day. 3 He … (not to climb) up to the top: he was too scared. 4 We … (to go) to that concert tomorrow if the tickets haven’t been sold out. 5 I … (not to understand) what he says: he speaks too quickly. 6 Do you know where Nick’s glasses are? He … (not to see) very much without them. 7 Jonathan … (not to say) anything until he was about three years old. 8 We … (not to phone her up) because her phone had broken, but fortunately we … (to get) a message from her. 9 Amy’s exam results weren’t very good. She … (to do) better. 10 I … (not to sleep) very well for the last three nights. It’s been too hot. 11 You should … (to go out) when you want to. 12 … you (to come) to the party on Saturday? 13 She tried to think of other things but she … (not to put) that awful memory out of her mind. 14 I … (to ride) this bike soon: I just need more time to practise. 15 I … (to play) tennis really well a few years ago, but not anymore.

6 Choose the most suitable form:

1 It isn’t cold. You … wear a coat.

a) mustn’t; b) needn’t; c) can’t.

2 You … drive a car without a license.

a) needn’t; b) can’t; c) mustn’t.

3 He … get up early. It’s Sunday today.

a) must; b) mustn’t; c) needn’t.

4 You … ring her up. She is coming tomorrow.

a) mustn’t; b) needn’t; c) must.

5 If you want to speak English you … be afraid of making mistakes.

a) mustn’t; b) must; c) needn’t.

6 I go to bed early on Saturday: we are going hiking on Sunday.

a) can; b) needn’t; c) must.

7 You … wait any longer. You .. go now.

a) must; b) can; c) needn’t.

8 The weather is fine today. You … close the window.

a) must; b) needn’t; c) mustn’t.

9 She is waiting for you, you … hurry.

a) must; b) can; c) mustn’t.

10 He .. go to the library. I … give him the books he want.

a) needn’t; b) mustn’t; c) can.

11 You feel bad. You … go to see a doctor.

a) need; b) must; c) can.

12 I … be off. I want to go to bed.

a) can; b) need; c) must.

7 Choose the correct form:

1 It was raining and we … wait until it stopped.

a) were to; b) had to; c) must.

2 The time was fixed for his sailing. It … take place almost immediately.

a) had to; b) was to; c) must.

3 The meeting … begin at 5 sharp. Don’t be late.

a) is to; b) must; c) has to.

4 I … tell you frankly that I think you were wrong.

a) am to; b) have to; c) must.

5 I had a sleepless night. I … go and see the doc ant get him to give me something. I can’t go on like that.

a) was to; b) must; c) had to.

6 He inquired when the secretary ... come.

a) must; b) had to; c) was to.

7 I want you to obey me. You … do exactly as she says and make no noise.

a) must; b) are to; c) have to.

8 He lost all his money at the races and I .. lend him five pounds.

a) was to; b) had to; c) must.

9 Which of you … bring the magazines and newspapers?

a) is to; b) must; c) has to.

10 The rope was so strong that I … take a knife to cut it.

a) must; b) had to; c) was to.

11 I … help my friends with this work now. So I can’t go with you.

a) must; b) have to; c) am to.

12 We’ll … push through the crowd to get to them.

a) must; b) have to; c) be to.

13 They didn’t answer my first knock so I … knock twice

a) must; b) was to; c) had to.

14 One … have a rest after a day of hard work.

a) is to; b) has to; c) must.

15 Give him a something to eat. he … be hungry.

a) must; b) is to; c) has to.

8 a) Change the following sentences using the polite forms “Would you mind?” or “Will you please?”:

1 Give me that box of matches. 2 Don’t talk while I’m talking on the phone. 3 Take these letters to the post-office. 4 Turn the TV-set off. 5 Don’t smoke in the dining-room. 6 Wait a few minutes. 7 Don’t make so much noise. Try to come early this evening. 8 Help me to lift this box. 9 Come another day. 10 Type this letter. 11 Have a cup of coffee with us. 12 Let’s go for a walk. 13 Switch on the light. 14 tell her about it.

b) Make suggestions using “Would you like”:

1 You want to invite your friends to the cinema. 2 You want to offer your friend a cup of tea. 3 You want your friends to join you for a meal. 4 You want your friends to have a holiday with you. 5 You want your friends to come back to your flat. 6 You want your friend to have a game of chess. 7 You want your friend to go a swim. 8 You want your friend to do the shopping with you. 9 You want your friends to see your new photos. 10 You want to invite your friends to the disco.

c) Make sentences with like or would like:

1 I’m thirsty. I … cold beer. 2 Peter always has a winter holiday. He ... skiing. 3 Henry has a very good library He … reading. 4 My car is 15 years old. I … a new one. 5 I’m tired after my work. I ... have some rest. 6 My sister has a dog, two cats and two birds. She ... animals. 7 In summer we are going to London. We … see some places of interest there. 8 My sister visited many art galleries. She … painting. 9 My father lives in a house near the sea. He … sailing. 10 I enjoy travelling by sea. I … visit distant lands. 11 My friend often goes sailing. He … staying up on deck and sitting up in the sun. 12 I’ve got a complaint. I didn’t have any hot water in my room this morning. I … move to another room. 13 It takes me hours to get to the office. I … a new job not far from my house. 14 No, thanks, I won’t have any more tea. I … sit and have a talk with you. 15 Laura is an excellent tennis player. She … playing tennis day and night.

1 Модальне дієслово shall виражає обіцянку, намір, загрозу, застереження:

He shall be a doctor. Він (таки) стане лікарем.
The child shall be punished for it. Дитину буде покарано за це.

2 Модальне дієслово shall також виражає запрос відносто нподальших дій:

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