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Chapter 12. Word-formation

Основні словотвірні суфікси

Частина мови Суфікс Приклади словотворення
1 Іменник -ion -ment -ance (-ence) -er (-or) -ant (-ent) -ness -ity -dom -ism -ist -ship to decorate – decoration to develop – development to perform – performance   to work – worker to assist – assistant happy – happiness active – activity free – freedom social – socialism social – socialist friend – friendship
2 Прикметник -able -ive -al -ful -less -ic -ous -y to count – countable to act - active continent – continental beauty – beautiful help – helpless history – historic mountain – mountainous rain –rainy
3 Дієслово -ate -ize (-ise) -fy -en to decorate to organize to electrify to broaden
4 Числівник -teen -ty -th six – sixteen six – sixty six – sixth
5 Прислівник -ly nice – nicely

Основні словотвірні префікси

Префікси Приклади словоутворення
un- to dress – to undress important – unimportant like – unlike
dis- to like – to dislake appearance – disappearance advantage – disadvantage
mis- re- in- im- ir- de- non- pre- over- co- en- ex- anti- to undersand – to misunderstand to write – to rewrite attentive – inattentive possible – impossible regular – irregular to mobilize – demobilize effective – non-effective war – prewar estimate – overestimate existence – coexistence large – enlarge minister – ex-minister war – antiwar
counter- balance – counterbalance

1 Which of the following verbs do not form their negatives with DIS-? Form the correct negatives of the given verbs:

agree appear approve believe
continue do dress infect
inherit like obey organise
place please prove satisfy

2 DE- can be used with different meanings. Divide the following verbs formated with DE- into two groups:

When it means to remove or remove from the stated thing, e. g. defrost,

2) when it means reversing the process described by the original word, e. g. deactivate:

decentralise declassify decode decolonise
decompress dehumanise dehydrate deindustrialise
delouse dematerialise demilitarise demist
depoliticise depopulate deregulate destabilise

Which of the following adjectives form their negatives with IN- and which with UN-?

definite deniable dependent desirable
destructible determinable dignified direct
disciplined discreet disputable distinctive
distinguished drinkable edible edited
educated effective eligible equal
estimable even just exceptional
expected explored fair faithful
fallible familiar fashionable favourable
finite flexible forgettable formal
fortunate friendly fulfilled grammatical
grateful healthy identified idiomatic
imaginable important intentional  

4 Look at these examples and add more of your own, using the root words below with one of the negative prefixes in this list:

DIS- disagree ... IL- illegal ...

IM- immature ... IN- indirect ...

IR- irregular ... UN- uncomfortable ...

accurate approve convenient decent
expected familiar kind known
legible like literate lucky
moral obey patient personal
popular possible probable regular
relevant satisfied tidy tolerant

5 OVER- can be used with different meanings. Divide the following words formed with OVER- into five groups:

When it means too much; excess of, e. g. overpaid,

When it means power, e. g. overcome,

When it means above, beyond, across, e. g. overseas,

When it means outer; covering, e. g. overalls,

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