Употребите местоимения much, many, a lot of там, это где необходимо

1. Sue drinks ...tea.

2. We'll have to hurry. We haven't got ...time.

3. Did it cost ...to repair the car?

4. I don't know ...people in that town.

5. They've got so ...money they don't know what to do with it.

10. Перепишите и письменно переведите текст. Сделайте лексико-грамматический анализ текста: 1) Выпишите прилагательные в сравнительной и превосходной степени, переведите их на русский язык. 2) Подчеркните предложения во временных группах Perfect. 3) Подчеркните предложения, где употребляются модальные глаголы can, may, must, have to.

The World's Longest Mail Run

Every Saturday morning a small plane flies from Port Augusta on the South Australian coast into the outback. It carries letters and parcels to people who live in the loneliest and most dangerous part of Australia. Writer Dan Middleton hitched a lift on the world's longest mail run.

'It was 8.30 am and 30 C when we took off from Port Augusta. It was hot and it was going to get hotter as we headed towards the great Australian outback.

For hours we flew across the bush, landing every now and then at a cattle station or a small town. In places the landscape looked exactly like the moon, and was just as empty. Some cattle stations, with their small homes in the middle of nowhere, seemed like the loneliest places on earth.

Our last stop was at Birdsville, a small town on the edge of the desert. After Birdsville, you are literally 'on your own'. The town has a population of 70, and in the summer the temperature reaches an incredible 50 C. But this doesn't seem to worry the local people. The people I talked to were proud of Birdsville, with its primary school, its pub and its Flying Doctor service. Many of them worked for the cattle stations in the area.

After Birdsville we headed back to Port Augusta and civilisation. The mail run had been an exciting experience. The dry, beautiful landscapes, the wide open spaces and the interesting people are just some of the things that make the Australian outback unique.'

Контрольная работа №3


Страдательный залог временных групп Indefinite, Continuous, Prefect.

Простые неличные формы глагола. Infinitive.

Герундий. Значение, употребление и перевод на русский язык.

Participle I, II. Особенности перевода.

Модальные глаголы: could, should, ought to, have to, be to.

Рекомендуемая литература

Качалова К.Н., Израилевич Е.Е.. Практическая грамматика английского языка с упражнениями и ключами. Элиста: Издательский дом ``Успех'', 2004. С. 164-184, 240-250, 260-274, 276-297, 411-439.

Резник Р.В., Сорокина Т.С., Казарицкая Т.А. Грамматика английского языка: Теория. М.: Ин. язык, 2001. С. 117-124, 142-150, 150-158, 158-161, 234-239.

Raymond Murphy. Essential grammar in use. A self-study reference and practice book for elementary students of English. Cambridge University press. 1997. Units 21, 22, 50-53, 109-114.

Raymond Murphy. Essential grammar in use. A self-study reference and practice book for intermediate students of English. Cambridge University press. 1998. Units 41-45, 52-67, 91-96.


Вариант 1

Употребите глагол из скобок в нужной форме (Present Indefinite Passive).

1. ...these rooms (to clean) every day?

2. Glass .... (to make) from sand

3. Stamps (to sell) in a post office.

4. This room (not to use) very often.

5. ...we (to allow) to park here?

Напишите предложения из слов в скобках, используя Past Indefinite Passive. Письменно переведите предложения.

1. (the office / clean / yesterday)

2. (how / these windows / break?)

3. (three people / injure / in the accident)

4. (my bicycle / steal / a few days ago)

5. (when / this bridge / build?)

Замените в следующих предложениях действительный залог страдательным, обращая внимание на времена группы Continuous (A), Perfect (B).

1. They are building a new ring road round the city. (A)

2. Somebody is using the computer at the moment.

3. I didn't realise that somebody was recording our conversation.

4. They have built a new hospital near the airport. (B)

5. Somebody has cleaned the room.

6. When we got to the stadium we found that they had cancelled the game.

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