Ex.26. Learn the dialogues by heart

· I say, Betty, what are your plans for the weekend? · Nothing special, why?
· Come and have dinner with us. I’ll introduce you to my family. · Thank you. That’ll be fine. I’d like to meet your people. Is your family large?
· Yes, our family is quite a big one. There are eight of us. I have two sisters and three brothers. · Are your sisters as pretty as you are?
Oh, they are both prettier than I am. Ruth is the prettiest girl, I know. They both have long fair hair, but Ruth’s hair is longer and fairer than Margaret’s. Besides, Margaret is fatter than Ruth. She doesn’t like you to say she’s fat; and we tell her she will get thinner when she gets older.   · How old is she? Is she of age?
· Margaret is the youngest among us, sisters, she’s 14. And Ruth is 18. You might know, Ruth is going to get married. · You don’t say so! But she is so young. Your mother must be very upset.
· She sure is. Parents are always upset when their children leave the family. The news of Ruth’s engagement has nearly killed her in fact. It was so unexpected. · Do you know the boy?
· You know him too. It’s John, John Simons. · Well, it’s a surprise. He’s a nice fellow, so intelligent and well-bred. I’ve known him for years.
· But he looks so strange. So very tall, with a small head, too large gray eyes, big ears and that long sharp nose of his. He looks old for his age. · Oh, you’re exaggerating things. He is a bit too tall, but his big gray eyes are clever, kind eyes.
· Frankly speaking, I wish his face were not so ugly. · Why, I like his face: there’s something awfully nice about it. He isn’t ugly at all, especially when he smiles and shows those perfect teeth of his.
· I thought, Ruth would choose Henry. He is serious but decidedly handsome. They would make such a nice couple. · You’ll never make me agree with you. Henry is good-looking, indeed, but there is something unkind in the look of his green eyes. I always feel uncomfortable, when he looks at me. It’s wise of Ruth to have chosen John. You know: Appearances are deceitful, a fair face may hide a foul soul.
· That’s true. I hope John will prove to be a good husband. · Please, tell me about the others in your family, Ann.
· Well, the youngest and the smallest in the family is Fred, he is the baby of the family, he’s only three. He is a sweet little darling, too serious for his age, sometimes very naughty · It’s quite natural for a boy of his age. Does he resemble you?
· Just a little. Fred has taken after our mother, and I’m the picture of my father, they say. Then there are Hans and Peter, the twins. They are exactly as old as each other, thirteen, and people can hardly tell one from the other. · I’m looking forward to meeting your family.
· We’ll be waiting for you on Saturday · Settled

Ex.27. Insert the correct words and learn the idiomatic expressions:

A) Head, heart, face, neck, stomach, foot, hand, skin, arm, shoulder

1.– Would you like to be a mountaineer? - Oh, no, I don't have a very good ... for heights.

2.Don't get too involved with those people. Keep them at... 's length.

3.You may not like him, but you've got to...it to him. He's a financial genius.

4.Every time he opens his mouth he puts his.. .in it. I've never seen anyone make so many embarrassing mistakes.

5.She likes to keep her feelings to herself. She's not the sort to wear her... on her sleeve.
6.I should go to the meeting but I just can't...it.

7.I find horror films absolutely revolting and I just can't.. .them. They make me feel sick.

8. The pass mark was 65 and he got 65.3, so he made it by the.. .of his teeth.

9. She will lose...if she has to admit she made a mistake.

10.Ironing is my least favourite activity. It's a real pain in the ...

11.If I were you I'd vote for Joan. She's...and...above the rest.

12.I hadn't the...to tell him I'd already eaten after he'd gone to so much trouble cooking dinner.

B) teeth neck foot eyes ear nose

1. I'd like to come but I'm up to my_________in work at the moment.

2. I can't understand why he turned up his _______at such a good job.

3. He lied through his_______to the police.

4. You'll have to put your ______ down if he asks to borrow more money.

5. Keep your _________ to the ground in case there's any more news.

6. I see no point in risking my__________ just to prove how brave I am.

C) fingers and thumbs head and shoulders hand to mouth

hand over fist tooth and nail eye to eye head over heels

1. He'll fight.......... ..... ………..to prove his innocence.

2. They were obviously.... …………………in love.

3. He was making money……………….. and spending it as quickly.

4. I was so nervous as I opened the letter that I was all……………….. .

5. She left the firm because she didn't see …………………..with her boss.

6. One particularly good candidate was …………………above the rest.

7. We lived from.... ……………………….in the early days, never knowing where our next meal would come from.

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