Ex.8.Fill in the suitable word in the proper grammatical form


People appear (1) _____ in different ways. Some people expect (2)______ mistakes in their studies and are capable of (3)______ from their mistakes. They don’t mind (4) ______ by their teacher and indeed often ask (5) ______ corrected.

Others, however, dislike (6) _____ mistakes. They try to avoid (7) _____ anything which they might do badly. They would rather ( 8) _____ something in small steps and be sure they have got it right ( 9) _____ attempt to do a task based on a subject they don’t feel they have finished (10) _____ yet.

Both ways of learning seem (11) _____equally valid, but a combination of the two may be the best solution. In (12) _____ to learn effectively, students have to remember ( 13) _____ risks sometimes. But they also have to feel comfortable and secure with with what they’re doing so (14) _____ not to become demotivated. All students should at least think about (15) _____ the way that they approach learning.

( Macmillan Exam Tests for Russia. Grammar and Vocabulary.Intermediate / Malcolm Mann, Steve Taylore- Knowles, Elena Klekovkina, 2006, - P.111)

Ex.9.Fill in the suitable word.


There are many ways of making sure you ____do (0) well in the examinations, both before and during the exam. If you don’t ______ (1) much experience of examinations, read the following notes carefully. First of all, if you are ______ ( 2) the exam the next day, make sure you ______ (3) a good night’s rest. Check that you know exactly where the exam is going to ______ (4) place. You should not sit the exam on an empty stomach so ______ (5) a good breakfast – but don’t overdo it. Don’t forget to ______ (6) with you a pen, pencil and eraser. Try and get to the examination centre in good time so you ______ (7) enough time to find the right room. As soon as you ______ (8) your answer sheet, ______ (9) a deep breath, check your name and number and ______ (10) any errors to the attention of the supervisor immediately. Read the instructions carefully and ______ (11) your time answering before the invigilator ______ (12) the exam to a close.

Ex.10.Fill in the proper word.


You are doing a Grammar test. Your friend, who’s sitting next to you, really wants to succeed (1) _____ the test. There is a question (2) _____ the use of the Present Perfect Tense, which you have been learning (3) _____ recently. You know a lot (4) _____ it, but your friend isn’t really capable (5) _____ answering the question properly. Your friend whispers “Help me!” to you. What should you do? Should you help your friend (6) _____ the question, or just continue (7) _____ your own test?

Every student has to cope ( 8) _____ this difficult situation at some point. What’s your opinion ( 9) _____ cheating? Should you help your friend cheat ( 10)______ the test or not?

( Macmillan Exam Tests for Russia. Grammar and Vocabulary.Pre-Intermediate / Malcolm Mann, Steve Taylore- Knowles, 2007, - P.29)

Ex.11. Translate into English:

1. Хорошее знание английского языка – это вклад в мою будущую карьеру.

2. Требуется большой труд, чтобы овладеть иностранным языком.

3. Я имею следующие навыки изучения языка: вести словарик и регулярно повторять новые слова.

4. Я всегда ставлю перед собой цели в учебе, например, выучить 5 фразовых глаголов каждую неделю.

5. Как много вы занимаетесь вне занятий?

6. У моей подруги хорошее знание грамматики и беглая речь.

7. Экзаменационная комиссия похвалила студента, т.к. его английский был безупречным.

8. Он был явно американцем. Его выдавал акцент.

9. Учиться следует не только на своих ошибках.

10. Ты изучал испанский на курсах или брал частные уроки?

11. Изучающим английский язык как иностранный приходится труднее, чем изучающим его как второй иностранный язык.

12. Более одаренные лингвистически дети схватывают язык на лету.

13. Студенты имеют обыкновение заучивать длинные списки слов наизусть, но это едва ли самый эффективный способ.

14. «Повторение – мать учения» - вот золотое правило успеха.

15. Успеха не добьется тот, кто неохотно реализует свои знания в реальной ситуации.

Ex.8.Fill in the suitable word in the proper grammatical form - student2.ru Module ______________________



Answer your names, please.

