The novosibirsk state conservatory of music

Up to recently the Novosibirsk Conservatory of Music was the first and the only music higher educational institution in Siberia and the Far East. Young people devoted to music here to become professional musicians in each sphere of music art, composition, experts in music. A fair number of graduates become teachers of music schools and colleges, they are members of music organization and work in musical theatres all over Russia and abroad.

The Conservatory of Music was opened in 1956 to admit 58 students. Now, the student’s body is about 800. One can hear good music all day long in the daytime and at night. The Conservatory of Music stands in the very centre of the city in Sovjetskaya Street. 31. On the left-hand side is the monument dedicated to M. Glinka — the first composer of Russian National Style, whose name our conservatory bears. On the right-hand side is the Central Post-Office.

On the ground floor there is a hall with a magnificent staircase leading to classrooms, laboratories and studios, a cloak-room and a canteen. A good library with a fine selection of musical and fictional literature is also on the ground floor. The conservatory's Maly and Bolshoi Halls are used for concerts and meetings

Students study at six faculties — piano, musicology and composition, choral conducting, folk instruments, vocal singing and orchestra (violin, viola, cello, double-bass, harp), symphony conducting, and graduate courses (for vocal singers and musicologists). To enter the Conservatory one has to take rather difficult entrance examinations. The course of training lasts 5 academic years.

The violin school is of special pride and is connected with such names as A. Azatyan, A, Amiton, G. Pekker, M. Libermann, Z. Bron and many others. The young talented violinists have won the excellent reputation at various International competitions. Among them areV. Repin, M. Vengerov, A. Barachovsky, etc. The students gain experience in collaboration with the Novosibirsk Symphony Orchestra under the direction of Prof. A. Kats. There are a lot of brilliant orchestra musicians — A, Shustin B. Butch, V. Sokolov, etc. The vocal singing faculty was founded by Prof. V. Arkanov. Much attention is paid to versatile musical education of future singers — they study several foreign languages, among them Italian, French, German and English. The piano is a must for all the conservatory students. Choral singing has occupied a very important place in Russian musical life. The existence of the faculty is due largely to the enthusiasm of choir masters, such as V. Minin, S. Mussin, Yu. Braginsky. The Folk Instruments Orchestra of the Novosibirsk Radio and Television under the direction of Prof. Gusjev is one of the best orchestras in the country. In the conservatory there is a specialized secondary music school where advanced ways of teaching the younger generation are applied. For the same purpose the Music Lyceum was set up around ten years ago.

The Conservatory Museum has a lot of exhibits which attract a great number of visitors.



- to include into the cast; to decide; to get the part; to expect much of

- getting through the role; to rehearse; partners; to instruct; to imitate; in his opinion; no doubt

- on seeing the rehearsal; the director; to be pleased; to be astonished; to appreciate; what he heard was ...; in his opinion; to be sure; to be a success; to be flattered

- to be excited; to have a feeling that; to hear and see nothing; to be astonished; to forget; to prompt; to try to do one's best

- the performance; to fail; silence; no applause

- the director; to be angry; furious; to come backstage; to leave the theatre; to be afraid

At the concert (a lesson of good manners)


1.Who is your favourite singer? Do you often listen to his songs? Have you got cassettes with his/her songs at home? Have you ever gone to the concert of this singer? Which of his/her songs do you like most of all?

2. What comes to you minds when you think about a concert? What associates with the word «concert»?

3. Do you know anything about Promenade Concerts or «Proms»? Listen to a story. Try to understand what the word «promenade» mean and who invented and why such concerts.

In 1895, Sir Henry Wood conducted the first Promenade Concert in London. His aim was to make classical music more popular and to encourage young people to get to know the great masters of the classical music - Mozart, Bach, Beethoven.

In order to make the atmosphere more informal, people were allowed to stand and even walk around - «promenade» - during the concert. Seats were cheap and the crowds flocked to attend. Now, the Proms, as they are usually called, are the most important annual classical music festivals in Britain. Many concerts are sold out. They entertain and delight audiences of all ages all over Britain.

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