Divide into pairs and tell each other about the day, given on the card

2. Make up your own timetable: what do you usually do during your working day and when?

When? What?

3. Divide into pairs and cover the second part of your timetable. Ask questions to each other to find out information on the time. What do you do at ….?

4. Make a short story about your partner’s typical working day.

Answer the following questions.

1. What time is it by your watch?

2. Is your watch fast or slow?

3. When is it past the hour and when is it to the hour?

4. Do you know the names of the big clocks in England?

Divide into pairs and tell each other about the day, given on the card - student2.ru

Write 20-25 sentences about your working day on your timetable.

TOPIC: My future profession

1. What professions do you know? Fill in the spider – gram:

Divide into pairs and tell each other about the day, given on the card - student2.ru

Match these jobs to the pictures.

Lawyer shop assistant photographer secretary teacher

computer programmer bus driver journalist nurse builder

Divide into pairs and tell each other about the day, given on the card - student2.ru

3. Answer the question:

What qualities and qualifications do people need for their profession?

4. Read the paragraphs about people and their professions and answer the questions:

1. What are their professions?

2. What qualities and qualifications do they need?

3. Why did they choose their professions?

Melanie, 34

Divide into pairs and tell each other about the day, given on the card - student2.ru I love working with children and teaching them. I love Math and I want the pupils to know it well. Of course, I need teaching qualification and I graduated from the University. Also I need training courses. You know, teachers should be kind and polite, good looking and hardworking. Yes, you should have a sense of humor and good communicative skills.

Bill, 50

Divide into pairs and tell each other about the day, given on the card - student2.ru I work with animals, I like them very much. The salary is good and I work not far from my house. If you want to work on my profession you should have at least a college education or a higher education. Also you should love animals, you should be kind, attentive, patient and intelligent and, certainly, you should have a good knowledge on your profession.

Sam, 25

Divide into pairs and tell each other about the day, given on the card - student2.ru I work with people. I protect them in the family court. Everybody in my family is of that profession. We have own company.You should have a higher education and also be experienced. I should be smart and intelligent, you should be exact and should know how to explain your ideas and prove your point of view. And also you need good communicative skills and an excellent knowledge of law.

Look at the texts below and fill in the chart. Add more words.

Qualities Qualifications

6. Answer the questions:

1. What qualities and qualifications do you need for your future profession?

2. Why did you choose that profession?

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