I’ll call out your names.

What was your homework for today?

Take out your books/ put away/

Open your books at page…

Begin/ start reading.

Begin reading from the second paragraph/ fifth line from the top (bottom) of the page

Read as far as the bottom of the page.

Read till the end of the paragraph.

Read a little louder (slower, quickly).

Read the text aloud (to yourselves).

Don’t read/ go so fast, you are reading very/too fast.

Go on reading until I tell you to stop.

Go on reading from where she left off.

Carry on.

Now, turn over the pages /turn to page…/

That will do/ that’s enough, thank you.

What can’t you understand? What’s the matter?

Did she make any mistakes in her reading?

Translation: translate/ there are 2 variants/ to translate word for word.

How do you translate…?/ What is the English (the Russian) for….?

Variants in translation (not versions) / Who has a different variant?

Look up the new words in the dictionary.

Working at the blackboard.

Come to the blackboard! Clean the blackboard! Write on the blackboard!

I am going to write the new words on the blackboard. Divide the blackboard into 2,3,4 parts, columns.

Draw the line down in the middle of the blackboard! Look at the blackboard!

Wipe off the blackboard, wipe off the word, and use it correctly.

Use the duster; don’t use your fingers!

Correct – incorrect

Write down in abbreviated form, not fully.

Copy something down.

Spell out the word (orally)

Stand aside (at the blackboard, don’t leave)

Step aside – (go to the place)

Go to your place /seat/ - (when one is at the blackboard)

Asking the task.

I’m going to…

Ask questions on(about) the text /Answer some questions to the text

Answer some questions in turn / Don’t answer out of turn

Repeat- (what has been said before) / Say it again ( if a mistake was made)

Say it all together (not in choir)

Speak up / a little louder (I can’t hear you)

Listen how I say it (listen to me)

Don’t interrupt her (not interfere-physically mostly)

Stop (don’t) prompting her

To leave cut (of articles, prepositions)

To use the wrong word

Be careful, you are still making the same mistake

Hang up (put up) the picture on the wall

Look at the picture! What can you see in the picture?

Written test

Take out your copy-books

Write (put) the date, your name

Leave a wider margin

Distribute – collect

Hand in – hand out

Home-work (from the text-book) /Task- (smth. additional to work on)

Assignment- (some informational, individual task –outside class-room, smth. additional)

Evaluation – end-of-term evaluation

Average- (above-, below-)

You are not up to standard

Mind your pronunciation, intonation, spelling

Be careful with your…

Your mark (for today) is only “a three”

You’ve got “a three” today


Sit (stand) still, don’t fidget, quiet, please

You are very noisy today

Don’t look out of the window, look into your book

Don’t all speak at once

Wait till it is your turn

Try harder

You haven’t been (are not) listening to what I’ve said

Put up your hands/ raise your hands

Take it down/ write down / put down

Don’t call out

To check (up) homework / go through

Plug on (switch on) the tape-recorder at the main socket ( wall socket)

Empty/spare disc

Number of the tape

Head/ ear phones

Turn up (down) the volume ( sound)

The sound needs adjusting/ regulating

Play back

Wind/ rewind the tape onto its disk

The tape is twisted

Straighten out the tape and rewind it

To break the tape. Get the glue and join the tape

Press-buttons – stop-buttons

Switch over to the loud-speaker


Ex.1. Make the following sentences interrogative and negative:

We must work with the tape-recorder.

Must we work with the tape-recorder?

You needn’t work with the tape-recorder.

You may take those ear-phones.

You can write the word in transcription.

She has some palatalization in this noun.

You may switch on the tape-recorder.

They must learn the poem by heart.

He has to spell the word distinctly.

Ex.2. What does the teacher say if: ( Try to expand)

a) a student speaks in a low voice

b) he can’t catch what the student said;

c) she wants to ask a student to take a tape-recorder to the lab;

d) a student speaks slowly;

e) he asks a student to help his friend with his grammar;

f) he asks the monitor to collect the papers.

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